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**Calling All Suboxone Users!!!!***

Hello Everyone.  I am posting this for a friend here that is really struggling.  She is thinking of trying Sub. as a last resort.  She is asking my advice, but I have never used it.  I guess what I am asking is if you can share your experience with suboxone.  Whether you are on sub or not.....would you recommend it to others.

Thank you very much!

44 Responses
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13354001 tn?1432155513
Wait until you want to come off Subs and then tell me if you should take them.  The answer will be HELL NO!!! Seriously cold turkey off pain meds stay VERY clear of subs.  I PROMISE you will not enjoy the results.
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13367247 tn?1429640528
I have been on and off suboxone for about four yrs and yes it is worse than pills to come off BUT if you let your dr take you off slowly it would not be as bad. I am back on it because I really went way out there and I know suboxone is a life changer. do not over use suboxone that can be bad thing I was taking three to four a day and then when I ran out I had to use so I would not be sick untill my next appt. I think if it is done the right way they will be fine. I thank god they came up with it because I can have a half way normal life without ruuning chasing that next high. I am over it this time I wish them luck in what they decide to do they can do it.
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I could not stop without subutex. 3 rehabs and relapsed afterwards. I tried AA and the like. Fail each time. I have had no relapses and I am finally part of society. It's been a few years and I am happy. People should not knock a if they have not tried it. I had failed so many times and subutex was a life saver. I urge anyone wanting to kick and have failed many many times to try suboxone and/or subutex . I only can go by my experiences (which made my live a living hell while I was using) good luck all
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I have been on Suboxone and can only speak of my experience. My with draws from opiate addiction were severe and disabling. I could not function without pain Meds. I started on 2 x 8 mg sub ozone per day experienced no withdrawals from pain Meds. I was on Suboxone for a total of 13 months. Tapered down 3 months at a time. Last 3 months I was on a fourth. I was in an outpatient program with meetings offered 7 days per week. A Christian based program and Suboxone was one of many tools offered. To fight my addiction. I suffered little to no withdrawals from Suboxone. Maybe the way I was taken off slowly. I did have my suboxone stolen once and the withdraws were like cold symptoms but nothing compared to opiate withdrawals which included diarrhea, throwing up, crawling out my skin feeling, sweats, ect. My opiate addiction started with an accident with injuries. I went from 3 per day to 20 per day. Almost lost my home and car due to buying them off of others. I was straight and functioning able to hold a very respectable position in my company without a clue to anyone that I was on anything. Even if I had to take 1 suboxone everyday for the rest of my life. It would be better than taking opiates which more and more were needed to uphold the addiction. Where as in the use of suboxone the most I could ever take or had the desire to take was 1. Even when I started out on 2 per day. I could not take them both. To much gave me a headache and 1 made me feel I felt back before I ever touched a pain pill. I was happy with my results and experience with Suboxone and the program I attended and still attend going on 7 years drug free.
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These posts are old but there are so many more people with opiate addictions now its an epidemic. Your totally right about that though that everyone Is different and everyone reacts differently to suboxone.  And it can be ok long term in some cases if done perfectly.  But even so people do get dependent on suboxone because of that reason, the fear of relapsing keeps them on subs and at some point it just becomes trading one evil (opiates) for another (suboxone).  I am in recovery and I have been to many outpatient clinics and inpatient and have relapsed before also.  And I also worked in a clinic for a little while before switching fields.  But yea everyone is different.  I just have seen people go into rehab for opiates and come out months later addicted to suboxone and then go back into rehab for subs.  I think short term use of subs is a better way to go to help with the initial really bad withdrawals of the first week or two.  After that if you are afraid of relapse maybe cut down to .25mg a day or even less just so you know you can't use even if you have a weak moment or craving. Biggest thing when getting clean is to know that a thought is just a thought unless you act upon it.  Don't appetize your thoughts of using just change your thoughts, change a thought move a muscle.  Also a support group really helps.  Talking to other addicts helps so much because we (addicts) are really the only people who will ever understand what you are going through.  Sorry my posts are long lol but I take addiction very seriously and want to help other addicts any way possible!
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Sorry but I don't think it's right all of you on here saying things like suboxone is bad and talking about how you couldn't get clean yourself.  It's disheartening to people currently trying to kick opiate addiction which is not easy.  However whoever said taking it only for a few days is correct.  That's the key.  When I was kicking opiates and not just pain pills...I used subs for the first week, which is the worst withdrawal period in my opinion and then tapered off them quickly. I had no ill effects from suboxone and no withdrawals from it. Now that does not mean I was feeling 100% from the opiate withdrawals but they were nothing near as bad as the first week would have been without the subs.  Also it is important nottt to go on a long term maintenance plan with suboxone because you CAN become dependent on subs if your not careful and the withdrawal from suboxone is not fun either.  I think suboxone is awesome and a great help to getting off opiates and a much better alternative to methadone because on methadone you can still use opiates after you take it.  Suboxone blocks your receptors in your brain so even if you were to try and use after taking it you would feel nothing.  Also one last important fact about suboxone, if you take suboxone to soon after your last opiate use it will throw you immediately into horrible withdrawals.  This also may happen if you take opiates while on suboxone already.  You should wait at the very least 12-14 hours after your last use to take a suboxone.  Or once you start withdrawing badly.  I would 100% do it again if I had to with suboxone.  Only take it the first week at most and taper off it after!!! I hope this answers any questions or doubts about suboxone and I truly hope anyone trying to break free from any addiction succeeds in kicking its ***.  It can be done have hope life isn't over.
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480448 tn?1426948538
Just FYI...this thread is over 3 years old.

