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Going Off Of Oxy's - Please Help

  I have been addicted to oxys for several months now. I take about 40 - 60 mg a day and snort it. I'm determined to get off these things. Pills killed my mom 3 years ago and she was only 47. I never thought I'd get addicted to pills especially since I have two very special reasons not to - I have two babies, a 9 month old and a 22 month old. I started taking perc to give myself some energy after my youngest was born. The baby was VERY colicky and I had no help so I figured it wouldn't hurt to take percs to give me a boost. Boy was I wrong!! A few months after that I started taking oxys and now I'm badly addicted. I tried stopping and wound up severely sick and couldn't do it with no help with my kids. II could barely function and I can't just lie in bed and detox. This time I have my grandmother up here and she is staying until tuesday until hopefully the worst is over. I think this will make a big difference in helping me get off these things. I want my life back and I want to beat this addiction but mostly, I want to give my kids the mother they deserve, not a drug addict. I am not going to get suboxone or anything, I don't want my doctor knowing, especially since they were never prescribed to me. I don't want to be labelled and possibly reported by him. Any advice for helping the withdrawals?  I'm so scared but I am so determined to get off these!
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hmm, not 1 response..can ANYONE help please?
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Sorry it took some time to respond.  Well first, I am sorry to hear of the loss of your mom.  You should really take the lesson to be learned there..  

On to happier things -- CONGRATS on making the decision to get off the oxy and having a plan.  Its a great idea to do this while your grandmother is up to help with the kids. Basically the best advice is to just stay strong and wait it out.  40-60mg is a lot but I have heard of people who jumped at over 100mgs of it..they made it -- so can you!  Little things that will help:  Advil for aches, immodium for stomach issues, lots of gatorade to stay hydrated, benadryl or tylenol PM to help sleep (insomnia is common, but should ease up within a few days).. Its usually about 5 days of withdrawal but it begins to improve around 3 or 4.. everyone is individual but thats the general consensus.. Hot showers and baths helped me the most during detox.. I spent days in the shower.. take as many as you can stand.. it will be a place where you feel some relief.. jacuzzi or sauna if available would be best..

I wish you the best of luck and I know you can do this... stay strong, stay determined and get it done!  
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271792 tn?1334979657

Please try and be patient with responses. The majority of members here work during the day and post when they are able.

Having your grandmother to help with the kids is wonderful. You will surely need the help since they are so young. With the amount that you are taking you will need 4 to 5 days to get past the worst of the withdrawal.

In the upper right hand corner you will find the health pages. In there is the "Thomas Recipe". The items in this recipe can be very helpful during the process. I also suggest hot baths as often as you can to help with the muscle aches. Try and exercise as much as you can. A brief walk will help. Try and keep your mind occupied---reading or doing a jigsaw puzzle so that you don't focus solely on the detox.

Keep posting as you go through this. It helps to talk with others who understand what you are going through.

I am proud of you for making the decision to get your life back. You will not be disappointed.....
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Thank you! I will follow your advice and get the stuff for the Thomas recipe. I already have a script for xanax to help with the anxiety and insomnia and I plan to make the bath tub my home for the next few days. I know I can do this and I need to for my kids and for my own self and I am so grateful to have found this community and to have my grandmother here. She is the only one I have that can help with the kids and I'm lucky to have her here. I cannot imagine doing this alone.
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935907 tn?1296069836
Hi moonshyne, I am new to this post but I am a recovering opiate and benzo addict. Dont know where to start, but I will try. I was on the opiates (vikes, oc's,dones and all benzos) for over 15 years, and its sad but true I lost everything and anything. First and foremost I lost my pride. The addiction made me into a self proffessed liar and manipulator. I know that its hard to get off of the opiates, but it can be done and you can recover. I have been to so many rehab centers, that I could not get it until I lost it all. And I mean EVERYTHING!!!!!!   A good dose of AA helps me very much to listen to those that suffer from the disease, keep coming back and look ahead and get out of your head,, Please........ Gods speed
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271792 tn?1334979657
You just stick to it---and please be careful with the xanax. The last thing you need is another addiction.

I wish you luck hun and please keep us posted as to how you are doing. If you need anything, just give a yell...
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917008 tn?1251223979
This runs contrary to the posts so far, but I wonder if the timing's all that ideal with your grandmother coming up ... since you're trying to keep it secret, and you've been snorting about 50mg daily, the w/d's might be too much for you (I hope I'm wrong about this; some people are so damn determined, it changes everything.

My point is, if you have access to a minimal amount, it might be a good thing (relatively speaking -- nothing "good" about abusing oxys: I know) to have a bit around if things go horribly south ...

