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Search Results for "Lactulose"

1 - 10 of 908 Results
Is there anything else they can give me instead of lactulose to take ammonia and toxins out of my system? I think I've ask this before but for some reason they wouldn't give me anything else, maybe my insurance wouldn't cover it?

Hi everyone. I'm looking for some input from everyone taking Lactulose Oral Solution. Should you take it before or after you eat a meal. There seem to be mixed views. Here's what I've been doing: 8:00 am - Harvoni on empty stomach, before brea...

My cat was recently put on Lactulose for constipation. Right after she started I noticed her water consumption went up. About 8 months ago she had a complete blood panel done and she was fine. She was also negative for diabetes and hyperthyroidism. Has any...

Hello Dr. Schiano, I have end stage cirrhosis (C) and I also deal with hepatic encephalopathy. My last lab test revealed my ammonia level to be 69. This has been greatly effecting me. I feel like im in a daze all day long. This morning I went into our spa...

why would lactulose cause me to stay swelled in stomach, but Kristaloose does not?

Dose lactulose come in pill form?

What can I use in place of the lactulose solution? I have liver problems.

how long can a person go with out lactulose

Im wondering if anyone else has had experience with a dramatic ammonia spike. My fathers went from 20 while be treated with lactulose to 193 while in the hospital after we took another down turn. Its been a week and is barley able to talk or communicate. W...

My husband has been diagnosed with cirrhosis and he has been prescribed lactulose. He goes to the bathroom with diarrhea all day long. Is this normal? He quit taking it for a week and still had really bad diarrhea so I made him start taking it again. He do...

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