As for sub not being good for long term use, it totally depends, each situation is unique and different, and everyone must make those decisions for themselves.  There are chronic relapsers who have chosen to be on a low maintenence dose of Sub long term, rather than risk relapsing again, and everything that comes with it.  Everyone has to choose for themselves.

Also, for a Sub program to work PROPERLY, people need time to stabilize on each dose.  Typical sub program length is about 6-12 months.  That's to allow for the stabilization of the patient, allows for a person to rack up some "clean time" and build their confidence levels, and allows for a SLOW taper.  It also allows for aftercare to begin.  Some people want to be off much quicker, mostly because of this perception that the shorter period of time, the better.  That's not correct.  If someone is only going to be on Sub fopr 2 wks, why bother?  Just go cold turkey, as they're going to have significant w/d's from the sub in that short of time.

Just my 2 cents from actually working IN a Sub clinic (a good one, thank God).
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If your friend does try suboxone, make sure she only takes it for 2 weeks tops!!!  The longer u are on it, the longer u pay hell coming off of it!!  I was on it for 4 years and will never touch the **** again!  I would of had less withdrawl time if i just stopped pain pills cold turkey! Sub is good for withdrawls,but not long term use!
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Hi I read ur page. I myself had been taking norco for about 2yrs do to bad joints and other health problems. I did take 8 aday and mind u it was it always like this it became 8. Now I taper down slowly and been off for 7days. It was hard. And wat am saying do u knw anyway to maybe cleans the body out and plumish it with healthy foods or vitamins. Thanks.
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I think suboxone is a great medicine.  It has helped me and my man for almost 2 years now. And I don't think about opiates at all anymore. If we didn't choose suboxone I don't know where we would be. And since its been in our systems we hardly have any withdrawal symptoms if we don't have them. After 4 days we get lack of energy but that's it. And we are down to 1 pill or half a pill a day.
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1065662 tn?1254965167
Sub saved my life, I went through rapid detox, I had a 5 day regiment and tapered all the way to nothing as of today. You need to understand addiction and the triggers, I delt with two of my biggest triggers before going on and the third one will work itslef out which is money, well I can say that in the past 5 days I saved 800 bucks so that one gets better with time. Do not use sub to deal with your want to get high only use it to take away the WD and that is it. Some people have been become dependent on Sub as well. But in my eyes anyone who is one Sub for long term (as long as they are not abusing it) is clean, they are not stealing, decieving their loved one and are a productive member of society.
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Thank you for sharing your experience. I have had almost exactly the same problem, although the length of use time has been longer. It doesn't matter, a month or a lifetime, it is still horrible. I believe that I may be on Sub for the rest of my life. It SAVED my life. To everyone who was able to get off of it and no longer use, that is amazing! You should be proud :) I am proud of myself too. I took the steps that I needed to begin glueing the broken pieces of my life back together. I realized that I had zero chance, for WHATEVER reason, of ever living a normal life, if I did not seek proper therapy. Yes, those of us that take sub know that it is a drug. We know we are not taking vitamins. It does not need to be pointed out anymore. The difference between (at least for me) using sub as opposed to a $300/day off the street intranasal oxy addiction is that...well, let's see. 1. I wake up every day knowing that I will get through it in a sane (as sane as anyone, I guess :) ) and safe fashion, and that I will not be putting myself in a dangerous scenario to acheive a method to my madness 2. I am no longer afraid. I was off of oxy for 5 days on sub treatment when I just exhaled and realized that I had been walking around with a knot of panic and terror for as long as I could remember. For the first time in forever, I started laughing again, I started feeling again. It was not empty drug-induced euphoria. It was a person inside of there, happy to be alive and to be given the second chance to acheive what I had so long ago given to my addiction. I did yoga and swam in the ocean and sat at an outdoor cafe for tea. People take these things for granted, but coming out of the depths of hell, where I had lost all interest in life, normal activities have become a joyous experience. 3. I am not dead. I have no fear of overdose. I take my meds responsibly. I have not traded one pill for another. I have traded certain death or hell or both for a taste of what it is like to live with hope. I do not have to pretend. I am what I am, and I am happy for the first time in 12 years. NOT because sub made me happy, but because I was ready to change and sought the proper treatment, and was lucky enough to have it available with a great doctor and an even better support system, through my family and NA. This is not a miracle pill. Santa doesn't exist...BUT, If you have tried everything and every avenue that you can, and your still out of control, along with proper counseling, it will give you the forum to allow yourself the safe recovery that you so desperately need. It is not for everyone, that is true, but for the people that it has helped, for the addicts lives that it HAS saved, well, I think that it does say a great deal about the effectiveness of this medicine, and that is not to shake a stick at. 4. I am only 28 years old. I am a classical musician and an assistant film director. I was giving everything up. I have dreams again. And terrible constipation.
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I'm going to confess that I haven't read all the replies. As soon as it started to read as though there was drama, I skipped to the post comment box. I have to avoid Sub drama at all costs because MY recovery depends upon it.

