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How do I detox from pain meds ?

Someone , anyone ... I want to get off of the pain meds . I take them for daily headaches and migraines . The headaches are unbearable and cant function with them , the meds help ALOT! But I ended up taking to many and going through my meds to fast  . So I want off ! And I dont know how to do it . How do I detox myself ?

I am posting this here , I had it in the wrong section . Thanks for letting me know !!

I am now on Vic 10 /325 , was on Perc 10s .
Was taking 3-4 at a time .I am today trying to just take one as I feel withdrawl coming on , not sure it will work cause I already am getting leg pain and want to take another one . Please help me !
58 Responses
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Mommy...I pray what happened to me will happen to you.  I went cold turkey off dilauid  a very very strong narcotic for pain.  I am on day 17.  What I want to say is that the pain that narcotics could not take away is brought down to a tolerable level by ALEIVE  !!!!!  can you imagine that    Love  Jerri
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WOW!! Great going. From a full on habit to clean in just five weeks. I am so very happy for you as you have great will power and the desire for a better life. You deserve being happy and clean.
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352798 tn?1399298154
>>>>>CONGRATULATIONS!!!  <<<<<<
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I DID IT! IM FREE! lol  I tapered then just stopped and didnt suffer to much , was just very tired!!!
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536882 tn?1225512859
It sounds as though you are functioning well even on the days you have to take up to 8.  I know it's not every day, but understandable when that's all that works for you.  I hope the addiction specialist will be able to help you find some other solutions.  Remember, you came here to find other peoples suggestions, and that's all they are- suggestions.  If they don't work for you, then keep looking.  You are lucky that when you only have to take a few a day you don't crave them.  We are not as fortunate.  And the fact that you went from Percocet to Hydrocodone is a hurdle in itself, because the percocet is stronger medication.  Regardless of WHY you take them, you are asking for suggestions of how to detox yourself, and admit you are physically dependent on them.  That's different than the mental addiction.  You are lucky that you don't have the mental cravings when you try to taper, but the physical w/d can be REALL"Y hard especially for you being a single mom, and having children that rely on you.  I'd just try to take as little as possible, and if the physical w/d gets too bad and you aren't able to function, then just take as many as you need to stay out of w/d or where it's at least tolerable.  hopefully the new doctor you are going to see will have some alternatives?  I know for some people, suboxone is used as pain management.  Many here have an awful time getting off of it, but that may not be the case for u since your ha's are chronic and prob won't ever go away.  That way, you won't have to worry about w/d from that and won't have to worry about driving your kids to various activities when you are taking the opiates.  while opiates USUALLY are not wise in treating migraines, for a few it is the only thing that works, but generally aren't used for chronic migraines.  Mainly for acute attacks.  You can read the literature yourself.
Really reconsider the 'having an open mind'.  It is hard to hear other's opinions, and usually (for me anyway-I can't speak for you) when something offends me, it means I need to look at it VER"Y carefully.  When I react that way, the comment is most likely true and what I don't want to hear.  If you want to get off these-as you say you do, then try not to be so defensive and take a strong look at what's going on.
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I agree with Victor...use the info that did help and just forget the rest..Please stick around..We are in all stages of recovery and sometimes the passion in which one feels about having detoxed off their drug of choice..can sometimes get carried away..I do believe that most of the time peoples hearts are in the right place..I am sorry about this being your first post and it going the way it did..there are alot of wonderful people here, i am simply asking please don't judge the whole by a few off comments..I pray someday the dr.s can make some sort of breakthrough with migraines as they are debilitating..Good luck..I am sure the addiction dr. will be of great benefit..
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323551 tn?1255174750
There are some very wise and experienced people on this board with a vast amount of info to share that can help others greatly. Unfortunately, newbies to the board are usually in a world of hurt and confusion. Denial and defensiveness is running strong. With that being said, the newbie has a difficult time settling down and remembering "Principles above Personalities" meaning don't personalize everything said to you but rather glean the good and useful information instead.

It's all about getting better (recovering) and Not about possible hurt feelings. We're all big boys and girls that come together with a common purpose, to help others recover by sharing what we had learned (and often the hard way). With all that being said, lets try to overlook that which we might think is an accusation or a slam and instead look for the good in that which one may share. It's really the only sane way to recovery imo.

