1182411 tn?1265321044

Norco Detox... I need help :(

Hey all... I'm new to this forum... I just found it today and man, you guys are great. I'm in the same boat as a lot of you. I'm a stay at home Mom of two small children, and I started taking Vicodin about 7 months ago for chronic tendonitus, (5/500) and then after a few months of taking the vicodin (and loving the crap out of it) I found a doctor who prescribed me Norco 10/325. (Norco is the same as Vicodin, just a higher dose of the hydrocodone and a lower dose of the acetaminophen.) He would prescribe me 180 a time which is a one month supply, (if you take 6 per day). Which I was doing for about a month or so until I had to up the dosage due to the fact that I was building a tolerance. I loved the way hydrocodone would kill my pain, and at the same time give me such a great feeling! Everything the hydrocodone was doing for me I loved... It made me want to stop drinking my beloved wine at night, (I loved to have about a bottle a night not because I'm an alchoholic, but I love the taste and of course the little buz that comes with it after a long day with kiddos.) The Norco's also helped me to loose 35 pounds, the clarity and focus it gave me was so great, not to mention it helped considerably with prior stomach issues. (IBS) I found myself looking SO forward to taking my next dose, it just lightened up my life so much. Before I knew it, I was up to 12 Norco's a day. And since my husband was seeing the same doctor too, I convinced my husband to ask our doctor to prescribe him some Norco's also since I had to take so much and was building a tolerance. I thouroughly convinced my husband that I would not get addicted and that it was just a temperary solution until I had surgery on my hand to fix my tendonitus. Well... About 3 weeks ago, I was going through my pill bottles and noticed how fast I had been flying through my pills. I counted them and figured that I have been taking 20-25 pills a day!!! It scared me. It scared me BAD. So I decided to start tapering. Never worked. At the end of every night I would give myself this great big "pep talk" and had every intention of tapering the next day. Well, then my husband discovered how many I was taking. He is worried sick, and so am I. I can't seem to taper. The aggravation I develope after a few pills wears off is SO bad, that I just pop a few more to take the edge off. Then the cycle starts all over again. So this morning... I decided to go cold turkey.... Wow wow wow. I've never felt anything like that in my life. After a few hours of being awake and not taking any Norco's, I was doing ok, and thought, yep, I can do this. Oh boy.... Within the next few minutes I was laying on the couch with the wierdest cold and hot sweats I've ever had. It felt like ice water was rushing through my veins and my skin was on fire. Then, nausea hit me like a ton of bricks. I ran to my pill bottle so fast to wash a few down to kill that horrendous pain of withdrawl. I want to get off of this so bad. But I'm scared... I just got a mere taste of what it was like to withdrawl only for minutes.... Any advice would help me so so so so much. I just want my normal life back.... :(
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Hey all! I was bombarded by a coyote back in August and was put on narco also.  I have abused them, but am tapering now.  I was taking about 4 a day (7.5) and sometimes 5, up until 3 days ago.  Yesterday and the day before I only took 3, and today so far only one.  I had one when I woke up at 4 and I'm now at work and it's 3:15 and haven't taken the 2nd one (last one left out of the script).  I know over the weekend I will detox a little, but said to myself during the week to do it now so as next week at work I won't detox as bad.  I still have the wicked pain in my arm (that is where I was malled by the coyote), but am dealing with the pain.  I think for myself (in the past I became hooked on Percs 10mgs and abused the hell out of them and that detox was HELL), taking Tylenol and Ibuprofen will help.  I am worried about the next two days because I like to stay busy and don't want to become irritable.  My spouse thinks I take as prescribed which I usually do, but then on days when the pain is unbearable in my arm, I took more, but do you all think that I tapered in the smart manner?  I know I'll have at least 3 days of detoxing, but the last time I ran out early (one month ago), the detox only was for about 4 days, then I felt my REAL energy.  I know I have a script waiting for me in two weeks because of the constant throbbing from the coyote bite, and I will not lie to you all: I want it, but don't.  Make sense? Just wish I could take it as prescribed ALL of the time instead of taking it as prescribed for a few days, then a couple more other days.  Is that normal?  UGH...Wish me luck over the weekend and FYI...all of the comments and help you have given ppl are amazing!
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271792 tn?1334979657
xxx...this post is 4 years old. The members that posted are no longer active. You need to start your own post and tell us about yourself. There is great support here. I see that you have a few posts so you know how to do it. These old posts will get lost and go back to archives. If you need help just ask.
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Please update how all of you are!??♡♡
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My son in laws doc gave him wellbutrin he's doing good stayed off norco .. xo
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Hi everyone! I can't believe I'm here. I'm not even sure where this all started, maybe a knee surgery 3 years ago. Anyway, I'm now upto at least 10 hydros a day (this is anywhere from Vicodin, narco, and sometimes oxy). I'm sick of this running my life. I just took 3 of 5 narcos I have left. I was prescribed 60 on Tuesday and seeing how fast they went scared and discusted me. Tomorrow I go cold turkey. No one knows (family, boyfriend etc) so I have to continue work and life through this. Any support or advice would be great. Had to put this out there as I need accountability. Thanks for all your encouraging post
Terrified but done!
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I really enjoyed what you wrote! I have been 6yrs into this and have just got thru the first 12hrs! Gosh it's aweful! Some words here are heaven scent when they relate to you! I noticed yrs ago that I wasn't much of a movie fan like I used to be! I used to consider it art and also stopped being moved by music! As a child I was always singing on the school bus! I always thought I had this understanding of God because green grass would give me such joy! Your words helped me realize what I was truly missing! Thank you!
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3197167 tn?1348968606
Welcome to the forum, helpme.....this thread that you have posted on is over a year old....so if you can copy and paste your question....or just post a new one...you will get lots more feedback, support and help that way.

