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Is it withdrawl? Shaking, Headache, nervousness

I am having a rough time lately.  I was hooked on Hydrocodone for about a year, 30-40 mgs a day.  I haven't had a pill in about a month, but lately I have been having excruciating headaches on the top/center of my head.  They've been here for about a month and WON'T GO AWAY.  I don't think it's migraines either.  These things just don't go away.  Today I noticed my hands were shaking.  I have been having anxiety attacks for the past three days as well.  I got the drugs anyway I could, do you think I could have caused brain damage to myself?  Or a neurological disorder?  Is this normal for the first few months?  I had a CT Scan of my head and it revealed nothing.  Neurologist can't find anything either.  I just don't feel right you know?  I have fear of death everyday, I can't do anything except worry about it.  Is it Parkinson's disease coming on?  Help me please?  Anybody ever go through this?  I can hardly type right now I'm so worked up.  Does anybody know anything at all?  Thanks and God Bless
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That sounds about right to me. Yep, I'd say you're dealing with opium withdrawal. Be happy that you were only on 40 mg/day. It could have been worse. It could have been a whole lot worse.

Um, what's the hurry? If you have access to enough, why did you drop all of it all at once? Why didn't you drop down by, say, 5 milligrams for a week or so, and then another 5 for a similar period, and another and so on until you were off? It would be a damn sight less painful for you to do it that way. And you could likely have gotten some anti-depression medication of some kind (with which you have to be very careful as well) to help you with the depression and anxiety. You might be forced into this approach anyway.

Oh, yeah, withdrawal from opiates won't kill you. It may make you wish you were dead; but kill you? No. Maybe you should re-think what you're doing.

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Thanks Francois,
I had to stop taking them because they would make me really lethargic and I had urinalysis for work.  I wasn't getting the pills legally either.  I am more concerned with my head aches then anything else. It's a sharp pain at the top/left side of my head that won't go away.   I just don't know what's wrong with me?
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Sorry to bust in this thread but I need to know if anyone has an answer to this dilemma. I have been going to the methadone clinic since Jan 2001 and am currently on 75mgs. It works well and I feel great but here's the problem: I drive 45 mins to get there and then another 45 mins back to my house. I wasn't working at the time but will start in Sept. I visited my new dr. today to see if he could give me something to take the place of the methadone and then wean off of that (less the daily drive). He gave me a script for 40mgs of oxycontin (40 pills). Could I stop the meth at 75 mgs and start these with no discomfort or should I come down off of the methadone as much as I can before starting these? My husband will be holding on to these pills for me. I guess I'm trying to figure the equivalency. Can anyone help? Thanks!!!!
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Gianna, where did your doctor get his degree? K-Mart? I have no idea of your doctor's thinking, and perhaps he knows what he's doing. You should go through all the posts in this entire site and see what's been posted about oxycontin. There are people here who are on methadone attempting to get off oxycontin. Oxys are powerfully addictive, and many people wish they'd never, ever seen the damn things.

I take it you're on methadone attempting to get off heroin? Well, IMHO, going to oxycontin would be the equivalent of just going back to heroin. The level of addictive quality between the two seems to be about the same with oxy being said more psychologically powerful of the two.

My recommendation is for you to move very, very slowly in connection with this decision. If you have 40 oxys, you have a 20-day supply. Then what are you going to do? I can tell you from experience that when you run out of those 40 oxys, you are going to be in the deepest of **** imaginable. Depression so deep and so black that time seems to STOP! Do you want that? Recommend you not begin taking those oxys.

Also recommend you continue to do what you're doing: educate yourself; learn all you can; get on as many bulletin boards as you can; ask a million questions; don't take any one person's word for it - least of all the clown who made this suggestion.

THE DUDE - If I had what you describe, I'd get back on the hydros at 35 mg/day for a week; then 30 mg/day for a week; then 25 mg/day; and so on and on until you're off. That headache will likely disappear and in two months you'll be off. Your situation, as you say, may not allow it.

One other observation/question. Have you recently cut back on your intake of coffee, or caffinated soft drinks, or something like that? I don't think many people realize just how crippling a caffine-related withdrawal headache can be. My Cuban wife has been making espresso for me twice a day for almost ten years. Last year one day when I was laying Spanish tile in our bathroom, both of us forgot the coffee altogether. I woke up around midnight that night with a headache so severe that I wept like a child - and I'm a 56 year-old rugged, outdoorsey type. Just thought I'd ask.

Best of luck to you both.

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The-  It sounds like you are re-developing an anxiety disorder in which you probably were self medicating for for quite some time with the meds. If you have been completely off for a month it is probably not withdrawal. The worst withdrawal would be in the first week. By one month it would be tapering down some and other symptoms of other physical or psychological disorders will start to show themselves.