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what more could you ask for? to not be a slave to these damn drugs, right?

i know where you are coming from. i didn't take my scripts to get high either. they solved my pain problem and i could finally get all the things done that i needed to. problem was i couldn't without them. and so it is a vicious cycle. on top of withdrawl now.

so everyone needs a different plan. i hope you come up with one sooner than i did. it took me 2 years. i finally quit the job that was too hard. divorced a miserable mate. hah and moved 2000 miles away where the weather treats my body a little nicer. maybe a little drastic but it worked. 7 months now and i am very happy although i still do have bad pain at times. and not as much money as before. but happy and free!!

you have a pretty difficult job that you cannot quit. being mom is much harder than punching in and out at a company. good luck on your search for a solution no matter how long it takes. keep looking and you will find it. and in the mean time try to keep your dosage down as low as possible for when you can quit. i tappered. when you drop your dosage and keep it there, your body adjusts to it and the withdrawl stops. and it is not nearly as bad as cold turkey.
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Thanks for your post . Most defintly dont take them to cope with life LOL My life is just fine . Great friends , great family and amazing children , what more could I ask for ?
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I said I would max at 8 a day  , I never said I was taking that every day!
I am so sick of all of you that judge the reasons why I take them . I do not get rebound headaches from them , I do not get 240 pills a month! Stop reading more into it then you know , ok?  I have seen Neuro , still see Neuro . Prooven detrimental to migraines? Really? Thats nice of u to let me know that . I wonder why they work for mine then , huh? Did you also see the part where I was in a car accident and have back n neck issues ? Apparently not .
Should be a breeze huh ? Are we a little bit sarcastic ?  Some of you crack me the hell up. Why don't you say this **** to people who are taking 40 and 50 pills a day! I have taken more then I should but I do NOT take it every single day . If I have a good day with my head I take 3 or so a day . I make my meds last me some how for the month . No way in hell am I getting 240 a month . My doctor is not stupid !
Most normal population would be popping out of there skin , huh? I guess I am not normal then . I do not get freaken High , I would NEVER get high with my kids in my life. Im very much involved with my kids .
I can be just as sarcastic as you ! And I have decided that I am done with this ****** *** site . Tired of a few people saying that I should not be taking pain med to manage migraines ! Dont tell me what I should or shouldnt be taken for them . I came here for other reasons , not to be told that I shoulnt take them ! Get a life and stop judging people ! SCREW YOU! Bu BYe!
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Well you can quit over and over again. It is difficult but can be done. The problem is staying off of them.

First you need to address all the reasons you are taking them

to avoid withdrawl symptoms?
to cope with a demanding schedule?
whatever the reasons, you have to be honest with yourself.

if you quit and find that all the reasons and problems you started taking them first of all are still there and nothing has changed.......well it is all too easy to return to them or be miserable. you need to seek out solutions other than pills. you know that the pills are just not going to work.they are only a short term fix. pain is not a fun thing.

a good place to start is with your diet. so many ailments are caused by bad things we put in our bodies or good things that we are not. people underestimate how important our diets are. But it is very to see that if we treat our cars poorly and put low-grade gas and oil in them..... well they will run like sh#t, right?

