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Search Results for "Ak Spore Top"

1 - 10 of 79840 Results
Since after 2008, I noticed I've developed a brown spot in my eye, and I didn't notice it's shape change until it shifted from an oval/round shape into an irregular shape. I wear glasses, and when I went to the eye doctors at the time they said it was just...

I've had recurring sinus, sore throat/ laryngitis, asthma, PND, lower respiratory infections (viral and/or bacterial) since last spring, worse since this past fall. Antibiotics seem to quickly albeit temporarily clear up the green/yellow but other lingerin...

When I was in my early 20s (about 40 year ago) someone tossed a small metal alligator clip to me when I wasn't prepared and when I looked up it hit me in my right eye. I believed it cause a hyphema and I was immediately taken to a nearby hospital ER. They...

Got tested hep results...HBs-Ag(ECLIA)negative,HBs-Ak(ECLIA) < IU/1 ,HBc-Ak(ECLIA)positive...please help interpret.Thanks

I don't have redness or rashes or bumps in my anal region but I give of a little unpleasent scent and in that scent there is either a spore or air borne bacteria that cause people to sneeze or get a small pain in their gut intestines area then a little poo...

I just want to ask how safe are condoms?? And i m going to have sex in some days for the first time so any precautions to avoid pregnancy? Please help me. I'm as pro Second Amendment as you can get, but I would rather buy a 4th hand AK-47 from Somalia to defend my home than buy this guy's prod...

I had Crystalens implanted in Feb of 2013. I have had my up close and intermediate vision doubled. I had an astigmatism and dry eye but was told I was a candidate (I was 58 at the time) I have seen two doctors and am now headed for a third opinion. A Y...

I had IOL implant 5 years ago and having difficulty due to 2.50 astigmatism and also corneal abrasions. Can the astigmatism be corrected with Lasik or AK procedure considering I have a moderate amount of corneal abrasion ? I am also scheduled to have a c...

Und zwar hatte ich mit einer unbekannten Sex gehapt die ich nicht kenne und nach 14 Tagen habe ich den HIV1/2-Ak test gemacht und der war negativ und dan nach 35 Tagen hab ich den PCR-RNA Test gemacht der war auch negativ und dan wieder nach 56...

1 - 10 of 1 Results
Condoms, when used correctly and consistently, are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.

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