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future kitchen

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Posts on future kitchen

Respected doctor, i had been taking body massage from this guy for the last ten years r...
I stored abottle of synthroid in my bathroom where we take hot showers for two weeks Shou...
I am frequently referred to as the messiest person in the kitchen. Two of my examples are....
Is anyone else cutting or burning themselves in the kitchen? I spend a lot of time in th...
Ok my bf has been talking about marriage and stuff and although I want this in the future, ...
anyone out there been on a trial for non-responders? I am starting one soon, but wondering...
my son met a girl over the internet 8 months ago. She spent the weekend with us. This was...
I have a 14 year old step son who looks at me in a sexual way. My husband and I have approa...
Ok ladies, here's our new thread!!
sore lip after a burn after biting a very hot mushroom , i was having a meal when it happe...