hope this is helpful to you
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401095 tn?1351391770
and do find a doctor who can help u with this...a nuerologist is ur best bet...80 mg of hydro is alot per day and ur doctor coud be at risk for prescribing this..they investigate them daily..my pain doctor will at most give me 120 per 4 months...he has been investigated and migraines were not an indication for narcotics and he had to drop a butt load of patients//it is good u r stopping now but u will have no probs as u explained, ur not really an addict
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401095 tn?1351391770
I am a chronic pain patient/fusion/scoliosis/DDD...up to 60 mg of hydro per day to maintain..80 was a good day if i had plenty....i am also "normal" and lead a normal life...a professional and well educated...the pain is something that will have to be dealt with if u want to quit...hydros nor any narcotic is legitimate legally to treat migraines and have been proven to be detrimental to migraines..so it is odd that ur doctor prescribes this amount for u monthly as the DEA could anialate him/it is not an indication for 240 hdros a month...he has been good to u and is risking his license to prescribe that amount to u...u do not get high from them/most of the normal population would be popping out of their skin on 80 of hydro a day so u must have quite a tolerence... so an alterior method of pain relief would be ur answer....a med made for migraines as narcotics are not approved for this use long term...i would see a nuerologist and get off narcotics and get to the root of ur problems...narcotics have actually been proven to intensify migraines...u r not mentally addicted u say so  4-7 days of feeling a bit flu like would be all u would be looking at...none of the mental stuff would apply to u since u r not addicted mentally or anything...should be a breeze and then get with a doctor who knows how to prescribe for migraines as narcotics are the worst med on earth for them due to the rebound effect...good luck but u will get off without a problem according to ur post...4-7 days of feeling a bit sluggish and flu-like...u would never have paws or cravings as u r not mentally addicted...u r lucky and good u r jumping off now
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I take about 8 pills , max a day . I take them for control my headaches and migraines . I do NOT take as many as most do . Yes 8 is still alot . I am not mentally addicted to these . I take them for legitamate pain  . I have back and neck issues as well from a car accident . When I am off of them , then thats it . I dont crave them . Yes my body is addicted to them but thats because thats what they do and thats the part that ***** . And no Im not in denial , I know my body . I don know what to do if I stop these , cause I will be back to being in pain all over again . I do not take them for emotional reason , I never did . Like I said I live a very normal life , I DO NOT get high from them . I just wanted to see about getting off of them because I have no health insurance and they get expensive . But I know that I cant just stop them , which is why I came here to see how to go about stopping them .
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536882 tn?1225512859
I am very sorry that my comment offended you?  I never intended it to.  We are all different and what works for one, doesn't mean it is that way for everyone.  I can only speak of MY OWN EXPERIENCE here?  I was merely trying to throw out suggestions of things that you may have not thought of.  I commend you for what you do for your children!  They are lucky to have a loving, devoted mom!  I too am a single mother and know how hard it is for me.  I know I have never walked in your shoes, only you have.  You know what works for your body better than anyone.  If you need them to function, you need them?  Sounds like you are taking some wise steps seeing the addiction specialist?
I am not saying I am perfect?  I have problems too, and yes I use pills to deal with emotional issues, alot of people do.  Not saying you do, but I DO.  I can only share my experience in hopes that it helps another, and I know it will not be for everyone?  
In the above comment, I said "I can only speak for myself".  If what I said doesn't apply to you, then leave it.  Don't let what one person says ruin your day.  The badgering and negativity is not necessary and will not solve anything?  
I'm sorry you were so offended?
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WOW ! AFter what I just read on another forum , shes got ALOT of nerve bashing me !  Now I see why you are so F'd up! Married man! DAMN! HAHAHAHAHAHA And I have a underlying reason ?  Paybacks are  *****!
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Yes these prices are insane!!!!! LOL
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501205 tn?1227345442
An addiction doctor can help, that is a great move! I saw one and she helped me to detox without tapering and I was only really sick for one day.  They can be expensive but it was the best money I ever spent.  You can pm me if you want to know the meds I was on.  It was only for ten days and then I was off of them and really they made things so much easier.
its true, no one knows what you have been through.  Be strong, I cant imagine what those headaches must feel like but if you are unhappy on the pills then I hope you can find another way.  
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The dr that I am trying to get into is an addiction dr .
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ps,  my children are grown, I can't even imagine trying to get off the pain pills when they were small and at home.  I commend you mommy!
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I didn't mean you started an uproar about the Tramadol, I meant I did, LOL.  It kind of looks like I'm the only one I've seen on these threads that has had positive experiences with tramadol (Ultram).  I do agree that before anyone tries it to check and make sure it doesn't react to any other medication they are taking.  The only thing I notice when I take them is I'm not hungry.  In my case, that is a good thing!  The main reason I take them is I don't crave the Percocet and I can go much longer between doses with the Ultram.  I'm glad you are going to a doctor, try and get one that has some sympathy for this addiction and not one of the ones that go running for the hills if you need help.  Please do keep coming back to this forum though, I am new to it too and I find it does help me.  I guess because people that don't take pain meds do not understand when you try and talk to them about this stuff.  they look at you like an addict or have some strange look on their face.  People on here do understand.  I don't blame you for getting upset on that post, we should all be here to help.  everyday you are off the meds does get better I find so hang in there..
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great post, you said it all
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I am getting in contact with a dr to help me ....
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mommy ....

we are here to help.

and i betcha someone can...

keep on positing and something you say, or something someone else might say, will "click,"  it just will.. and you'll get a good idea how to beat this thing. how to move forward...

so keep posting.. a solution will be at hand.

feel good...
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