I was put on Sub in February 2009. After 3 1/2 months and plenty of anti-Sub postings and my own less than ideal experiences, I relapsed off Sub. My problem with being off Sub was that I couldn't stay clean. I detoxed off oxys at the end of May and repeatedly relapsed for the next two months, never getting more than twelve days clean without wanting to put a gun to my head.

Personally, I think the whole ... if you're not taking a high enough dose of an opiate, you don't qualify for Sub... idea is totally wrong. When I was put on Sub this last time, I had just detoxed from 200+mg/day BUT I was no longer really physically dependent. My withdrawal for the induction was practically nil because I had detoxed the week prior and had only used for three days before my appointment with the addictions doctor. All the same, if I hadn't been inducted, I would have been right back at 200+mg/day within a week, just as had happened to me the past two times I came off a ten and then a twelve-day clean spree. It wasn't the physical withdrawal that made me relapse. It was the horrible mental obsession that made me want to jump out of my skin, kill myself or kill someone else. I had started to hurt myself to distract from the obsession, it was soo horribly bad.

Everyone's case is individual. My history of active DRUG addiction is short. Still, the addiction is so strong that, right now, I have two options: use dope or take Sub. Is it better for someone to abuse 70mg of oxy or for them to be TREATED with whatever amount of Suboxone? Currently, I'm on 16mg of Sub. Although some may consider it burying my head in the sand, I'm avoiding all information that would sway me against Suboxone therapy because I remember the obsession and I fear that for me to end Sub therapy would mean relapse and I'm an opiate sponge. Though I've only used oxy since November of last year, my use went from 15mg/day to 110mg/day in two months and then from 15mg/day to 200+mg in two weeks after relapsing off Suboxone. I have a legitimate fear of OD'ing on my next relapse. I only went back on Sub because I felt that I HAD to. It was not how I had wanted to get off oxy. I had to swallow a huge piece of humble pie when I went back on Suboxone.

Is Suboxone without negative consequences? Probably not. Still, I have had to come to accept that it's what I need right now to stay off oxy or H. I'm fortunate to have a sponsor who in spite of not typically being pro-DRT is taking me through the steps because she sees a definite difference in the quality of recovery experienced by a Sub-treated addict vs a Methodone-treated addict.

I've strayed from the topic. I apologize. I only post all this because I feel that it's important to realize that everyone is different. There are many people whom I don't tell that I'm on Sub therapy because THEY don't think that MY addiction warrants Sub Therapy. But, I assure you, THEY were not inside THIS head, trying to endure an obsession that wanted either to take my life quickly by means of suicide or take it within a matter of days by forcing me back into active addiction, which taking my life more slowly would leave a wreck of my life and my family in the wake.

I wish your friend all the best. I hope that your friend decides whatever is best for HER battle with this disease.
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1052100 tn?1254083927
I wanted to personally say thank you for offering your insight.  I am not sure of what has been said before as I am new to this forum.  I am also not interested in knowing as I myself like to stay as drama free as possible.  I think I have created enough of that in my life previously.  I really do appreciate what you bring to the table as I am completely unaware of where you are coming from.  I would love to hear your side of things if you have the time. If you do not feel like sharing on this thread please feel free to pm me.   In turn I also appreciate late augusts insight as well as it brings another dynamic to the table.  Knowledge is power regardless of ppl's opinions.  I do apologize if at any point it seemed that what you had to say was not valid.  
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1052100 tn?1254083927
Well here goes my second attempt, the site was being updated when I tried a few hours ago.  Never as good the second time around.

