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21 - 30 of 1191336 Posts
Hi, Thanks for providing this forum :) My egfr has gone down over the past 11 months from 65 to 54 (I am a 58 year old woman) I haven had blood in my urine constantly for at least the past 11 months - the level of that has gone from 27 erethrocytes to 1...

Hello everyone! I was on Zyprexa for about six months, and found that it helped treat a bunch of my symptoms. I'm happy that I don't have to deal with all the faces and the voices. However, I miss some of my friends. I have two recurring buddies" a...

I was sent to a nefrologist (?) and was told my kedneys were functioning at 38% I want to know what stage of kidney disease I am in. can you tell from this number?

My husband just had his valve replaced and his creatine levels are high as well as his BUN. His RBC is low. He had to stay in hospital an extra day because of his creatine. He is home now and had his blood work done with Cardiologist and it showed his crea...

Should I ask my doctor about my kidney function? Data: 31 year old male; Blood panel 1 - Creatinine 1.4mg/dL, Protein 8.0 mg/dL, GFR 59.1. Blood panel 2 (~80 days later) - Creatinine 1.5, Protein not tested, GFR 54.6. I'm not a doc, but a quick look ind...

Hi! I'm new to this group but was hoping to find some insight. I have 2 children and the youngest is 10 months and I had hypertension during both of my pregnancies. After I gave birth my blood pressure lowered again but this past week I have had bad high b...

Hey. First and foremost, thanks to those who make this forum possible. It’s such a valuable resource to so many and a jumping off point for informative dialogue with their PCPs and/or Specialists. A friend of mine is worried about her son and is confli...

Could someone out there please tell me what it means to have a creatine serum level of 1.05, an eGFR level of 54 and a Bun/Creatine Ratio of 23? Lab work says creatine is high, eGFR level is low and my ratio of Bun/Creatine is normal. I also had a fasting...

Is it mad to smoke marajaua if not how long is it ok for me to smoke it

Hi all, Has anyone experienced low BUN and creatinine blood test? How is it common in people who have cirrhosis? All feedback would be appreciated. Thank you,

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