You need to see a good general practitioner and also even more importantly a good psychiatrist, You may need anti-anxiety medication and psych docs are the main ones that deal with that. General docs don't like to touch psychoactive drugs, they leave those to the psych experts.
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do you/did you use any other drugs? I have thirty plus sorry years of hydrocodone addiction, so many withdrawals and rehabs, etc. etc. and I have never heard of someone having your symptoms a full month after kicking an itsy bitsy 8 pill a day habit (40mg/day, right? try 75 Vics/day withdrawal, I "tried it" around 100 times, LOL). Honestly, you're symptoms sound more like benzodiazepine withdrawal -- the time frame for onset, the hands, the headache, the anxiety attacks: are or have you recently been on anything like Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, Librium, Halcion, Ativan? Did you use any of these drugs to withdraw from the Vicodin?
In any event, I hope it passes, my friend. WD sucks, regardless of what you're WDing from.

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Sounds to me you're having rebound headaches. Several years back I took Vicoden 4x's a day for over 3 years. They really made me sick but I kept taking them for headaches. I stopped suddenly because my stomach was always upset and I hate taking pills. Of course I knew nothing about withdrawals at the time. I never had sweats, vomiting, diarreah or any of the other common syptoms of withdrawal. But what I did have was excruciating headaches, I would wake up with them. Lying down made them worse, and if I tried to bend over I wanted to throw up, the pressure was so bad. I was convinced I had a brain tumor. After many tests, brain scan, mri's ect. the neurologist asked me what meds I had taken over the past year. When I mentioned Vicoden he told me that after taking them even 2x's a day over an extended period of time your body gets used to the narcotic, and like you heard on the thread just like lack of caffein when withdrawn you get what is called a rebound headache. I suggest you talk to your Dr. about this. If all previous tests were neg. ask him for a vascular constrictor (caffregot) or drink lots of cola and coffee or take some caffeine pills. Bet it makes it better, Good luck, let me know.....Susan
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I have to agree~! Did your Dr. practice at Montgomery Wards? I assume for herion replacement. Weaning off of methadone by using oxy's sounds backwards to me. Be very careful, you could find yourself right back to where you were before the methadone. Oxy's will grab you and not let you go. Methadone at least can be controlled. Look under all the web pages for Oxycotin, it will scare you to death....literally....Best Wishes....Susan.....P.S. My ex was put on methadone to replace oxy addiction. He can't let go of the oxy's and can't get clean. If you think methadone is hard to get off of, oxy's are 10 times worse....take care
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You poor thing, I think you are experiencing some major anxiety from basically 'fear' itself!!!
You may be having some withdrawals, but 1-month later seems a bit late.  I think you are feelings some of the things that you may have been masking all along while taking the drugs.  
The more you stress about the fear of having caused damage to yourself, the worse it will be.
I feel safe in telling you that you probably have no nerve damage or brain damage from the pills, they just don't work that quickly and especially on such a low dose.  It amazing what fear can cause our bodies to feel.
I think you can put your mind to ease in knowing that no permanent damage has been caused to yourself, and that you are basically experiencing a lot of anxiety from the fear of the unknown!
Good for you, getting off of a medication that only causes emotional pain, and heartache.
Can you see a psychotrists or a counselor?  I think a little bit of talking to someone to ease all your unanswered questions in my mind will put a lot of your troubles to rest.
Calm down, and take a deep breath, and no that nothing is permanently wrong with you.
You need counseling just so you gain the knowledge of addiction and what may have caused you to fall into it in the first place.  Please seek some help for peace of mind, you are in a frenzy of fear and i feel for you, i really do!
Please come back and tell us what you are doing to make yourself feel more at ease!
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Oh my gosh, don't start taking oxys.  Just because a person has a medical degree, doesn't mean they have good common sense.
Always keep in mind that there are drs who graduated on the top of their class, and good doctors at heart, and those who were at the bottom of their class, still earned a degree, but possibly money-hungry and their heart was never in it!!!!
I would strongly suggest that you find a doctor who is willing to work with you to wean down on the methadone.  You shouldn't have to drive 45 miles to get methadone, look into finding a dr who is willing to work with you with weaning down on what you are already addicted too.  This doctor is only looking for your money, please don't fall into that trap!!!  There are honest doctors out there that will be willing to HELP you!!!!!!  Trust us all on this one... and don't fall for it!!  You are too important to just be a pawn in their games!
Do some research and you will find us to be honest and true in our advice!
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I can't believe what I am reading! Methadone is JUST as bad as oxycontin in the addictive sence. I can tell you from experience that oxy's should not be messed with in any way shape or form! PLEASE DO NOT START TAKING OXY'S!!!

I have a story to tell you guys tommorow about my recent experience with OXYCONTIN/HEROIN/METHADONE...

This is going to take me a long time so please be patient...

I hope that by me telling this story that someone might be helped...

I have been up and down with this addiction thing but my story does have a happy ending...or should I say there really is no end to this story...

Two weeks ago I wrecked my car almost killing the one thing I love in this world...my girlfriend...

Did drugs play a role? Of course they did! Yet I wasn't on them at the time...

One more thing.......Anyone reading this...know one thing! I believe that the people on this board have helped save my life! You guys know who you are...So please, if anyone has a problem, the people here have been through the same **** as you and can help more than you can imagine...

