
Pain Management Crisis

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Pain Management Crisis

Hi, I just thought I'd get some input and share my situation with the nice people of this f...
I am 41 years old and I take Vicodin 10/325.I take 6 pills a day and have been taking it fo...
Hi, My question is for the doctor. I had Gastric Bypass Surgery in June/2006. I In Dec/20...
Hi, I suffer of eructation since almost an year, together with cycle strong abdominal pa...
Does anyone with Ehlers Danlos have severe dysautonomic crisis lasting up to a week with hi...
Today I buried my best friend due to an OD, he was on pain meds due to a back injury on the...
I have diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, chronic bronchitis, COPD, hiatal hernia, GERD, rest...
Hi, I'm a 26 yr old woman and have been diagnosed with IC for about 5 years now. Over the p...
I have been going to pain mgnt.for 10 yrs or so,they just sighed a contract with a group to...
I'm currently on 04 mgs of Percoset every 8 hours for short acting and 15mgs of Morphine...