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480035 tn?1222366164


Listen I have'nt posted much, but, I have been reading daily.This Suboxone is serious stuff, no joke. I'm posting this because I've seen alot of interest in SUBS lately. When I first heard of it I reseached it for at least a month before I even asked anyone about it.Mostly I've seen misinformation on the forum here mostly. I'm not gonna debunk all the myths but here's one (the life of suboxone is 37hrs) That means as you dose it compounds in your system, buils up as you dose. please get all the info you can. If I offend anyone or anyone wants to dispute or argue over my post, dont waste your time or mine. i'm not doing this for entertainment or pleasure. Those of you who know me and do give proper advise on subs and taper know how serious this is. So, PLEASE don't guess at answering posts just to posts.Let people get the right answers. The slogan for this post is (IF YOU DONT KNOW, DONT TELL) Thenks Teddy

ps. my name is teddy, and I approve of this message!
47 Responses
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Hi there! You commented on a post from 2008. If you would like you can post a new question and people will be happy to answer anything. I tapered down to .5 mgs. Withdrawals weren't pretty but everyone is different. Hopefully you will have a painless transition. We will be here for support!
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Suboxone saved my life. I don't know if your a herion addict or not but every addict I've talked to has had a good experience with suboxone. It does build up in your system but that's a good thing, because if something happens and you can't get to your pills for a couple days your withdrawals won't come back. I start my taper down program with my doc next week and I have no fear that I will have a painless transition continuing in my sober lifestyle without needing any meds.
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480448 tn?1426948538
I couldn't agree more that Sub is only a "tool" on the long road to recovery.  If there was a magic "pill" to kick a habit, there wouldn't be such an addiction problem in this world!  Right?

Aftercare is SOOOO important, and as long as someone enters in to Sub Rx with full disclosure of what is to come...then they can make an educated decision to take it or not.

Sadly...I don't think nearly enough Sub docs and/or clinics tell even a 1/4 of the true story.  An addict takes the first Sub....and for most...it wipes away the horrid w/d's and takes away the cravings.  Problem is....down the road..you're still stuck suffering in one way or another.  I know some people have come off Sub with minimal w/d's, but those people, IMO..are definitely in the minority.

It just comes to facing the cold hard truth either NOW or LATER.  Coming off any addictive drug is going to s**k!  Not many ways around it!

Also...for some people...like ochooked mentioned.....it may be a good trade off, even if Sub becomes a long term treatment.  If you're talking about decades of addiction and many failed recovery attempts...taking a low dose of Sub daily may truly be the lessor of two evils.

But again...I just wish that every single person considering Sub could dome to a site like this and get the REAL story from people who have, and ARE living it!  Just like the Tram debate....if people had been given the whole story behind that med...and KNEW that it could cause a horrid addiction and awful w/d's...I betcha a LOT of people would have never taken even one pill.   :0(
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NAABT stands for The national Alliance for Buprenorphine Treatment it is an information site and also has a forum where you can speak to actual members that are on  it or have been on it...it does not "sell" or even mention the maker of Suboxone or subutex, which is Reckitt Benckiser...they are not even mentioned on naabt...and it is not just the "positive" side, if you go there and read the forum, you would see this. i only go there for information, as it provides the best possible information available on every aspect of how suboxone works, how subutex works, chemical make up etc...they even have the clinical guidelines that doctors use available for you to see and read...all of the TIP sheets are available in PDF format.

another good information site is SAMSA which stands for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration. which is put out by United States Department of Health and Human Services., tons of information, and not just about addiction...

