
plan b pregnancy

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on plan b pregnancy

My girl was on the last couple days of her period when she gave me a handjob .Some sperm go...
I had unprotected sex on Dec 30 and Dec 31 I took the morning after pill 10 hours later and...
I am a bit worried, can u pls help me out with this.. I had unprotected intercourse on the ...
Hello, I took Plan B within 30 minutes of the condom breaking. My menstrual cycle occurs...
Does plan B really ruin your chances for having children? Does it cause miscarriages?
Wats plan b? And wat about the two week window my doctors been telling me? Pls help...
had my last period june 19, had unprotected sex june 30, took plan B (morning after pill 16...
took plan b and missed two priod and test 6times its negative and I don't have any pregnant...
Hi, My girlfriend and I had intercourse last weekend. I realized as I pulled out, I belie...
A lot of people are telling me the Plan B, pill can screw up your period. By which in what,...
I had unprotected drunk sex on April 5th. He assured me he did not *** due to the fact that...
I took plan b Feb.14th, finished with second pill on Feb 15th (total of 26 hours after sex)...
What is your opinion about taking Plan B to induce a period? I am over 3 months late but a...