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Search Results for "Ultravate Pac"

1 - 10 of 1767 Results
Few months back I was diagnosed for Lichen Planus and prescribed to apply Ultravate (powerful corticosteroid ointment). Overuse of it lead to parasthesia (tingling in hands and feet). All complications where parasthesia is a symptom have been ruled out. A ...

Hello, I've had vitiligo for the last 6 years now and it is slowly progressing to larger spots on my hands and other places of my boby. Is there a treatment yet for Vitiligo? Also can it be linked to thyroid disfunction? Thanks, Cecile

So who all here has PACs? Not PVCs. I wore a 24 holter and it said there was 1 PAC noted. Then I read that PACs can turn into Atrial Fib. Now I am really worried. Anyone??

I recently wore a 24hr holter monitor and it revealed 1 PAC. I was not worried about this at all as my cardiologist said not to worry. Well of course having the anxiety I do, I googled (bad thing to do always). It said that PACs can turn into A Fib. Th...

have had pacs a long time get them for 10 weeks at time than they go away ,have not had for 3 years but this morning woke up with lots them. but i have lots air in chest, burps does anyone elsa have this with them and are they causeing the burps/air or is...

I am having pac;s. Several per minute for 11 hours now. ER says go see doctor in 48 hours if not better. Is it safe to have an irregular heart beat for so long? How long is safe?

This is here, other boards and including doctors? Are PAC's not just as common? I ask because everyone thought PVCs were causing my palpitations however it is actually PACs once caught... Why are these never brought up as a possible cause?

Are pacs in couplets more dangerous? I don't know what I'm having. I feel two quick beats but no pause. Just beat- beat -beat -beatbeat- beat- beat-beat-beatbeat-beat. I'm wondering if these are pacs or pac couplets. I'm not feeling it all the time, ...

Hi I do get pvc pac and tachy a lot to do with anxiety and I take atenolol 25 mg day and 1 mg clonazapam daily I have noticed a few times in past 3 weeks maybe 4 x? I feel a weird flutter so take my pulse ( anxiety habit ) and I feel the following : Beat ...

So I am wearing a monitor and when I took a deep breath I felt a (blurp). I assumed it was a pvc couplet since i have had them before. When I played the recording over the phone, it sounded different than anything i heard before. So I asked the tech if i...

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