897400 tn?1303329148

Started LDN therapy

I posted this under Relapse Prevention since the mental part of withdrawl , is such a strong factor in relapse.

I started LDN last night. I took 1.5mg in a liquid ( syrup I mixed at home - recipe in my LDN Journal ). I didn't want to find out if it was going to affect my sleep ( initial side affects are often sleep disturbance and vivid dreams ), so I took Trazodone 100mg right at bedtime. I slept almost 7 hours. When I woke up I felt good. I often wake up with anxiety, but not today. I feel better than I have in weeks. I don't really feel depressed and only my over active mind started anxious feelings. I was able to take a deep breath and mentally move on. I feel lighter and able to focus better. Could just be a placebo effect, only more time will tell. But I am still optimistic. I am keeping a public journal on my profile page if anyone wants to follow. It's going to be too much to post every day on both forums I am in. Please feel free to check it out if u r interested.
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Hi ginsa!!!  Must be a little phycic!  lol  I just took my first dose of Naltrexone.  .  My Dr. said I could take a whole one a day,  so to jump start myself I took a whole one.  Don't know if I will be up tonight or not! lol  Am thinking I may start at 4.5ml dosage tomorrow.  Some say to take it at night,  I need it while I am awake!  Anyway, we should stay in contact to see how each of us are doing.!!  I have been clean since 2-16-09 I think I would be doing wonderful if it wasn't for the craves,:((((  and I am so very hopeful that it will help with my Lupus and Fibro,  asking toooo much I think,  but if it works for so many others then why not us!!  Willing to give it time.
Best wishes to you girl!!! :)
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897400 tn?1303329148
That's so funny that you just started too!  I found a forum for LDN users and some of the folks on there use it during the day too. I think the reason for taking it at night is that peak endorphin production is btw 2am-4am. By supressing production at peak time it stimulates even more to be produced during the day, when we can really appreciate the extra endorphins. I think some people find it interrupts sleep less if taken during the day. The database is at    www.ldndatabase.com

I've read that  sugar should be strictly limited because Candida bloom is a common early side effect. Also Dairy products from American dairy cows and Gluten because they contain peptides that act like opiates in the body. This is news to me and I'm looking into it further. Some people say that they eat both and are OK with LDN.

Are you keeping a Journal with your LDN experience? I'd be interested in knowing how the higher dose makes you feel. I hope this works for you too.
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You know for as long as I have been around on this forum,  I have never wrote in my journal nor posted any friends only a few pm '.s once in awhile.   I guess I could start one today.  Maybe I will.....

So glad that I am not alone in this Naltrexone journey....  am going to pay more attn. to how I am feeling,  you know, craves and sleep and emotions.   I am really hopeing that it helps.  The fatigue and craves ........  too bad that is part of the aftercare.....  I think alot of people would make it if they could use something non addictive and get more benefits from it too!  Good luck to us both gina!

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897400 tn?1303329148
How were you doing as far as depression or anxiety pre? I was afraid to take the full 50mg dose because Depression and Anxiety are side effects at that dose. I have been feeling so bad that I couldn't handle anything that would make it worse. If you decide to stay at the high dose and have any new depression or anxiety let me know. OK? I hope it helps you with the cravings.
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933174 tn?1375792553
What is LDN therapy?
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897400 tn?1303329148
LDN stands for Low Dose Naltrexone. Naltrexone is an opiate antagonist FDA approved for use in treating opiate addiction. It reduces cravings and when it is present in the body opiate use will not yield the euphoria that makes them so seductive. Same with alcohol. You just can't get a buzz like you used to if you are taking Naltrexone.  I will also cause immediate withdrawl if opiates are already in the system when it is administered, so it is used after detox has already been accomplished. A typical dose is 50mg for treating opiate addicts.

It has been discovered that using less than 1/10 the typical dose will temporarily halt natural endorphin production. When this happens the body will overcompensate by producing extra endorphins when it recovers the ability to do so ( within a few hours ). A typical low dose ( hence the LDN acronym ) is no more than 4.5mg. It is usually administered in the evening since peak endorphin production is btw 2am-4am. This way more endorphins are available during the day, when we are most likely to be aware of the bonus. This is why I thought it would help with depression. This mechanism also has a balancing effect in the immune system, and LDN is gaining a reputation for effectively treating Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Crohn's Disease,, and other auto immune disorders. It also does some thing I can't explain to some cancer cells ( basically I think it starves them ) and is used for that too, usually after Radiation or Chemo is finished. The reports of what it can do for people are just amazing.


