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Posts on coagulopathy

I recently found out I have a pulmonary embolism and was put on Coumadin. Since I started t...
My wife is 42 years old. During last 6 month she has recurrent TIAs every month. She has no...
Dear Dr. I am a 33 year old Canadian currently working in the oil fields between the UK ...
Are there any risk factors to consider when one is getting a liver biopsy when she has absc...
For week or more I have noticed dark spots on my right breast, like bruises and very itchy ...
Hello I have experienced transient blindness upon waking April 2011.This occured thre...
I'm 28 yrs old & i have been married for 2 yrs. I got laproscopy done an year ago & from th...
New to the bb and was wondering, is there anything which can help the bruising? A vitamin ...
Does a mirena hiurt when being removed
In the Last year....Well i should start from the begginging FRom my very first period...som...
Hello! we have had several miscarriages while undergoing fertility treatments.. we recently...
My mirena is December 2013 - 5 years old must i remove it? for how long will the mirena la...