At the top of this page, there is an orange post a question button..hit that and post your question.....that will get you to the most current forum activity~
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Okay I am in severe depression and a single mom my irratibility is off the ,charts! I feel like I'm not going to make it...this is day 8
Took norco for close to a year straight 6 to 10 pills a day. The depression is crippling but what's worse is the fatigue I can't even get up to cook my kid a meal what do I do
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I read your profile.. just found this sight ..going without norcos for 29hours does it get any worse then this? I live with my mom she thinks I have the flue.. this would break her heart if she knew the truth .. been taking 5 a day for two years.. I could of taken more but never took more then that..
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Thanks for that link.  Very informative and thorough.
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Hi all I have too been addicted to Norcos for about 3 years now. It started when my brother had shoulder surgery. They gave him Norcos for his pain. One night he gave me one to try because I had some back pain. At it was all downhill from there. After his prescription ran out I found a lady that sold them so I was spending about $300 a month on pills. Now I'm engaged to e married and my fiancé doesn't know how bad my addiction is. He know I use to have an addiction to them but doesn't know that I am back on them. I work about 70 hours a week as a restaurant manager and I am only 23. Norcos seem to e the only way I can stay relaxed and not stress over every little things. I want to quit a because I have to because I can't afford it and also because lately it has not been making me feel good all the time but make ever emotion I have more intense than the next. If Im irritated it makes me EXTREMELY irritated and he same for when I'm happy. I wanted to post because this is day 2 of not taking 12 a day I take 1 a day to calm the chills and sweats. But I have also been taking work out vitamins and trying to run a lot. I feel ok so far but I know I have to give up the 1 a day soon also. But I can't seem to wrap my head around dealing with this next year ( planning a wedding, and my 70 hour a week job) without these pills. =(
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Wrong button! Day 13 for me. Horrible day at work. I was biting peoples heads off & tinkling down their necks all morning! Came home at lunchtime & went to my closetwhere I always hid my stash in one of my boots. Checked all over the closet to see if I dropped any - sometimes I'd drop one & find it in a shoe or something on the floor or the dry cleaning bag! I was like a madwoman ony kness tearing up the closet! After about 10 minutes I gave up without finding any norco. DISAPPOINTING! Luckily I was also hungry so I ate & felt better. Tonite I actually feel sleepy! Proud of you girl! Keep going! XOXOX
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Hey KM!
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Tramadol withdrawals were wayy worse then percs... they are all they mental high with very little actual pain relief. bad bad thing to start. please dont.
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1182411 tn?1265321044
Day 7 is gooooooooooood! :)
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1182411 tn?1265321044
Oh thank you! Man, I feel like I am seriously back sliding! And your right, the depression is a MAJOR factor. I have never been in so many dark places in my life over these past 6 days... Those Norco's sure do mask a LOT. How far are you in your recovery? I heard after the first 10 days, it's pretty good from there on out... Is that true? I saw my Phsyciatrist 2 days ago, and she put me on 30mg of Cylexa. So we will see if that helps... I just want these horrific cravings to go away already!!! I don't know how much for fight I have left in me.  :/
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Totally normal! Here I am getting into bed & I have a horrible headache. Tried aspirin & motrin since I've had this headache all day & nothing. I'd sell my soul for a few little yellow friends right now. if only I could sleep. You are doing fine. Some days will be better than others! XOXOX
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1182411 tn?1265321044
Did anyone else have a really rough day with day 6??? I was doing SO good yesterday, and thought I had really made that "turning point". Then this afternoon, it was almost like I was back at day 3! I mean it was tough. Everything in my body and mind was begging begging BEGGING me to take a Norco. Is this how it's going to be for the rest of my life?? One day good, then the next day bad????
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Go KM! I am so glad day 5 is done & that you saw your shrink! Support like that as well as from your husband is vital for recovery. I was afraid to confess & I've been married 20 years! He is very supportive & it has been nice when I'm "jonesing" at night to have him hold me. Every other time I tried he never knew what I was going thru. There is a girl on this forum, Catlover 8 who doesn't have the support of her spouse but has to rely on her friend. Look her up & tell her your story. You are doing super! So proud of you! XOXOX
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1182411 tn?1265321044
Day 5 is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DID IT I DID IT OH YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!!!!!! I'm feeling worlds better today! Just about back to my old self. The depression has lifted quite a bit too. I even got in to see my Psychiatrist today, I confessed everything to her, and I'm on a real good plan to stay recovered and to never EVER relapse. Man, I saw the depths of hell, that was some of the worst mental and physical pain I have ever been through. My best advice to anyone who is going to detox is to have a good plan in action before day 1 starts. Know it's going to be a miserable 4 or 5 days, DEFINITELY visit with a Psychiatrist before hand (you never know who bad the depression is going to be, it almost got me to relapse on day 3 it was so crippling.) If you have a good plan set in, than it is so very possible. I didn't have any kind of plan and I got through it... It's just a lot easier to arm yourself with every knowledge possible. My Psychiatrist said that quitting opiates is one of the hardest drugs to kick, it's up there with heroin!!! So just know if you can get through that first five days, you can probably get through ANYTHING. To all of my friends on here that have encouraged me, educated me, and supported me, I can't thank you enough. You were seriously half the reason I got through this, and I will be forever grateful to you. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who is going through this, who is about to go through this and who has made it through this. I know there is still a long road ahead of me, and I will have to continue to work at it, but I'm in it for the long haul. Being trapped in "pill hell" is way worse than going through a five day detox. The lovely light at the end of the tunnel is so rewarding. Love and blessings to everyone, and thank you again from the bottom of my heart.... ~Kelley~
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I'm not a doctor, but I'd think the fact that you've been only using for 7 months, you should recover faster then someone using longer.  But as you know everyone is different.  I used for 9 months and was feel emotionally much better in 2-3 weeks.  I to had a very very hard time with the depression thing.  But I promise you stick it out and it will get much better.  
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1182411 tn?1265321044
Hey Dano, wow, that was a lot of good information. Pretty scary, but good to know. Your right, I feel like I don't know how much longer I can go on like this. It's SO scary. I was only on vicodin for about 7 months... Do you think I'm going to have an equally hard time as say someone who has been on it for years or more? Thanks so much for all of your words of wisdom, they help so much. :)
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Sorry for the long post.  Actually I ran out of charactors had to finish up with another one.  I hope this helps.  The rest of the previous post is at the bottom of this one.  GOOD LUCK.......KEEP THE FAITH.......YOU CAN DO THIS.  Here you go!