I'm not encouraging you to stay on these hellish pills, I'm just wondering how I'd handle it -- I'm setting everything up for next weekend; a little time off, mostly alone and safe in the house, nothing on the menu that can't wait a week or so, etc. If you could arrange for someone to do most of the looking after the wee ones for 4 or 5 days (it would nice to be someone who knows, but you can do the "flu" thing), you could set yourself up with the supplements, the loads of advice on easing the w/d's, and have us all cheering you on -- though we'll be doing that whichever route you take ...

Again, if you've been through this before, since it's not that high a dose and it hasn't been that long, your chances look good. But if you have any doubts about "losing it," you might want to consider a modest stockpile -- absolutely no snorting -- and start your taper now.

And keep in touch. Always keep in touch -- it's the weekend, and the boar should be pretty lively.

All the best.
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917008 tn?1251223979
I don't know how lively the "boar" is, and I don't really know much about wild pigs. I expect they can be quite lively indeed.

I meant to type, " ... and the board should be pretty lively ..."

Keep in touch.
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Do not worry it can be done. First above all you need to want to get clean without that nothing will help you I have been there. Ok lets says you want to get clean first get some Catapresean  (Clonidine)  .150 or .20 mg norice the decimal point!
Whne I went off I would take 1 every 6 hours I would also take my pulse making sure it did not fall below 60. Becareful with this med it will help you greatly however with many people it has the effect of dropping your blood preesure like a rocket if your laying down and your stand up so you could pass out. It will overall lower your blood pressure which helps. But do a test first after taking it like a hour or 2 when laying down stand up but hold on to something and see what happens if you get dizzy then you have this effect and you need to be aware.
If you can get a few benzos just for the first few days this will help. Personally I do not like them at all I have found dyseryl(Trazodone) to work great for sleep and claming effect..Immodium of course take as much as needed. Most of all you need to stay hydrated gatoraid is ok but there better suff in the drug stores.
Remember its the Clonidine that is your first line of attack it will make the world of difference in your wds. Hey I am with you bro right now I am on my 8th day of comming offf of 1000mg of ethyl-morphine per day for 9 months and I still feel like **** but it does get better each day hang in there you can do it!
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I am feeling pretty ****** right now but not too bad - yet. I know the worst is yet to come. I took a nice hot bath, that helped. I am using the Thomas recipe and also taking xanax to help me sleep tonight. I went out and bought some Centrum high potency vitamins and Vitamin B high potency complex today . I have to go and get the L-Tyrosine tommorow from a health food store. I can't believe how achy I feel already! I hope I can sleep tonight. When should I start taking the L-Tyrosine? Well, I will update tommorow and thank you again for your help! And PS, grandma knows that I am detoxing and is such a huge help. With her support I can do this! :)  
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401095 tn?1351391770
good luck to u..and congrats on ur decision....50 mgs is not an awful lot..snorting it may make it a bit tougher..there is a ritual almost with snorting and it is almost like an xtra habit for some..stopping the pills but some have to stop snortin/and swallow/sounds kinda sexual lol.. then stop the pills...keep us posted on ur progress
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Hanging in there. Woke up vomiting today and no energy. God this is awful. Got the L Tyrosine today, seems to help with the aches and the legs burning but only for awhile. How much and how often should I be taking it?
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917008 tn?1251223979
1500mg (3 caps) is considered a "mega-dose" by the medical community.
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Just got out of the tub. feel a lil better. Despite the xanax I can't sleep but then I read taking the L-tyrosine is probably counter acting the xanax by providing brain adrenaline so I guess I,ll have to get my timing and dosage right for taking this stuff. It's like a rollercoaster, one minute I,m bawling my eyes out and the next I'm not doing too bad, I guess it comes with the territory huh? Thank you for your posts, this board is helping me stay strong and stay clean. Do you think after day 3 I will feel a bit better? I hope so! Grandma will have to go home then and then I'm on my own to continue conquering this and taking care of 2 babies under 2 myself...God give me strength!!
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I am not a doctor but please just listen to me IMO you are doing this all backwards. First the L'Tyrosine is to be taken after your clean or very near not in the begining at all its like speed to your body. You need Clondine at the start I am amazed that members here are not mentionig this to you. The Clondine is like a miracle drug t first it takes away at least 70% of the Wds. Once your clean and you start to feel down because your not highg no more then and then only is the time for L-Tyrosine.
Its a amino acid but a upper and taking it when your trying to get clean is only hindering your situation.The clondine will also help you sleep.
Beleive me this is exactly the protocal they would used on you if you went into a high end recovery center. So get it if you want to save a whole lot of pain. On the other hand there is another school of thought that feels your wds should be as hard as they can so you remember what it was like if your in that camp then do not listen to me. I am not being funny I know exactly what protocals are used for what situations I am not a doctor and its only my opinion its up to you to trust ot not.
Hang in there
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Jama article:
Clonidine hydrochloride was administered to ten patients in an inpatient setting after abrupt discontinuation of chronic methadone hydrochloride administration. Clonidine produced a rapid and statistically significant decrease in opiate withdrawal signs and symptoms. Clonidine administration for 14 days enabled all patients to be successfully detoxified from chronic opiate administration.
Other users comments
Swim used clonodine (a 7 day catapres patch) and it worked wonders for swim while he was in withdrawal from bupe. The pain's still there, but WAY better than going cold turkey.
I totally agree with infekt. Clonidine is a wonder drug. I once came of 200mg methadone, going 200mg,100mg,0, using clonodine and a benzo (librium) taper, but I was a benzo addict too at the time. It was far from easy, but it transformed the impossible into the indescribably difficult, which made ALL the difference. I lasted 23 months or so before falling off the wagon that time.