It is great to see that even though there are differing opinions that really in the end we are all just seeking the same end result and that is to not be held captive by our drugs of choice any longer,  

I myself have done both in my different attempts to stop using pain killers and muscle relaxers,  I have stopped using by quitting CT as well as with my most recent choice of quitting by using Sub,  For me my choice to go the Sub route was not because I was afraid to go CT, although it can be very uncomfortable and being scared is OK!   I went the Sub route due to my daily panic attacks w/ agoraohobia I needed to raise my "receptor" levels STAT.  For me, I was fortunate and it did the trick.

Thankfully I stumbled upon this Forum (coinsidentally by typing Suboxone into Google).  It has opened my eyes to a world that I did not know existed.  Very grateful that I have ppl that I can relate with and that I feel relate to myself.  I have to admit I was naive and was not aware of the potential of becoming addicted to a medication that I thought was there to help, not hinder.  Also it was not something that made me feel "high" so I have not abused it. Although, now that I am aware of the possible dangers I have made a  decision to go ahead and taper off Sub.  I don't think I need it any longer and would like to see what happens with my anxiety when I am off the medication altogether. For me it was the right thing to do and I am glad I went this route.  However, I do hope that maybe this thread will shed some light and make ppl aware that we need to be here for eachother regardless of ones path.  I do not think one type of person is "better" than the other and each person needs to do what is right for them. Our goals should be to stay sober and lend a hand to eachother when the other may be struggling.  I do believe it was never anyones intent to cause verbal harm or say that someone is doing it the wrong way.  In assuming innocence I believe that each person is passionate about this topic and does not want to see anyone possibly struggle the way they may have.  

I know I type "novels" often and I apologize for the length.  I hope this makes sense.  Again, thank you all for your insight and I look forward to speaking with you all soon.  

Take Care~ HnS
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306867 tn?1299249709
Eagle would be Maria's brother ......I forget his name. lol    
Of course I would have to be Maria........Who's the pretty girl in that mirror there.......what mirror where......who could that attractive girl be.......such a pretty face , such a pretty smile .....such a pretty meeeeeee.
See I already know the words. I just have to get my dance routine down.

I love to be in Amereca.....everything free in Amereca..........Oh and .......Officer Crupkee f...u...

I guess I was a big West Side Story fan. lol
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to each his own.....no one is knocking sub users or knocking non sub users......we are all just trying to get the most info on anything that can help to get off these drugs......i'm sure that many people were saved by sub and the people having a prob. with it is people who abuse it...but, we are all addicts and addicts abuse anything they find changes their mind state....kudos to those who used sub to save their life and kudos to those who went CT and it saved their life...everyone goes about it a different way the ONE thing that is so important is getting off the drugs..no matter how u go about it as long as you do it......i think everyone is just stating their opinion or feelings on what they know about each method......experienced or not..there is alot of info. on here about all methods and anyone can read someones life experience and see if they want to go through it themselves or not....anyone who is trying to help others deserves the best and they are taking the time out of their sober lives to help others to the other side the sunny side.....helping others gives much needed redemption to past users as they have been there before and can share their experiences with all who are interested...so on that note THANK YOU TO ALL WHO ARE HELPING OTHERS OVER TO THE SUNNY SIDE...THANK YOU!!! and THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR INFORMATIVE OPINIONS>>>>>YES OPINIONS>>>>>    :)
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LOL...Mary.......Who gest the job of Casting?....maybe we can throw the Med-Help version together before Christmas?........ Can't wait to see who I get to play?  even more so, what role you will give Eagle.......hahahhahaha