It take so long to feel normal again that most of us give up and return to the drug induced normality that they are used to.  I mean, how long can you go through living everyday just not caring about anything? Most can't get through that. BUT, if you stay strong, have a support system and be patient, one day you discover that you can smile again and while it may only last a few seconds, it is a real feeling, a twinkle of the REAL feelings we used to feel. Then you begin to have these feelings more and more.  Then one day you are actually excited about sumpin or just feel happy cos it is a sunny day! And you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  You become confident you are gonna reach that light very soon.  And you will if you KNOW you will.  The light is always there, shining so very brightly, waiting on you to reach out for it again. And the light forgives all.

There is life/light after drugs....gotta give it some time tho! (:
submitted by worried878
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Read this it will explain everything

There is a natural chemical that our brain produces that is called Dopamine. This chemical is what stimulates our pleasure center and also what lets our brain interprets what measures it needs to take for survival. So, picture if you will, the following. On one side of your brain you have a "sac" that contains the Dopamine, on the other side of your brain you have a receptor (For the rest of this post I'm going to refer to this receptor as a gate for easier explanation).

Now, in a normal, non addicted brain, Dopamine is released naturally after say a good meal or sex. In the normal course of things for instance, if we eat a steak dinner, the sac will release the normal amount of Dopamine, let's say one squirt. The gate opens, receives the Dopamine, we feel good and everything is as it should be. Now, drugs also release Dopamine only at a much higher level, so while a candy bar might release one "squirt" of Dopamine, drugs release up to 100 times the normal amount of Dopamine. So, when we first begin to use, we swallow a pill or shoot some Heroin, 100 squirts of Dopamine gets released causing the Euphoric feeling that leads us to use again. The problem now though is that after a while, that one gate cannot open fast enough to accept the unusually high amount of Dopamine that is being supplied, so being the amazing organ that the human brain is, it simply grows another gate to help it accomodate. So, now we have 2 gates that are open and want to be fed. So instead of needing to only take 1 or 2 pills a day, suddenly we find that we need 3 or 4. Now 200 times the normal amount of Dopamine is being released and the process continues, these 2 gates need help so the brain grows another, and another and another........Now we find ourselves needing 6 or 7 pills a day.

