Search Results for "Tiagabine"

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"Certain anticonvulsant drugs may be linked to an increased risk of suicidal acts or violent death, according to an analysis of prescriptions and insurance claims data by Boston researchers...."

Welbutrin has worked for me for years, but about 8 days after starting Topamax for migraine control, the depression is kicking my butt. Could the Topamax be responsible? I would rather have migraines than be depressed!

Elizabeth's new neurologist did not give up like he said. We haven't been able to get a diagnoses of MS but the lab work came back as Stiff Person Syndrome. We haven't been able to fine much on it. This Neuro said he will not give up on the MS but right ...

I just got this information about adding warning notices on mood stabilizers (like Lamictal - which I take). The drugs which must now carry...

Hi, I'm a 46 year old woman who has been dignosed with fibromyalgia. I had my first dx about 8 years ago. I was also tested for many other things, but because they all came back negative, the rheumatologist just told me there was nothing more he could do ...

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