There are hundreds of stories on this drug and how well it works so the choice is yours I am done with this.
Good luck
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Be very careful with Xanax. I know what I'm talking about. Get on a longer acting benzo like valium, just to get you through the w/ds. Benzos are so extremly addictive and the w/ds are horrible. A combination of body pain and insanity! I am taking percocet to help with the extreme pain fromt the Xanax addiction. I have been in w/ds for 19 months and still very sick. Starting to get outside now and it's pure heaven. I still get surges of rage and then I start crying. I am in constant pain, but at least the psychosis has left. I will have symptoms for many more years. Thanks to reading this addiction forum I have been very careful with the percocets. Oh bth, I had seizures and hallucnations from the Xanax withdrawals-you must not abruptly stop benzos. Xanax should not be taken from more than 2 weeks in a row. Benzos take longer to come off of than any other known drug.

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Thanks for letting me know about the L-Tyrosine. Unless I can get clonadine without a prescription I'm outta luck. I cannot let my doctor know about my addiction. I never had  script for oxys and I'm too afraid of the doctor possibly reporting me and maybe I could lose my kids because of my addiction. I might be an oxy addict but I love my kids and they are all I have. I also don't want to be labelled for life as a drug addict. I have to tough this out and so far I'm screwing up. Tonight I broke down and took a perc and snorted 10 mg oxy. I feel like a piece of ****. I feel so down. Here is a rare chance I have to actually have help with my babies having my grandma up to help and I blow it. I am determined NOT to use tommorow no matter how ******* sick I get. Is there any way to get clonadine without a prescription?
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Good luck! I think you can do it because you sound so determined. I know how you feel and will be thinking about you. And I live all the way in South Korea. you have global support :) you can do it!
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Just go to your doctor and tell him you are embrassed but you started smoking and you reallly want to quit and you know friends that have quit with Clondine. If your doctor is too well familar just go to any doctor. Clondine has been used for stopping smoking, drinking and drugs so smoking would be your best bet. Be firm with the doctor do not let him try to give you wellburtin just a .2 of chondline.
Hope that helps
Do not worry you are not a heavey user it will not be as bad as your mind makes it to be.
keep posting and try to tapering down but do whatever you can to get some chondline.
If I was in the US I would send you some by mail .
The other option is to go to the nearest hospital and ask for a script there if no one knows you be honest tell them your story.
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Thanks for the advice! I will go to my doctor Monday and ask him for some clonapine to help me stop smoking. I will try my best to persuade him to give me some. I am not feeling as physically sick today. Just depressed, emotional, fatigued and having cravings. Dare I hope that it's finally getting better. Grandma has been a tremendous help with the kids and amazing moral support. I am trying to just take it easy and take it an hour at a time.
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Im a recovering oczycotion and percocet addict myself! I have a 9 yr old boy and i checked in to a suboxone treatment plan and they never asked me about children or anything about my personal life! I do have a PCP doctor and I needed a referall and got it in 2 hours! I have been in the progran now for 2 weeks and I have no cravings @ all! It is the best thing that has ever happened some sideaffects but getting through it! Everything that everyone is telling you DO IT! I always found that being as honest as possable is the best road to go! I dont think that your doctor would do that to you! If you get caught w/ these drugs not perscribed to you thats how you would lose your kids! We all dont want that to happen! If you are trying to help your addiction that is a good thing not a bad thing! I also dont know your doctor and if you think that he/she would do that to you, you should find another doctor! That is what I would do! But this is your life and only you know what is best! I hope that everything works out for you! Stay strong and talk to us as much as you can! it has helped me sooooooooooooo much! DrewBoy7
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I have heard a lot of conflicting info about suboxone am going to try and just keep on the Thomas recipe. I'm scared of using again but I can only take it one day at a time.
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