Freedomhealth is a first-rate and expert private Sexual Health and HIV clinic in Central London UK. Freedomhealth provides a comprehensive HIV and STD/STI test and treatment facility to patients around the world. More
1024580 tn?1331574121
Hello Dirk, Thank you for your post and welcome to our forum. Your negative test results are fully conclusive and they confirm that you are HIV n...
1024580 tn?1331574121
Hello, Thank you for your post and welcome to our forum. Your negative HIV Duo test result can be consisered conclusive after 4 weeks. Therefore...
936016 tn?1332765604
Hello Bob - good morning, You'll be fine. I understand the rationale behind your question but there are all sorts of assumptions within the q...
1024580 tn?1331574121
Hello, Thank you for your post. Kissing does not pose any risk at all of HIV infection, even if you thought that were cuts on the lips. No riks ...
1024580 tn?1331574121
Hello, Thank you very much for your post and welcome to our forum. I am afraid that it is going to be me answering your question, and not my coll...
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