I have been researching this for weeks, since one of the members on this forum mentioned it to help with withdrawl symptoms. I am grateful.
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401095 tn?1351391770
ok..peps i was gonna ask the ame thing as tweetie did..what on earth is LDN?   but now i see i just never heard it abbreviated that way...naltrexone is similar to naloxone in sub i think..havent read about it in a while...and it is suppored to help people with moods/depression etc..even some who r not addicts...i would like to learn more about itc
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933174 tn?1375792553
Wow, see, I remember taking naltrexone years ago to help reduce the cravings for opiates and I just didn't like the way it made me feel, sort of dizzy, and flat in my mood.
But this low dose thing almost sounds homeopathic. Let me know how you do on this therapy. This may bring me some hope, being that I'm currently struggling to get off of percocet and vicodin. I've been abusing the two for a couple of months now and am having difficulty stopping. I don't have a really bad habit right now, I think its mostly psychological but I'm worried it could escalate, and givin my diagnosis of Depression and Bipolar Type 2 sink me into a very unstable emotional state.
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897400 tn?1303329148
Since you've only been using the opiates for a couple of months, quit while you're ahead. Sounds like you have already been through the withdrawl roller coaster once and you are probably going to be more vulnerable now. If you keep taking them it will escalate and I'd imagine that the longer you use the worse the withdrawl induced depression will be when you quit. I wish I had been able to get the Naltrexone sooner, then I would be able to say if it helps with acute withdrawl symptoms. I had depression before I ever took opiates, but I feel worse than I ever have since I quit the Norco.

I don't know if the Low Dose is good for helping with cravings because I didn't have any before using it and still don't. I was actually prescribed the Naltrexone to prevent cravings (Psychaitrist who doesn't seem to hear me when I speak apparently thought craving was making me depressed ) But I didn't take it that way because I read that it CAUSES depression and anxiety in high dose ( 25mg-50mg). My self-preservation instinct is still intact enough to want to avoid that.

So far taking the Low Dose I feel a distinct difference. About 7 hours after I take it I get sort of a rush. I feel very slightly light headed, but it's not bad...not as bad as antidepressants caused. It's kind of like my head is unstuffed. I still feel fatigued, but that may be due to other health issues than depression. I am feeling enough of a difference that I am going to continue. The fog has lifted, things look more crisp, but I'm still not able to feel pleasure. I still feel like there's a rock in my chest. But I'm under tremendous stress. I don't expect a drug to fix that.
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897400 tn?1303329148
Yea, naloxone and naltrexone are both opiate antagonists. I don't fully understand the difference between Naloxone and Naltrexone, but I do know that Naloxone is used like an antidote for opiate overdose and Naltrexone is not. That Suboxone ( naloxone and buprenorphine ) causes eupohria but not naltrexone. Naltrexone isn't addicitve either in low dose or high dose. It produces very different reactions in the body when used in low dose as opposed to high dose. Sounds to me like the low dose kinda puts natural  endorphine production to sleep ( for a few hours) and refreshes the system and high dose puts it in a coma that lasts as long as you take it. I'm curious how high dose would make me feel, but not enough to risk making depression worse.
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Hi ginsa and everyone!   This is my third day with the Naltrexone, 50mg. the first two days,    this a.m.  I woke up to a big headache,  so I took one half tab this a.m. and so far the only side effect has been slight nausea at the 50 mg which passes quickly,  but I noticed it both days at the whole tablet dose.  Will see how it goes with the half tab. today.  No craves,   but no energy yet that I can tell.  Naltrexone is subtle,  only knowing that I have taken it otherwise, no buzz or anything like that.  Well, if it gave us a buzz it wouldn't be nonaddictive!lol :(

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897400 tn?1303329148
I'm glad to hear you're not craving. Keep us posted and let us know if you start feeling depression or anxiety from it. Take care.
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Please continue to keep us updated in your progress. I feel like I am chasing my tail in making a deceision in trying this. I REALLY HOPE it works for you. These cravings are KILLING me. I am trying everything to deal with these. After so many years of opiates it's like my body is turning on me and I could attend 5 meetings a day and that still isn't helping. Perhaps as we discussed before, this would help me too. Just really really concerned about the depression aspect as well as the anxiety. Thanks for everything. Off to see my dad for father's day. He was my driving force in quitting so this is the most special father's day for him and I.

