Freedomhealth is a first-rate and expert private Sexual Health and HIV clinic in Central London UK. Freedomhealth provides a comprehensive HIV and STD/STI test and treatment facility to patients around the world. More
936016 tn?1332765604
Hello This is a common worry but in fact an extremely uncommon way of acquiring HIV. There are perhaps in thirty years a handful of case reports...
936016 tn?1332765604
Hello I really don't think you should worry about this mechanism of possible transfer of HIV. I think you will be fine. There is no firm indi...
936016 tn?1332765604
Hi John, You're right to say that active herpes lesions will increase the chances of HIV acquisition - but only where there is an HIV positive i...
936016 tn?1332765604
Hello and thanks for the post. I think you'll be fine. I understand that this guy not using a condom would upset you but in reality, the overwhe...
936016 tn?1332765604
Hello Receiving oral sex - being sucked - will not result in HIV transmission to you. Performing oral sex on a female who is HIV positive car...
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