
neuromuscular orthodontics

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on neuromuscular orthodontics (812)
When I was growing up my dentist for 20+ years told me I shouldn't need braces, my teeth ar...
Hi, yesterday I visited one of the "Top3" dentists, which I understand are the top dentists...
I started my orthodontics treatment three weeks ago with my #10 missing. my original mid li...
I am about 6 months into orthodontic treatment using Invisalign. I have an open-bite and re...
Welcome to our new Dental Health forum. Please feel free to contribute to it's sucess! R...
I can tell you that I have had extensive bloodwork done and the only things that werent com...
Does anyone out there have neuralgia pain along with their TMJ or TMD pain??? I've been te...
I've had this permanent onlay for 3 years in a molar, and it just popped out when I was flo...
I have had a crossbite since as far as I remember. I started treatment with braces when I w...
Dental services are required these days, no matter what kind of problem you are dealing wit...
Journals about neuromuscular orthodontics(1)
782045 tn?1238193325

by Ramin Mehregan, DMDBlank, Mar 26, 2009 - 1 Comment
"The Science and Art of Aligning Body Parts" A balanced cranial-lower jaw...