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Journals about TMJ

748543 tn?1463446075
If you have followed the sequence of my other blogs about TMJ pain and TMJ Disorder in gene...
748543 tn?1463446075
While at work the other day, I received an email notification from my oldest and most popul...
748543 tn?1463446075
One of the most difficult concepts to get across to my TMD patients and other doctors is th...
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by Bkell23, Jul 18, 2014
I have had tmj ever since I had my wisdom teeth pulled out 5 years ago. It has been getting...
875426 tn?1325528416

by LivingInHope, Aug 23, 2013 - 1 Comment
I will no longer be answering any questions on any new threads on any Medhelp forums due to...
748543 tn?1463446075
Jaw like a plane? Head and neck pain and discomfort can run a wide range, being a simple...
1556337 tn?1341708611
Well as the journal implies, i am again up and awake...its 4:55am, laying in bed with the l...
748543 tn?1463446075
A little known secret about your face is that your capacity for facial remodeling is re...
748543 tn?1463446075
Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of a TMJ (Tempromandibular joint) problem and...
748543 tn?1463446075
So many of us who workout, exercise or engage in athletics on a regular basis, do it becaus...