

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on insomina (121)
I'm on day 6 of cold turkey off 40mg of Narco a day for a almost a year. I'm over all the s...
I just wanted to know from those who used the amnio acids protocol......does it really...
I have struggled with insomina for ten years now. It is miserable and scary. Sleeping aids ...
The past week ive been up past 4 its 4:20 right now and im hoping a shower would put me to ...
Anyone battling this problem? I even take medication for not sleeping,and for some reason l...
Does anybody else just love not being able to sleep, its about 3am and I can't just tossing...
Ftm 28 week preg.. does anyone else suffering from insomnia & headache :-(????
I'm a 39 male with major depression and GAD. I take Celexa 40mg, Ativan 1mg, and Trazodone ...
I was in 0.5 mg Klonopin from September 2008 to March 2009 to cure my insomia. I stop takin...
Ugh I hate it. I have work in 5 hours cant sleep so tired horrible heartburn ran out of mil...
Journals about insomina(1)
633123 tn?1231531832

by tough_mama_2_be, Sep 27, 2008 - 3 Comments
I'm still having trouble sleeping through the night; keep waking up to go to the b...