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1 - 10 of 317802 Posts
do atasol 8's stay in your system for very long

If someone took 10 hydrocodone 7.5mg tablets at once what would happen to them?

We don't call it Vicodin in Canada but it's the same stuff and available over the counter. I've been using it for about 2 years and average about 30 per day @ 8mg Codeine, 125mg acetaminophen. Concerned about liver damage and want to stop but not cold tur...

I have been taking Acetaminophen with caffeine and codeine for over 20 years at extemely high doses...over 50 x 325 mg daily. How come my liver has not failed?

Hi all I'm new here and a bit nervous. I've been taking co codamol 30/500 for around ten years for rheumatoid in my back. I've began to worry that these could be giving me stomach, liver or kidney damage. I can't take NSAIDs and my cocodamol do he...

What can I do for my pressure headache? I have been prescribed Fioricet andit usually works, but sometimes it doesn't. What can I take as an alternative? I have been suffering now for 3 days and just cannot take it any more. Please help.

I'm from Scotland and am on cold turkey from taking 30/500 tablets . Been on them for years and I'm on day 4 -. Flu symptoms and legs ache and need to keep moving them , have taken some advice but is there anything elsi I can do . How much longer will this...

Thought this might be the place to post. Okay, my 2yr daughter had a real bad virus. Cold sores all in mouth and couldn't eat. Anyway, doctor gave us some APAP/CODEINE for her to take. Here's my question...She was on this for about 7 days, 3/4 tsp every...

hey guys im new on here so dunno how it really works like but here goes...ive just been prescribed co codomol for foot pain and ive heard it can be addictive,ive had a history of substance abuse but doc hardly questioned me,do i take it and hope il b ok or...

I have been on codiene for 3-4 years now but in the last 2 years have gotten up to 200-500 codienes a day. Like others on here I move around to different pharmacies as well when I buy bottles of them. They are bought over the counter here in canada. They h...

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