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21 - 30 of 350715 Posts
My little girl has started freaking out for no reason at all when eating. She will eat for about 3 to 5 minutes and then quit. It almost looks like she has some gas issues, but it's not gas. She has not been sleeping well or eating well. As far as I ca...

Why do i feel like my pelvic bone is a bout to brake?

A transsexual squirted breast fluid in my face yesterday and I may have gotten several drops in my eye. Am I at risk and should I be tested for hiv?

Hi this my first ever question on here so i'm hoping i get some response. anyways i'm 37 weeks pregnant tomro with 2nd baby and am suffering from really bad rib pain under my right breast, midwife said theres nothing to do and to wait till baby drops lower...

Gotta have this, gotta have that. No!! Less is more!! Second baby first is almost 9 years old. Need crib, have that with built in shelf dresser and changing table. Clothes diapers wipes obviously... Play pen car seat, what else do you have to have for babi...

I am almost 10 weeks pregnant and I am literally having nausea ALL day EVERY day it is killing me like the taste in my mouth is horrible does anyone know if those little ******* pops & ******* pop drops work?? Help PLEASE

Does anyone have advice on what I can do to alieviate some of this pain while they are growing inside me? My whole tummy is just tight and no matter what position I am in it HURTS. It feels like they are going to rip right out of my belly.

I don't know who else to ask so I figured id come on here. Is it normal my baby boy is really fussy all the time? I at first thought its because he is gassy and its nearly impossible to get him to burp. But when we do get him to burp he still fusses so muc...

I am in the beginning stages of figuring out why I have High potassium (going for a re-test next week) but in the meantime, I have a killer ear infection and doc gave antibiotics but said to avoid pain killers. Im in soooo much pain . . .what about aspri...

Anyone know what I can do to relieve pain and pressure. My ear is killing me I have a dr apt in a few days but its hard to sleep I keep getting shooting pains its hard to hear out of it and it feels pressure and jus hurts. I used peroxide but that hasn't ...

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