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21 - 30 of 89859 Posts
anyone have any info on using Clonidine .1 mg for opiate withdrawal systems? Suppose to be a high blood pressure medication, but says it can be used for withdrawal systems too? wondering if it really works?

Does any1 knw how long you usually have to stay on clonidine after getting off opiates? And am I still considered in detox even tho its bn twelve days? This is just got me confused considering its the first time I have done this

so i just got out of the ER. i had a stroke 7 years ago and my leg was getting really numb again and i thought i was having another stroke. i told the dr. about my hydro addiction and he said that the symptoms i am having are from the w/d's. he gave me so...

My doc prescribed me some 0.3 clonidine tablets ,he said it would get me thru the nasty WD ,he only gave me a script 4 six of them which is three days worth I'm suppose 2 take 1 n the am & anotha in the pm starting 2morrow 4 the next 3 days&he said I shoul...

Does anyone have info on Clonidine? My daughter is in Medical detox and they are giving her this during her detox. I'm just wondering if it is another addictive drug or if it is just an aid in the detoxification. I would assume they wouln't give her som...

i was wondering if anyone heard of clonidine and can give me any info id appriciate it my dr just perscribed it for me cause i have been having anxiety ALOT and trouble sleeping and its from going CT from vics thanks god bless you

Where do I get clonidine

Has anyone used BP med Clonidine for W/D?

anyone know how long the clonidine patch takes to start working, I started using it last night for opiate withdrawls. 6 yrs. of use and it is time to end this vicious cycle; i was taking 60 mg. methadone for a back problem a day. today is day 2.

I have been on HRT (cream) for five months & I am STILL getting hotflashes. Doc has upped dosage but . . . .what is going on? She gave me oral hrt, but two days on that, I was an emotional weepy mess. This journey started 5 yrs. ago & I really want a full ...

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