11 - 20 of 1048912 Posts
Hello 8 years ago I had cataract lens replacement in right eye followed by lasik surgery. Previously I was extremely myopic at -18D. I needed lasik as the replacement lens made me far sighted and I couldn't cope. Following these ops I started to get sev...

Hello, I’ve been diagnosed with a “little” cataract and a corneal keratopathy (a calcification on the cornea!) on my left eye. The doctor removed the cataract and scraped this keratopathy. It has been 6 months since then and now my eye is worse than befo...

You have "recurrent corneal erosion syndrome". The condition is common and will not destroy your sight or cause serious loss of vision. It has been discussed in the past in the eye care forums. It usually starts after a scratched cornea that does not heal ...

I saw on another thread that there is a link between RCE and autoimmune diseases, such as MS. Is this true? I got diagnosed with MS three years ago. I have been suffering from RCE for a little longer than that. I have done all of the muro, lubricat...

Dear Sir or Madam, I have been using contact lenses for the past 4 years (B&L yearly lenses for myopia). About 3 months back i had my first brush with corneal abrasion/scar. My ophthalmologist gave me antibacterial, growth factor and eye lubricant to use....

Hello, I wanted to get an opinion about the blurred vision of my right eye where the corneal abrasion had occured. I hit my eye when the wind blew and had the aglet of my hood string poke me directly in the eye. I was given antibiotics and tear drops in...

On January 15th, I had cateract surgery on my right eye. I have a had a cloudy eye since then, with very little imporvement. In fact, almost none at all. I ahve take drops that the opthamolgist prescribed/ He id say it would take some time to correct o...

I have been diagnosed with a corneal wrinkle. I have been on prednisone 1%/ 2 drops daily, and artificial tears 4 times daily, for four weeks. Not much better. I see double and blurred. I'm 85. Is there an alternative to scraping ? Different drops? ...

I have been seeing my eye Dr. for treatment of RCE following an injury that happened no more than 2 months ago. I didn't realize it was RCE for weeks (thought maybe just dry eye aggitated where I was healing...) until getting online, and made an appointmen...

January 9 last year I was working in the garage on something, can't remember what, and while walking into the house it felt like something was in the right side of my right eye. Thought it would go away and it didn't. So the eye has been irritated for ...

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