Search Results for "2011"

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My dear kindred souls, Since I began my first battle with the dragon, circumstances aligned my weapons to come from a 2007clinical trial where rescue drugs were a no-no. After 48 weeks and 3months I lost the battle. I lost the man I loved. I lost my ...

Good afternoon everyone! Is there any way of finding out which Drs attended the 2011 AASLD besides picking up the phone and asking him personally? I have left msgs for his nurse and am not getting returned phone calls. I assume she didn't return my call...

Hi, my name is Erin and this is my 3rd pregancy in 8.5 months. I had 1 miscarriage at 5 weeks in December and lost monoamnionic/monochorionic twin boys at 13 weeks in April. We are praying that this baby sticks!! The only thing I'm really experiencing...

Hello Everyone and Congrats!! My name is Jackie and I am pregnant with my first child. I am estimated to be due on March 1 2011 if you go off my LMP. I have my first Ultra Sound on the 12th so along with my HCG level I should get a better idea next week. I...

Wow im finally getting to join a baby group how exciting. Im currently a stay at home mom with two boys ages 6 and 3. Df and i fell pregnant in january 2010 but sadly ended in a missed mc april 2, 2010. Im happy to say we are expecting once again and due 3...

Hello All, Doctor just informed me that my due date is March 26, 2011 Yay! This will be #4 for my hubby and I!

Does anybody know when MH will be putting up the community for March 2011 babies? I'm due March 8th!! Thnks in advance!!!!!!!!

Browse > Home / Ask FactCheck / 2011 Tax Increases 2011 Tax Increases September 3, 2010 Q: Will "the largest tax hikes in the history of America" take effect next year? Will ordinary taxpayers see taxes "skyrocket"? A: That’s not likely. A scary...

For those of you out there who are just getting positive results, we have started a new Medhelp Forum for babies due July 2011 - Please join us, so we can share our journey, ask questions and support each other during this exciting time :) Tessa h...

I know this is a couple weeks late but i thought it might be fun to share our goals. My goal is to be at my goal weight by Fynn's first birthday...I know it seems a little selfish and I should have a goal that is about Fynn but I think that being healthier...

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