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Methadone for 15 years and Why a Clinic would leave it up to the Addict?

I have someone very dear to me that has been on Methadone for 15 years to keep clean from heroin. My thoughts is that it just helped prolong her situation and helping her not reach a bottom. There are even some states that will give it to her free. Florida however does not give it free. It is pretty costly. Yes, I have read all about how it keeps them off the streets. They do not offer any real counseling or really try to help her get off this stuff. Why would a methadone clinic keep someone on the program for so long? I know several people within the program that has been on it for 10+ years. Why would a program leave it up to a drug addict to reduce their dose or get off the program? There was another question posted about Hepatitis C and the effects of Methadone. I would like to just say that the medication that could help the Hepatitis C is blocked due to the use of Methadone. Only quoting the Doctors. Yes, I probably sound Angry. 90% of the time I am not. I attend Alanon and with the help of a greater power than my self I keep the focus on me, Take it One day at a time, Letting go and Letting God.

Thank you for listening to my questions and my thoughts.
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17992 tn?1258185601
Look lady, you can rant and rave all you want, but you leave my wife alone!  You are the sick one and after reading some of your posts on cocaine and such, you have no room to make jugdments.  Dont even say you are in "sobriety" because were we come from no person in NA or AA would talk to another addict in this fashion.  You are truely sick Angel, and you need to stop this now.  For one thing I know for a fact, my wife has never told people to lie in order to get medication.  Like she asked before show us the proof.  Also, show me and everyone else where she has lied about anything on this board.  She is here for support only, adn I want to thank Dan, Tom and JB for taking care of her.  The only thing Patrice has done is procrastinate on the time frame she will be going into MMT.  Dont worry Dan, I WILL get her ther this week.  She is the love of my life, and I will do anything to help her.  And Angel, get a life and stop stalking my wife, she has done nothing to you.  Again, I want to that all three of you guys for helping Patrice find her way back into recovery.  I will be behind her 100% I have chosen another route of detox for myself, but thats my program, not hers.

Again thanks guys

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I'm not that Angel, who posts about cocaine.I don't use drugs.
Especially cocaine. I'm a person ,who has seen Patrice on several
message boards.After reading all her silly stories over the past couple of months, I decided to ask her to stop her bullshit stories. If Mike is her only support system, no wonder why she's so  screwed up. As her husband I would think you would want her to get  better,clearly it's the blind leading the blind with you two.Just to clear this up I'm not an cocaine user,unlike Patrice, I don't lie about my self and have no reason to.Actually, my real name is Marybeth, so if in the future I will post under my real name. I use the name angel because it's my e-mail address .When Patrice  decides to stop posting lies  I will stop posting to her.I'll say this  again,
stop all your  bullshit stories to these people on these boards and put your computer away and check yourself in a detox, or a mental hospital.Searching for emty solutions over the internet is not going to get you anywhere. Marybeth
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Patrice, try to stay positive, of course you procrastinate, we all do before we get up enough courage to go for it,I would be very surprised to meet a true addict who didn't...I have been procrastinating for so long myself..it's a very scary feeling when you do finally decide, because deep down you know once you start there's no turning back..try not to let Angel get to you,
Dan,Jb,tom and the rest will stand behind you and try to help you through...they are the best! everyone is! I want to ask you, I know that I asked before, but I didn't get an answer, where is the vicodan board?? I would like to go to any many forums as I can and read other peoples experiences...every little bit that I read helps me...so again I say stay strong and don't let anyone or anything get you down...also to your husband Mike, it's great that you standing up for your wife, having a partner you can count on is one of the best things in life we can have..take care
I noticed that you have left your aol screen name in a few posts
I have aol, would it be ok to drop you an im and say hi, that goes for anyone else who has aol, my screen name is Honeyb475
anyone who want's to talk through im's feel free to send me a messege!
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I probable shouldn't even go here, but, maybe you could explain to me what it is that you have read from Patrice....I haven't read anything except on this board about how she is a heroin addict..maybe you know much more than the rest of us do...I know that these forums should not be used for petty stuff like this,
but to be honest, I'm quite curious, I certainly do not want to be the cause of any more trouble,but maybe you will pacify me and tell me more about what you have read on here and other boards..and also I would like to think that most of us here are sincere...thanks Marybeth if you decide to tell me...have a great night!
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"Angel" is so full of RAGE.  Who is she.  Does she think that it is her job to police all of the addict boards and let us know what she comes up with?  How sad.  Those of us who have been on the board so long havent seen anything like this in a while.  I mean "Angel" is this some kind of sick internet intervention? Why would you be so cruel to someone like Patrice.  No matter what she says or does she is still human.  She does not deserve to be disrespected by you an internet STALKER.  What makes you so bitter?  Why is Patrice your target?  Why does she upset you so? No matter what her story is she is an addict looking for help.  You say that you are on all the sites like Patrice.  What are you doing there? or even here?  It sounds like you have all the answers and dont need the guidance. What can be hurting you so bad inside to persue another human being like that.  As if life is not hard enough for the sober ones why would you do the things you are doing?  I have had misunderstandings on this board but I still respect the people even though we dont see eye to eye.  You, however, are going after Patrice like a Tiger (NOT AN ANGEL) going out for "the kill".  Are you so comforted knowing that you are truly hurting someone who wishes for nothing better than to get well.  "Angel", have you found some BREAKTHROUGH way to no longer be an addict?  The way you distribute advice you must know something we dont know.  I mean you try to appear you do.  Have you read your postings? In your opinion do you think they appear "STABLE"?  The only unstable woman that needs to be ignored on this website is YOU.
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You're  right  I'm an awful  and unstable  woman. Okay  you  got me. I see Patrice on Chronic pain web sites . I have a spinal
cord injury. That's why I'm on those  sites. I  found this  site for neuro -surgeons. I came across this board and fell over when I saw Patrice here too. Well enough is enough I guess. I'm deemed a horrible person . good  luck to you and I'm sorry if I came off as a total jerk. Time will tell. Just wait until you say something Patrice  can handle. She'll show  how  wonderful she really is.  Lets see how  quickly anyone  comes to her defence  when she flips out on someone hear. Good Luck
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