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Search Results for "Desonide"

1 - 10 of 380 Results
Using Promiseb works well for me, but my insurance does not cover prescriptions for it, and trial sizes are not always available at my Dermatologist. I was able to get Desonide cream filled and wondered if I should expect any good results from Desonide. Is...

Hello, It all started September 2011, I noticed a red blotch on my left breast. I used the internet for information and it brought up everything about Inflammatory breast cancer. So I saw my doctor and she referred me to a breast surgeon. I saw the surgeo...

Does protopic and desonide help stop hypopigmentation ezcema?

I am a 24 year old female. At the age of 12 I started getting a red discoloration on my cheeks, slightly above my eyebrows, and a little on my chin which was slightly flaky. I do have dandruff in my hair. I was diagnosed with Seborrheic Dermatitis by my de...

For many years since a teen I came down with some sort of rash to the face and treated it with Hydrocortisone daily probably once a day to the face. After some time, I learned this was bad and began to take other topical creams to keep my face at bay from ...

what could cause there to be red blotches around the base of my penis, and one on the head of it? its not DARK red, more like pink but it worrys me. it is not itchy and there is no discharge/fluid. the doctor doesnt think it is an std (havent had sex in ...

I use to have them before a couple of months,then I concerned a doctor and then he recommended me the Desonide Lotion,after applying it for a month,patches were gone and after few weeks it has been starting again,the white patches have started to appear ag...

My 5 month old baby has had a horrible red rash on his cheeks and chin for a few weeks now. My derm is telling me it's eczema and to apply desonide ointment to it. My problem is my baby rubs his eyes, cheeks and mouth while he sleeps. We put socks on hi...

It started back in September 2011, I started getting red blotches on my breast skin, they are just red, they don't itch, they don't scale , burn or have any symptoms other than the redness and being there. I was so afraid of Inflammatory breast cancer, ...

Hoping my story saves some heartache and trouble for people who experience red, itchy skin on their face like I did. Over the last few years, my face started becoming very itchy and red, causing me much aggravation and suffering. Medication provided initi...

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