

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on aspie

Okay, so I know self-diagnosis is often wrong, but it's good to have an idea what may be wr...
i am a self diagnosed Aspie. I am becoming a psycologist because my interest is schizophren...
It there a relationship between Aspergers and continuous headaches?
Unknown why our son has always been "different" Any direction would be wonderful,no assist...
My son is 14 and we recently found out he has aspergers, he is seeing a counselor at this p...
I am quite frustrated: I have had weird neurological symptoms since having a D&C 6 years ag...
My son is now 8, I have been working on getting him help since he was 3. I was hurt at work...
my daughter was diagnosed with Asperger's Symdrome and a new condition that has show its fa...
My son was diagnosed with autism but that is all the information I got. ! 1 1/2 later im st...
i am a memeber of a social group for kids with aspergers, a few months ago a few of the mot...
I did not *officially* learn that I had asperger's/autism until 11 months ago - just before...