
opiate withdrawl

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on opiate withdrawl

How long does it take to come off codiene like Nurofen plus and is there life after addicti...
Is it possible to take 3 generic Oxycodone 5/325 (one,3x's daily) for 3 years and not have ...
1 Year 2 months ago my mother {I am now 46 } passed of cancer ,it was hard I was her caregi...
Basically, I had a lung collapse back in October. I had 4 more since. Had surgery on my rig...
Have had ovr 30 surgeries, 6 last 6 mos. am on multiple meds & after 15 yrs am now abusing ...
anyone else have a recurring addiction with opiates like ive succesfuly come down off heroi...
Hey everyone. im not sure if anyone will even care to read my post but im new to coming cle...
Are y'all sure I am going to get through this. I am trying to do everything I have read......
I've been on Rx opiates for 5 years. I started with one a day, and it was great for a coupl...
About a year and a half ago, my boyfriend introduced me to percocet. at first, we were only...