
Facial paralysis

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

Posts on Facial paralysis (11186)
Hello, I notice since last year as my lower lip is increasingly twisting. If I close the mo...
I have a 10 year old female poodle who was diagnosed with cushing's sindrome em june/2009; ...
My 12 year old grandson suffered a blow to the left side of his head, near the ear two mont...
9 days ago I had (and still have) a sore throat on the left side only. 7 days ago, I wou...
My 24 yr. old daughter has been having episodes of her arms and hands and face tingling and...
When I wake up in the morning, my left eye seems to take a little longer to wake up than th...
I had an MRI due to headaches. It showed no Chiari, which I feared due to several family m...
lips and tongue are numb and tingly on the right side like they're waking up from a shot of...