31 - 40 of 1227559 Posts
ok I will list my symptoms starting with Optic Neuritis- last summer no I have blurred vision occasionally and double vision as well unbelievable fatigue-really, its awful red splotches on my skin in my lower leg and when you touch them its painful lu...

Hello, Im 20 years old and I have two masses in my right breast but one can esaliy moved and its size 2cm X1cm and the other not moved with size 1cmX1cm my doctor say after physical examination and ultrasound that it like to be Fibroadenoma--which is a b...

I have two lumps in my armpit. They hurt when I put pressure on them. Can someone please tell me what is happening?

Hi, I have lumps in both armpits for many years (5 year plus at least, maybe 10). They are located in the hollows of my armpit (1 in each armpit) and are quite large (maybe 3-5 cm diameter). They are symmetrical, as they are located in both left and r...

My dog has a pimple size hard red bump on his outer ear. It doesn't bother him when I touch it, but it hasn't gotten any better within the last 2 days, it is still the same size. Does anyone have any idea what this might be?

can someone tell me what it is. My bones stick out of my knee,chest,back,fingers,ankle and toe

Hi all i have noticed i have lots of what appears to be fatty lumps across my chest and down my biceps, they feel like little lumps of tissue under my skin when i pinch them? Im not really in too good shape and could do with loosing a stone or two but i...

my dog has a cut on his ankle and you can see the muscle. he also was shaking and now he cant walk and he has to lumps on his shaft of his penis what is wrong?

my question is all lumps found in armpits a sign of breast cancer? i have these lumps for more than ten years now, it doesn't hurt but it grows bigger now and i am a bit worried about it. But how come i can't feel any pain? nothing at all?

Hey everyone. I have only been on Copaxone for about 3 weeks, and I am getting big lumps that are itchy in all of my injection sites. I do everything I am supposed to... heat before, ice after, rotating sites, lightly massaging 24 hours after injecting, et...

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