there are plenty of sites i use FILLED with information to learn all you can before you make any decisions.  i suggest to go and read them ALL before any informed decision can be made...nothing can be more important than to educate yourself FIRST not after...
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Hello all;   I read this thread with great interest and wanted to add my own comments about the effects of Sub.   I am currently on day 8 since I last took a 'crumb' of Sub.  I used it to help kick a ten year 140 mg/day Oxy addiction.   I do acknowledge that there are people on this site who believe that it is necessary for them to stay on Sub for many months or even years. For those whose DOC was heroin or Methadone, perhaps long term use of Sub is appropriate.  However, if anyone doubts that this is one major powerful drug, then I must respectively disagree with them.   This stuff (SUB) is still kicking my butt - after 8 days ---  and it does NOT clear the body in 37 hours -- - that is only the half life.  You guys who studied chemistry know that means only half of it is elliminated in that time and then it takes another 37 hours to clear half of what's left and so on.  Worried878 is exactly right in her posts -- this lady speaks from knowledge and having helped many people who thought Sub was going to make W/D's disappear altogether ----  It doesn't -----  Here again is my opinion - If anyone thinks that they will not suffer, they are badly wrong ---- it is part of getting clean --   I still, after 8 days, have periods of sweating, hot/cold, weakness, etc.  Sub was a tool I used, but not a magic bullet.  Now, the hardest part of getting through this whole nightmare is the lack of energy - lethargy.   I have been faithfully taking the Thomas Recipe and Amino Acids --- However, there is one more thing that I found that helps me more than all of the vitamins combined ----  The name is Provigil.   It enhances Dopamine receptors in the brain and gives a non-caffeine type boost -----  You can get a prescription for it - very expensive -- about 6 to 10 bucks per pill but worth every penny. You can also Google it and find it on line.  I love the fact that people on this site like Avis and Worried878 and several others have beaten their addictions and still come here to offer their help.   May I also state with absolute certainty that there are also pharmacists and nurses who lurk on this site and offer advice from time to time.   I know that many health care professionals also have been bitten by the same demon of addiction and know personally what everyone is going through - -- they have a whole career to consider but still return to this site to encourage others.  Anyway, enough of my bloviating.  Bottom line - Sub is a tool and in 99% of cases should only be used in a 21 day period of tapering.  Anything longer only changes your DOC.  IT IS VERY ADDICTIVE.  All the best to my fellow travelers on the road to recovery.   Blessings - - ochealed, formerly ochooked
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495284 tn?1333894042
Thanks for answering my question.  Good post lifesaride           sara
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amen to that Mj....
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everyone just needs to know it's a TOOL, not a cure.  eventually, on Sub or not, you eventually will have a craving.

so it's in your best interest to have ADDITIONAL support to stop your pill or drug addiction, in addition to Sub.

it's stops withdrawals.  it's stops cravings - for AWHILE.

but it's not a magic pill.  so get to your root causes, triggers, get a sponsor, a shrink - SOMETHING - or your chances for staying stopped aren't great.

sorry - that's the truth, folks.
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Thank you so much for your replies! I was dumbfounded to read above that I was not getting high on suboxone. Really? Sure felt like a high to me...first kinda warm and happy, then my problems don't matter anymore, then I'm just plain euphoric. If that's not high, then I guess my vocabulary has some problems.

It makes sense that the Narcan is there to block a typical high from one's DOC. And I guess also from the opiate component in the suboxone. Just doesn't work that way for me, that's all. Makes it a little bit harder than it might be.

Thanks again.
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sorry for the typo..I meant ON my Hover round..lol
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480448 tn?1426948538
Your post was absolutely right on....one absolutely CAN get a "high" from Sub....and again, everyone is different.

The "Narcan" present in Suboxone is to prevent the patient from getting a typical "high" from opiates in general (ie oxy, hydro,,,etc)....the DOC of the user.

But, Sub, also being an opiate definitely can cause euphoria...another reason to be cautious with it.  People DO sadly end up abusing it, like any other opiate.
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374251 tn?1246235657
*i'm replying to teddy from way back in the conversation, sorry to confuse.*