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Please don't do the oxy's. That is why I am on methadone. I am now in the process of tapering methadone. I was at 80mgs at my highest and am now at 20. Methadone was the way for me, but I know it is not for everyone. I am going through some bad times now so I can't post much. But I wanted to tell you to please try to taper and use Thomas's recipe. It can be found somewhere on the board. It will help alot. I remember you all in my prayers and thanks for the help. A special thanks to you Thomas for shareing your knowledge.
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Thanks to everyone who replied. The dr. who gave me the oxys also told me that I must see a pain specialist. I am on methadone for taking too many percs and darvocets. I have never tried heroin but only because I didn't know anybody who did it.(Not because I'm above it). I want to detox off of the meth and not feel any discomfort since I want to come off as quickly as possible. Like I said before, my husband will hold on to these so I don't over do it. I guess I didn't make it clear to the dr. that I want off of everything. He wants me to see a specialist for my ongoing back pain from a car accident two years ago. Will I be addicted after taking 40 as prescribed? That's the last thing I want--believe me.
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I would like to thank everybody on here.  You guy/gals are GREAT.  I think you all are right, I probably have some kind of anxiety disorder.  I will seek Psychiatric help at once and get back to you all about how it's going.  Drugs and life can be rough and rocky, there has to be people out there to help you be the bulldozers.  Thanks again.
The Dude
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Hello everyone,  Jenny - have  you started to decrease your doses at all and when does your hubby come home.  What kind of a job do you have that you can take Kayla to work?

WILDCAT, I truly hope you are having a better day today big hugs to you!!

BIJOU, where are you!!!

CINDI, whats going on!

WIZ, I missed you! Welcome back alot has been happening as you will see from reading!
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Hi Jules,
No, not yet, i'm still be a stubborn woos!!!
I work for a company who's main factory is out in California, this is the eastern region sales office based in Florida and it's mainly me here.
My husband returns on the 6th of August i believe.  Either the 6 or 7, and i'm scared, but i'm anxious too!
Hope you are well!
Lv Jenny
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Wow, he sounded fantastic today!!!!
They upped his sleeping meds, he's taking seraquill, a relatively small dose to help him sleep. Does anyone know anything about this med?
His main trigger is not being able to sleep, and waking up and grabbing a beer.  He still woke a few times, but was able to get back to sleep right away! :)
He sounded wonderful this morning, talking very quickly, and very aware and so very much 'there'!
His high iq of 150 is starting to show through all fog that is quickly lifting with each passing day.  He asks me things like how is my car (i'm having trouble with something on it), but he actually remembered.  Also, questions about the kids, he is remembering everything.  I'm not used to that, i lived in a relationship with him where it would be in one ear and out the other, he was in a fog!  I actually have a partner again, one that i might be able to count on to help me or actually, for us to do things together for our family, finances, and household chores!  :)  Could this really be true????
Please let me know if anyone is familiar with this medication!
Thanks guys!
Lv Jenny
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I am so happy for you it sounds as if things are great with your husband now we have to work on the two of us!  My husband is doing the right thing by not pressuring me to call a therapist so I want to do it I have a feeling if he was I am so stubborn I wouldn't do it!  I am here to help I willl write later!!
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Oh, Jenny, I'm so happy for you and the new and improved husband. Not to take anything away from your husband, I sense that you have a pretty high IQ yourself for seeing all that has changed in him lately. It's nice having him "there for you" again, isn't it? Now if the two of you could start vibrating at the same frequency, what music you could make!  J.B.
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My dear friend, I went to rxlist.com and looked up "seraquill" for you. I think you're going to be a bit surprised by what I found. Here goes:

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....Where are you??  We are here for you sister...... I am worried about you since that last email.  Let me know your doing alright, or something.  
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Hi Thomas, and i thank you for your research.
Yes, i was aware that it is used as a antipsychotic drug, but in much larger doses.  They are giving this medication to him to aid in his sleeping, another effect that this drug has.  They can't give him most drugs because they are addictive, so they are left with a limited number to work with.
At the small doses that he is taking, they are helping with his sleeping, although, he didn't like the effect he felt today when he wanted to go workout a bit, he just plain didn't feel like it... not like him lately!  We are hoping that eliminating the alcohol from his 'diet' will, within itself, enable him to sleep much much better than he has in years.  Once his sleep pattern is established, and the chemicals are fully out of his system, he is hoping to leave this medication back at rehab along with everything else.  He wants to be 100% free of all chemicals, including antidepressants, etc. that he was prescribed last time around.  If anything, he suffers from anxiety, but is hoping to learn to handle this in other ways other than drugs!
Say No To Drugs!!!!!!!  :)
Thank you again!
Lv Jenny
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Thank you both for your encouragement!!!
The future is looking better and better with each passing day, and i feel my habits getting closer and almost reachable!!!
The future's gonna be so bright, we're all gonna have to wear shades!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lv Jenny
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Hi Hon,  no I am not ok,,i am a mess,,I will send you mail tomorrow  too tired tonight..love to all  cindi
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