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1 - 10 of 1198294 Posts
what exactly does fibrous portal expansion with rare portal to portal bridging fibrosis mean? I Did try to look it up but need a medical dictionary and it never really explained the rare part. Anyone?

I'm 44, female. I have two heart problems. One is the prolapsed anterior mitral valve which I did the echo-test in 2001. Unfortunately couple days ago, only 10-15 minutes after start in my body combat class, like a heart attack, I fainted, heart pain an...

i had surgery for mycardial bridging about 8 years ago. i was wondering if once you have the surgery can you have problems again. i have been short of breath for about 2 weeks and been having slight chest pains and have been really tired lately. my ekg ...

What is stage 2 grade 3 and should I consider going on Interferon, Ribavirin and Victrelis?

What does this look like and will a blood thinner really help? Besides weight lose, is there anything else I do to have quality life? I am 72 and over weight. Thank you and God bless.

My husband just had an echo with troubling results. His EF was 30 with LV dysfunction and dilation (6.8cm), also mild to moderate tricuspid regurg. Last year his EF was 60 with no LV dysfunction. Sixteen years ago he had an MI due to vasospasm. He has ...

I'm a 61 year old female, have two mechanical heart valves and am contemplating complete shoulder replacement. Do the risks of stopping coumadin a week before surgery outweigh the advantages of the surgery? How does bridging work?

Hello. I'm not really sure what my question is, it's like a lot of little questions stuffed into that long title. My son was born a premie, 7# 4oz & was on a heart monitor til he was nearly 11 mo old, but not because they thought anything was wrong wit...

Dear all, The condition that I have currently is myocardial bridging. One doctor view the angiogram frames said that I also have a 50% blockage of LAD diagonal branch. Kinda contradictory as another doctor said I didn't have blockage in that area. I ...

Dear experts, I am a cardiologist from Berlin, Germany. I have a female patient with mysterious symptoms. She became seriously ill at age 16 and complaints of heart problems. The female patient with childhood lagging behind in physical development. With...

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