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31 - 40 of 84176 Posts
suggest some tips to take care of my wife during pregnancy period

Hi,I had rough sex with my boyfriend (which included fingering and oral sex too) due to which right side of my labia minora (vaginal lip) has swollen. At first I thought it will go itself in few days but its been few months now, and it didn't go. Is it dan...

i have heard that when some women have orgasims, stuff comes out like a man's...i have never had this experience...but i know when my boyfriend hits a certain spot during intercourse..i feel like i have to pee...he says just to relax and let it come...but ...

I have undergone partial thyroidectomy 7 yrs. ago could i still have hyperthyroidism? and I'm having palpitations, easily irritated and an unease feeling a week before my menstruation,and my hips swell during ovulation period..

i had my mirena remove 2 weeks a go and i tried to get pregnant and i also though i was like 5 days pregnant but i started to bleed for 2 days and it stop could i be pregnant how can i know if its my period or something else

I am 54 years old and after a scan have been told that i have an enlarged ovary - does this always mean cancer or can it be something else? the want me in hospital asap and that is scary....

Im 17 years old and since coming off my last menstrual cycle I have noticed that I have been producing milk.. i am not pregnant nor have i had a baby. Just wondering what this could be and if it was anything i should be concerned about.

About two weeks ago I shaved my bikini area and used Nair because we were going to the river. When I got into the river the water was so hot it scalded the area that I shaved and used wax. Plus, during the summer I tend to sweat in this area and under my...

I noticed a couple of days before i started my period that i had itching in the very bottom of my vagina close to the anal. I figured it was a yeast infection becasue i did have white stuff between the lips. I read when you start your period it takes it aw...

I suffer from lack of sex drive for about 10 years. I have tried a lot of so-called aphrodisiacs and so on, but have had no success. I was on Zyban for 2 months and noticed that my sex drive returned to a normal state, but was not allowed to take this fo...

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