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can renauds syndrom occur in the feet

Hi, I appear to be having a reaction after eating peanuts the last few weeks. Sensation of burning / itching on face and trunk. It seems to develop a little while after eating and lasts for a few hours. I am now 19 weeks pregnant. Most likely have ...

I went to my Family doctore October 11th I was diagnosed with Bronchitis, Ear infection, Sinus infection, and Pink Eye (by looking only no swab) I told her I have had problems for a couple a months prior to getting this Super Bug I was diagnosed with..Even...

Hello All, I am posting because back when I was first dx'd with FMS all the forums and FMS groups I saw were predominately peopled with folks whose FMS was really bad and though it was nice to know that I wasn't the ONLY one in pain and tired and sick a...

I have allergies & a runny nose like crazy making my eyes watery. Tylenol doesn't help!!

Hello Doctor, Is it possible that I have built up a tolerence to loratadine after using it so many years? I have the usual allergy symptoms: sneezing, itchiness, runny nose and hive breakouts. I'm allegic to dust, pollen and grass, no food or medic...

Hey all, so I've been suffering with CU for 6 months now. I have seen my doctor, allergist, dermatologist, and an acupuncturist, and no one can figure out what's causing the hives. I don't physically have the hives on my body unless i put pressure somewh...

I have a 35lb F Am Bulldog 6 mo puppy who is currently on Royal Canine Vegetarian Formula (2 months now) per vet recommendation to rule out food allergies. However, I am still on a steady regimen of Temaril-P because when I try to wean as recommended, she ...

Hi ladies! I just left my primary doctor because I have a bad sinus infection and can barely breath. He gave me an antibiotic and told me I need to take Sudafed now and in the future before it gets this bad. My OBGYN office is closed already today so I ca...

I have just started on Lipitor for what has been determined to be a genetic predisposition to High Cholesterol level. The physician wishes that I be maintained on 10 mgs. daily. However the Rx. was written for 40 mgs, to take one half tablet every secon...

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