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897400 tn?1303329148
I just wanted to briefly update. I've been feeling a little generalized anxiety today. Walking didn't help. A friend came to visit and I could hardly sit still, started feeling a little agitated talking with her. Nothing wrong with her or what she was saying, I was just stirred up. This is kind of how antidepressants made me feel. I don't like it. I'm thinking I might decrease my dose back from 2.5 to 2mg and see if it helps.
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897400 tn?1303329148
Lowered dose  of Naltrexone back to 1.5mg  last night and anxiety was lower this morning. I slept well without Trazodone, but I did take Vistaril and Buspar a couple of hours before bed and Neurontin just before. I woke up tired but not so severely fatigued like I have been for so long. Physical symptoms are more noticeable today with the lower dose, but it's still an improvement over pre LDN.
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How is the cravings?
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897400 tn?1303329148
I never really had any cravings for the Opiates, but I love wine and beer. I've had a glass here and there since detox, but now I don't even think about it. I think that even in the low dose I am taking it helps. I shouldn't drink ( drink bone's connected to the drug bone ) even tho' I didn't think it was a problem. I don't know if the low dose I'm taking would work for someone who has serious cravings. I think Ella's taking full dose (50mg) and she's having good results. I'm only taking 1.5mg a day. I think the next time I order Pizza will be the test...it's a trigger for me for sure. Beer & Pizza a match made in...
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401095 tn?1351391770
i have read where low doses of naltrexone can impove mood etc..making wd easier..it also blocks opiates kinda like antabuse blox alcohol..but other than just blocking the substance it has some benefit aspects to the whole scenario like mood elevation etc...i am thinking the only  difference is naloxone has to be give IV/ thru a vein ....we use it for people who have obvioulsy overdosed by accident or not by accidnet..sometimes u can give a normal/non-addict person a dose of narcotics and they quit breathing on u..so u keep naloxone clse by..works fast as it goes right into the vein..i am thinkin naltrexone is the oral fom of this drug but would have tor research it
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897400 tn?1303329148
I know it's helping my mood. I feel better all over really. I'm having to adjust my doses to find what feels best, but I'm sleeping normally and finding myself spontaneously doing things that used to take trememdous mental and physical effort.
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Hi!  Hope everyone is doing okay?  Just wanted to say that I am most sure now that the LDN is helping me with the cravings as I haven't had a serious crave in awhile now! I cut my dose into 3, kinda hard to do but I just guess it mostly.  It has helped with the nausea, which bothered me on the whole dose (50mg).  The energy is better, I know cause yesterday I vacumed several rooms and I just knew I would be sore and exauhsted today but I'm not!  REally unusual because of my fibro too.  Not to mention cleaned my kitchen and that really needed it too cause I was always so bad at not detailing stuff,(wipe it down and put it up)lol  After almost a week (tomorrow) I see no reason to stop taking it, really, I wish everyone would at least try it.  It isn't expensive,generic as my ins. won't pay any other way.  It is just my opinion but I think I aught to say it anyway,    Get yourself on a level where you know for sure that your cravings are not just "oh,I wanta pill"  to Oh, I just don't wanta crave any more.  If you can do that then you will be okay.  You will know when you take them a few days and realize the difference. Today, I don't want or desire a pill(lortab) and I am hopefull that I will feel that way from now on!    Today, no nausea, no cravings,  Ella is happy finally!!  Will keep you all posted.
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hi ginsa,
do you have any updates on taking ldn?
the reason i'd take ldn is to treat ms. Dr. Mercola also recommends taking alpha lipoic acid along with ldn. Still not sure if i should try these for ms.
please help?

:) ileana
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