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Ok I have a long question...I have a 3year old daughter....she is in daycare...she has always seemed to be more sick then my other two children..at 7weeks she was hospitalized for RSV...and the months to follow it was illness after another...croup, fifth d...

Please help, anyone! My daughter is 3 years old, this is her 3rd week almost in a row, having a fever that lasts for 3 - 4 days and has gotten up to 103. I have taken her to the Dr. repeatedly, and they put her on antibiotics, give her a shot and send us h...

My 3 year old grand son has been plagued by continued sinus infectons, ear infectons, rashes, fevers that spike, come and go, congestion, vomiting, and coughing off and on for several weeks since August. He first started daycare around the same time. He ha...

My 5 year old has been hospitalized 2X in the last year fo 106.8 F fever. The first time {Feb. 09} they attributed it to a virus but had given him an antibiotic via IV just in case. No tests confirmed nor denyed a virus. After 3 days on IV fluids and th...

My 20 month old grandson has had vomiting for almost a week. He has had a history of reflux, but this past week he has had some projectile vomiting, no fever, and just can't keep anything down. What should we do? No fever, his pedi thinks it's a virus and ...

My dog has just finished a round of clavamox for a uti ...now she is vomiting anything she puts on her stomach. What should I do?

Looking for some suggestions about my 14 year old son. I will give a brief history of his health since August. - August 28 came down with a cold/flu for about 2weeks (mild to moderate) - Sept 25 came down with another cold/flu for a week (moderate) - O...

My three year old daughter keeps randomly vomiting. I'm not sure why. It's usually at night time and before and after she acts fine. She also has no other symptoms. should i take her to the doctor or just deal with it when it happens?

For the past 10 months my son has had many issues, First he had pnemonia, then on him birthday things got worse, he was vomitting for 2 days then we took him to the doctors where he found out he had strep, his tonsils always remained enlarged and then he f...

Starting Last tuesday my 3 month old son started throwing-up.. three times on tuesday none on wed. once on thursday none on friday three times saturday and Yesterday. He has no fever, and nothing is different when he does throw up. It is now projectile ......

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