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41 - 50 of 350715 Posts
so i have a sore throat and ear ache ive been drinking tea taking halls and infant Tylenol is this safe ? and any suggestions ?

I think my daughter who is 7 weeks old might have an eye infection. She has a yellow discharge coming from her eye... is this an infection? Will she need a trip to the doctor or is there something I can do to relieve it at home?

I was on Pred Forte drops for 3 months four times a day. I recently weaned off over 3 weeks and been off for one week. I am having pain, dryness, increased redness, & itchiness worsening at the end of the day. My retinal surgeon said if I started having ...

I have a ten month old daughter who wakes several times a night with stomach pains. She will wake a minimum of three times during the night (generally after midnight) and will wriggle around the bed whimpering until she has passed a large amount of gas. ...

I am a 24 year old female who has been diagnosed with cavernous angioma in my left tempral lobe, veinous angioma in my fight frontal lobe, and possible fibromyalgia. My symptoms include fatigue, nausea, constant headaches, sleeplessness, and partial comple...

dr i have a large cold dominant nodule in my thyroid. i had radiation to reduce my thymus gland as an infant. i am going for a biopsy this thursday and surgeon wants an ear nose and throat dr to check my vocal cords. i am scared of cancer help me thank you...

I was just wondering if this drug/website is credible, and/or if anyone has used this (to help with floaters or dry eye). Thanks.

I have had a pain in my eye for a few days and now if I even look into the light my eye is excruciating. Any ideas i used eye drops with some small relief..

My 6 month old started to have tremors 3 weeks ago. They started while in a relaxed state, after a bottle, eyes closed almost asleep. The first 3 episodes started in the hands and lasted only a few seconds. The last two were in the same conditions, star...

i went to the ER last night and he said I have an ear infection. Now this morning my ear is hurting 10x's worse then it was last night. Now i cant feel the right side of my face and there is an unbeiliveable pain in my neck. Is there anything I can do or w...

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