31 - 38 of 38 Posts
I have a 7 month old, whom has been hospitalized 1/2 of his life. He was in the NICU 3 days after he was born, and put on EleCare for GERD. Later put on Omeprazole, and then added Axid...tried Zantac in lieu of Axid, due to unavailability while hospitali...


HELP Please... . Our 7 month old wakes up every 90 minutes due to his silent reflux. The Axid and Prevacid both made his stomach upset worse. So now he's only on Nutramagin formula, rice cereal and fruit. The pediatrician says to make his formula ex...

Hi everyone i was diagnosed with GERD about 2 years ago and have tried all different types of meds none of which seem to help my symptoms lately i have been experiencing a dull neck and chest pain on my left side and also shortness of breath and some light...

I was on the Hep C therapy, for a little over three months. The side effects were so bad (me personaly) that the doctor took me off them, I did come down to non detectable virus load. I have been off the MEDS, in 2 days, I will be off them for 4 weeks. I ...

Cally, my four month old was two months premature due to double placental abruption caused by complete placenta previa. She was diagnosed with sleep apnea in the NICU. After a month long NICU stay we took her home, then took her back three days later whe...

For six-seven months my body gets hot on and off, but in my thermometer temperature is always 36.5-37.00, chronic sore throat, after that i was diagnoset with oral thrush(candida) my doctor sugest to me to have an hiv test because of my symptoms in mean ti...

Looking to make friends with others who have autoimmune urticaria and share stories, symptoms, food for thought, etc. Anyone game?

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