41 - 50 of 54 Posts
I have been suffering with dailey migraines for 8 years. Different levels of pain and each one over lapping the next. I have had several MRI,eyes checked, teeth checked and they all say there is nothing there that would cause the problem. Saying that I hav...

Everyone on the yahoo support group tells me that my vet should have reccomended SubQ fluds for Rascal and should also have given him something for anemia due to his lab results (hct). I read about Azodyl and epakitin via a post that you made for someone e...

Hi, I have been taking 5mgs oxycontin 3 times a day. Total 15mgs daily. It's 33 hours since I last took it. I want off as it constipates me very badly and I already have a serious constipation problem due to a dysfuntion of my autonomic nervous system....

My child was diagnoised by some doctor to have a.d.h.d. His mother started him on folcalin then concerta he has more problems now at school and cant even read he's in 2nd grade. I want him off the crystal meth (a.k.a) Concerta i believe is killing my son h...

I've been on Tramadol's for about one year now, maybe longer. I started out fine and usually took less than prescribed. This summer I worked landscaping job and could work all day if I took more trams. It seems the trams help me do other things too, lik...

On July 21st 2008, I started developing "giant hives". I tried Benadryl, the hives persisted and continued to grow to reach approximately 6-8in in diameter and were raised a half inch off my skin. They last anywhere from 16 to 48 hours before subsiding. ...

Hi there, My beautiful 7 year old blue cattle dog has very recently been diagnosed with Stage 4 Kidney disease. She had been off her food for a while and a little lethargic so we took her in to the vet's on the 16th of May and she took a total blood co...

My daughter has been usffering from a persistent nausea for over 2 years. She has a morning sickness type nausea that is constant and nothing makes it better or worse. She has had multiple tests that indicate that her GI system is functioning properly......

My daughter age 14 has continious headaches on a scale of 1-10 she never goes below a 2 and sometimes goes up to a 9, 10 and even higher at times. No over the counter pain relievers have worked and two prescriptions from her Neurologist have not worked. ...

A couple of months ago my 34 month old was just sitting at the table coloring and she started crying out, as though she pinched a finger of such. When I asked her what happened, she just kept crying. So I asked "where does it hurt?" her reply was "my sc...

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