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Search Results for "Levbid"

1 - 10 of 41 Results
I have been reading thru all the comments on Sphincter of Oddi and it is frustrating to see so many people having the same symtoms for years I saw as far back as 1999 and yet there is still so little help out there for people with this problem. I know tha...

I need help so bad. I have had severe abdominal pain for over a month that is not the norm for my body. Ultrasound yesterday showed nothing. Gastro has me on Levbid, Norco, Prevacid, none is helping except a few hours relief from the Norco. I do not know w...

My doc diagnosed me with SOD 4 weeks ago and put me on netriptolin and hyomax. They seemed to help the 2 week I took them but now my pain is slowly growing worse day by day. I don't know what to do if it gets as bad as it was before. I have been dealing...

My GP thinks I have SOD. I have not been evaluated because I have no insurance. I would like to know why the pain is so intense in the back and also what meds could be used to get the sphincter to relax and quit hurting. tjamls. Al

My stool smells really bad, when i use the restroom i gez nobody can choose to go there after me. There is this bad smell from my skin/stomache. I took a stool test and found out that i have bacteria and low volume of ALT. I am taking Lebvid, that this mak...

I see I am not alone..I am concerned as I have this very loud stomach noise for hours after a meal! It is very embarrassing and I cannot control it. I would like to know why as it has only been perhaps tha last year. Is this an age thing, or could it ha...

I had a 3/4 colon resection,which means they took 3/4 of my colon out,after the surgury I have excessive foul smelling gas,a small appetite, and very loose stools, I have tried everything probiotics,yogurt,beano,levbid a perscription to slow my colon,But I...

In October 2002 I had my gallbadder removed which left me with a bile leak and nearly killed me. Since then I have had many visits to the doctors and was sent home with a new pill and told that I was alright After a few horrible attacks after the bile lea...

In February of 2008 I had a lap chole just 2 weeks after giving birth to my second child. I also had severe acute pancreatitis (normal lipase is under 300 and mine was over 39,000) due to stones in my bile duct for which I had an ERCP the day prior to the ...

What kind of test(s) do they do to find out if it is SOD.... I am asking because my boyfriend is 40 years old and he has been sick for 2.5 years and the docs can't figure out why he is so sick all the time and they took his gallbladder out and he also h...

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