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i am sure the sub-crusader is partly aimed at me since late august has called me this before
i hate that someone would feel that way about me or anyother addict who suffered years of turmoil because of suboxone, and then tried to warn people about the dangers of this or any drug
i am removing myself from this particular thread, i decided months ago not to be involved in any negativity on this forum and in the real world
name calling does not appeal to me anymore, infact i had to fight sadness all day after reading that post
i do hope everyone here finds the information they are looking for and remembers that when someone shares thier experience, with a particular substance it is not to condem others, its just that persons life story
the solution to addiction can be found in unity not calling others names or dismissing their experience
i did the same thing naughty was talking about, i really got into with the sub doctor, now he is actually helping me with another problem and how that problem relates to addiction, i have also worked really hard on what i say to people or what i share about my life time of suboxone and mehtadone use, but after decades of using these drugs it is very natural for me to talk about it
eventually life works out the way its supposed to a little information along the way could save someone a life time on drugs
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306867 tn?1299249709
Da da da ...da du du du  "When your a Subby ...your a subby all the way ......from your first cigarette to your last dieing day'      (ahhh I forget the rest of the song)   I love the West Side Story comparison. LMAO     Only you Nauty
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Okay, you are soo right and I even found myself falling into the brainwashing about sub.  I even fought the Med-help doc...Dr. Junig over in the "ask a doctor" side of the forum.  As I began reading and scoffing his views..I  caught myself.  I have never been a closed minded person, but felt I was closed minded when it came to sub.  and really had no business being that way, when I didn't really know or experience sub.  Dr. Junig has changed some of my opinions and I am not such a tight-A$$ about it anymore.  I had followed the herd and got on the sub-bashing bandwagon.  Maybe we should send more people over to the doctor.......anywayy.......

I am going to just say it......I'm going out on a limb and say what I think, and that is I believe that we have some hardcore addicts that bag on sub because they have too many a cold turkey under their belt and see it as the "wussy" way out.  Others who are ......I'm just gonna say it.......there is some kind of strange jealousy or rivalry...I don't totally get it, but its like the subs against the cold turks.....like a freaky scene from West Side Story....lol.  Its true!

Oh, frankfurter.........i have cramps.......i need a hot water bottle and cigarette!

I don't know if I made sense, but i tried!!......;-)))

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1052100 tn?1254083927
To be perfectly honest with you I am glad that LateAugust stated what they did above.  I have not been on this forum but a few days and already I feel like I am the "bad girl" for using sub.  I posted on here before telling someone of how much sub has helped me and how I would recommend it.  Because of my statements I felt as if I was being somewhat "attacked" for recommending it. I do feel as if it has saved my life.  I also don't understand the statements from people that indicated if you were "only" taking Vikes that you shoudn't be prescribed sub.  I have to say that for me I disagree, it was the only was I was gong to stop using.  I have taken many different types of pain pills, OC, dilaudid, percs, morphine and darvocet to name a few.  I also suffer from chronic pain (which is where my addiction started) as well as severe panic attacks with agoraphobia and anxiety.  Sub was the one thing that helped me stop using and my pain has gotten better as well as my panic attacks.  I have not suffered a panic attack since I started taking sub in May. This was HUGE for me since I was having attacks on a daily basis up to two times a day for 2-4 hours at a time.  Very dibilitating.  My current doctor that prescribes the sub thinks the pain killers were the actual cause for my attacks.  He seems to be correct since I have not had any further attacks and the agoraphobia is gone.  While I have been using pain killers and muscle relaxers on and off for years it wasn't until this last bout with them that I started having the attacks.  For someone that is extremely active and outgoing having panic attacks that led to agoraphobia was excruciatingly painful and scary.  The sub has brought my receptor levels back to "normal".  I have also detoxed from sub before.  A few months ago I decided to see how I would be off of it.  I tapered down until I was on nothing.  I did have some withdrawl but nothing bad by any means.  It was more of being uncomfortable because I always felt hot and then cold.  That only lasted a few days.  I am recently back on the sub for my own personal reasons. However, I plan to be off it permanently in the next month or so.  

Sorry for the long post, just wanted to share a bit of my history.  I hope that all made sense.  I think everyone should just do what is best for them and, in turn not be 'judged" for it.  Sub saved my life.
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I would get upset or even worry about people saying you dont know what withdrawals are just cause of your choose of pills. Who cares really and addict in need is an addict in need. I don't care what anyone says withdrawals are different for every one. I'm coming off a 3 1/2 year Roxy habit threat turned into a 3 year methadone problem. I also was told then hey try sub. so i went to detox and tried and I'm sorry i didn't think it helped a bit. I mean i wanted off the drugs and to hear that people are now getting addicted to sub. Not for me I walked out against medical advice and went straight to a NA meeting and with in 3 days I got a sponser. This is the only thing that keeps me going. people that have been through the same thing or worse or not as worse no matter they know what you are going though and they are there to help. I can't tell you it will be easy there is no way at all that is going to make it easy. I would cut down if that s the way you want. Me I just got so sick of it i quit and decided the only way i will learn is to take it and learn from it and its been hell no doubt about it. But take it 1 day at a time and before you knoe it it will be over, Just remember eat when ever possible and take as many hot shower as it takes to feel better this is what helps me.
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