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1 - 10 of 41402 Posts
I am 2 months along and I also have a 9 month old breast feeder! I haven't been to my first prenatal appointment yet, and I was wondering if there are any tandem feeding mommas out there who breastfeed during pregnancy? My mom advised me to wean my daughte...

I have a 10 month old that I'm nursing. We'd like to get pregnant again but I haven't gotten my periods back yet. I have ovulation test strips and am not ovulating. I don't want to stop nursing yet. Any ideas here?

Hey ladies, I have a 6 months baby. Still breastfeeding. My cycle is 7 days late. I decided to do home preg text and is positive. I texted my doctor. She said I can still breastfeed my baby. Has anyone experience this before. Okay to continue breastfeeding...

ok i just had a baby girl 5 months ago. i was wondering when i could start trying for baby#2. im breastfeeding right now and on the mini pill. i havent gotten a period yet..except for april i had some spotting but nothing since. any suggestions on what i n...

I'm currently 13 weeks pregnant and still nursing my almost 17 month old son. I want to continue nursing him throughout pregnancy and birth of my second. I was just curious if there are any other moms doing this, and if so how is it going for you? I have h...

So I'm at my Dr appointment and I see a pregnant girl breastfeeding a baby about 8 -10 months and I'm in shock! lol How is she gonna be able to breastfeed both babies when her second is born? Should she even be breastfeeding? shouldn't she stop breastfeedi...

And become loose? How did it affect insulin delivery....? Can u tell when it is loose?

I breastfeed my 8 mth old and have just found out I'm pregnant, is it ok to continue BF, what issues are there?

My elder baby girl is of one year now and I m 6weeks pregnant. M confused whether or not to stop Breast feeding to the 1st child in this condition....

So i have a 1 year old son that is still stuck on breat milk im due in like 2 months and i have no idea how to stop breastfeeding him its soo hard /: icant put him to sleep with out breastfeeding ireally need some ideas to stop breastfeeding him anyone on ...

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