
smoking cessastion

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on smoking cessastion

What are your thoughts about smoking 3 cigarettes a day while pregnant ...I havent been smo...
I have really been trying to quit. I feel guilty of course but I can't seem to quit. Are an...
I was a pack a day or more smoker. I am 12 weeks and cut it down to 5-6 cigs a day the las...
I am ten weeks and two days. First let me start by saying constructive criticism is welcome...
Im almost 21weeks now and still smoking average of 5cigs a day. I dont know how to quit any...
I smoked marijuana until I found out I was pregnant at 19wks, I quit immediately..and now i...
So I know this woman who is about as far along as I am (34weeks), and she smokes at least a...
Hey you guys im 27 weeks pregnant and smoke cigarettes like 1 ever other week can this harm...
According to the due date calculate I'm 4 weeks. We have been wanting another baby, but wow...
Hi. I'm just curious in people's opinions of something. I am an ex smoker. No longer have t...