While this is happening our brain is led to believe that it now HAS to have this chemical to survive, just as it knows that it needs food and sex to live and to reproduce. It now thinks that without drugs it will die, for you see the brain doesn't know what we are giving it, just that it MUST have it or die. So, with continued use, our tolerance grows due to the extra gates that we have open, that need to be fed and fed on a consistant basis. So, as opposed to the normal brain that has it's one normal gate, an addict may have 20 or 30 gates now. This is why we can take drugs in a high enough dosage that it would kill a normal person but for us it is the amount that we need just to feed all those gates and keep ourselves normal.
So now, we decide to quit. Easy enough, right?, I mean, just stop swallowing the pills and all will be well (ever been told that?). Well, as you know, it's not tht easy and the reason why is when we suddenly take that drug away,stop feeding those gates, our brain goes into panic mode, it thinks it is dying. So, what follows? 7 to 10 days of extreme sickness (WD). Our brain is sending out distress signals just like it would if we quit eating (think for a minute what a human will do if they get hungry enough and then you can see why addicts will do things they never thought themselves capable of to get what they need.) Now, after the first few days, the brain begins to realize that it is not going to die and we start to physcially feel better. But that is by no means the end of the problem.

Think of those gates for a minute, wouldn't it be nice if when we quit they disappeared and everything went back to normal? Unfortunately, that is not the case, the addicts brain is forever altered. Those gates NEVER go away, we will always have all those extras. Now, this is where it is so difficult in early recovery. Ok, so we have quit taking drugs, we feel a little better, BUT now we eat a candy bar, the normal amount (that one squirt) of Doapmine is released, BUT ALL of those extra gates open to receive it and our brain starts to scream "IT'S NOT ENOUGH", which of course it is not, we have 30 gates opening, expecting to be fed and they get one little blast instead of what it is used to. This is why in early recovery anything that releases Dopamine needs to be reduced or eliminated if possible. Of course we have to eat, we can't eliminate that of course but have you ever noticed when you first got clean that you found yourself overeating or craving right after a good meal? We crave after we eat because those gates are open and we may overeat trying to satisfy the need for excess Dopamine. That is why it is a good idea to avoid sweets or products like NyQuil, because they contain sugar and alcohol, which "teases' those gates unnecessarily.

Now, while those gates never go away, the good news is that after we are clean for awhile, they do become less sensitive. Eventually even though they are still there, fewer will open and things return to as close to normal as we will ever be able to get to. So, basically we have them, they are laying dormant and if we get say a good 6 months to a year clean time, they pretty much leave us alone. BUT, how many times have you heard an addict say that they were clean for a while and thought they could just use recreationally now and control it? Of course we can't control it, once we take that first pill (or whatever) again, the HUGE amount of Doapmine is released and ALL of those dormant gates are wakened and our tolerance is just as high as it always was. We don't have to build it back up, we pick right back up at the amounts that we are accustomed to. Or how many times have you seen someone who never had a drinking problem get clean from pills and then become an alcoholic? They think that if they are not taking their DOC they will be ok. But remember, our brain doesn't know if we are feeding it Vicodin, Heroin or whiskey. All it knows or cares about it is the end result that the substance produces.

Now, we are getting clean, the WD's are over, we are not using any other substance but yet we are miserable, can't sleep, are depressed, anxious, etc, etc....Now, why is this, it's not fair, right?, I mean, we did what we were supposed to and yet we feel so ABNORMAL and it seems to last forever. Well, the reason for this is simple, when we were growing all those extra gates and training our brain to rely on a unnatural chemical, we ACTUALLY, PHYSCIALLY altered the chemical makeup in the brain. So, now we may be clean but we are left with a bunch of synopsis (sic),and receptors that are in essence "misfiring". We feel the way we do because our brain in no longer functioning normally. This does eventually heal but it is not a quick process by any means. Our brains have to repair all the damage we did when we went in and rearranged it's furniture so to speak. Usually this takes anywhere from several months to a year. The longest time belonging to those whose DOC is opiated based, such as Vicodin, Percocet, Oxycontin and Heroin. This is why such extreme caution has to be use in early recovery and also why so many addicts relapse.

There is life/light after drugs....gotta give it some time tho! (:
submitted by worried878
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