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Search Results for "Caffeine"

1 - 10 of 15114 Results
When is it ok to have caffeine again durning pregnancy?

I'm craving a green tea frappuccino from Starbucks sooo bad!!! Do you guys think 8th would be ok to get a small one?

I'm addicted and I know it's a no no and that decaf would be just the same but I'm having a hard time turning down my chai tea lattes from Starbucks and my coffe first thing in the morning. I'm not really a soda drinker at all so that's the only source of ...

what're your thoughts on caffeine while pregnant? I know you're not supposed to exceed a certain amount but my sister drank coca cola all day throughout her pregnancy (baby was fine)

How do they expect a pregnant person to cure down on caffeine. It's easy to tiring to create a human being! Haha

Im 12 weeks pregnant and ever since I found out I was pregnant at 7 weeks my only craving has been Pepsi. I have a headache when I don't drink it & it has to be Pepsi no other type of soda. Before I got pregnant I didn't even drink soda. I just wanna know...

Why do people say its so bad for me?? I'm 11 weeks and all i want is pepsi!!! But k drink a lot of juoce cause people say caffeine is sooo bad?? But why???

Can caffeine hurt my baby?

This is my first pregnacy and I'm 28 weeks is it okay to drink coffee?

I love my caffeine! Sofa coffee whatever keeps me going, how many of you found it really hard to cut back being that your pregnant?

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