i didn't think that you were putting down suboxone, i was only asking to be more specific because i'm really trying to get all the information i can this time. when i was giving methadone for the 1st time, i jumped off the mountain and then realized i couldn't fly. with sub, i wanna at least have some wings before i jump. at this point, i just want to be rid of it all. but i've been saying that for about a year now.. so i'm cossing my fingers with the sub...     -jesse
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your a sweetheart..and you know I need a soft soft ride these days.LOL Hopefully I really have a cool "soft" ride before i show up at Sturgis in my flames out Hover round..LMAO..
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401095 tn?1351391770
i hope so..i have been posting here with u for a long time...i know we dont communicate much but i do hope the best for u...believe it or not...I know more than u think about all of this...but it was in my past and i dont want to go there....and i want only the best for u and i see u post about trying to go down on ur dose here and there......and i want u to do that...do it slow...and when u r ready ...i did not mean anything personal nor did i mean to target u at all...u r doing what u have to do the best way u can do it...life can be a real trial sometimes....and we gotta play it by ear
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480035 tn?1222366164
Good a nice soft ride, you need it!
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480035 tn?1222366164
Lisa why no mood? SO,  I'm doin 1) 8 mg a day now, I'll cut it by half tomorrow and we'll see what happens. In the am. I'll do 1/2) 8mg and try that or a week, maybe I'll be off by the end of the month.
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I know that even methadone no matter how bad it screwed me up..has it's place..as does sub..I am very glad that you posted this..you know i think you rock..lol  oh yeah..and I am riding on that softail..lol
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LOL..I said I hate getting involved but since I was on methadone i feel like I do have something to say..lol  just haven't been feeling strong enough lately for the "drama'..but at every methadone clinic they are now pushing sub..they did at the one I was at..so to my mind..it spells danger..the big thing I keep hearing about sub..is IF you use it just so..it will be ok...if not..look OUT..the meth clinic that I went to just pushed suboxone because it cost 150/wk rather than the $80 for methaodne..they promised (in their own brochures) that you will be free and clear in 12 weeks...another lie..because most everyone that posts about it is still on it and the very few..like less than 1% have gotten off it..I just don't get it either...
no hate mail please..just my opinion..I did my methadone time and suffered..(not from you worried)  
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480035 tn?1222366164
Lisa, hey there, miss ya, Your methadone struggle is just as valid and your posts and helpfulness on this forum is exactly why I started this post, we need more of it. Cuz you know how serious this is and fighting for life is valid. It rips my heart out reading some of these crys for help posted here. life is just a ride! how you gonna ride? Teddy
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401095 tn?1351391770
Buprenorphine is different from other opioids in that it is a partial opioid agonist3. This property of buprenorphine may allow for;

less euphoria and physical dependence*3   (states less)
lower potential for misuse*3
a ceiling on opioid effects*3
relatively mild withdrawal profile*3
At the appropriate dose buprenorphine treatment may:

Suppress symptoms of opioid withdrawal2
Decrease cravings for opioids2
Reduce illicit opioid use2
Block the effects of other opioids2
Help patients stay in treatment2

this is from naabt.org...the bible for sub users and the pharmaceutical site that sells the drug...true it has LESS euphoria than a full agonist like oxycodone...but it is a partial agonist and a high is produced especially for those without an extremely high tolerence..it is a partial agonist but a strong narcotic...it is a scheduled drug..which means a controlled substance
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thanks..i agree with you 100%..your a great person..You go girl!! I am behind you..Love lisa
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480035 tn?1222366164
Thats what I mean SO I GOT SOMEONE A LIL IRRATATED.  Well no surprise there. But that boner comment was meant to go to the person it was addressed to, See, I followed that persons up and down over the last 6 months and knew that might cheer him up a bit. The misconception now is that sub gives you a boner thanks to your interpation of that post. WRONG AGAIN!  See that person happens to be on methadone, and most people know isnt very good for sexual drive. The fact that suboxone puts you into a more NORMAL state was my point.

By the way didnt I begin this post by saying this was not up for debate or an arguement.
THIS IS ABOUT GETTING SERIOUS ABOUT LIVES, I'm am not advocating anything other than not to misinform and educate. Teddy
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401095 tn?1351391770
and u r right to do so...and after this i will follow ur lead, sad...it never turns into anything useful...these discussions are very negative part of the forum as a matter of fact...why even bring it up?  most members on here are not on sub...it is almost as if those that are have a complex and i dont understand why! let the people choose what they want to do...there are plenty of sites for them to go to to learn about it without people advertising how great it is here..if someone asks...tell them what u know and tell them to educate themselves..why tell them it is better than honey and gives people a boner!...  educating people, verses encouraging people to do a drug are 2 different things...if someone came on here and started pushing trams to taper with or replace their DOC, or to use methadone to replace their DOC or taper with...everyone would have a cow!   sub is another addictive narcotic...no matter how u slice it..if someone wants to stay on a narcotic for life...i do agree it is better than using off the streets or taking 40 pills a day...I just dont agree with a forum like this that is supposed to be for helping people with addiction...trying to push it on people cause they can get a hard on in a few days...that is just a bit out of the "helping people get clean" aspect that the forum was meant to be......sorry...no offense to anyone but we all are allowed to stae how we feel
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480035 tn?1222366164
Annie, trust me you didnt get (high) on suboxone. This is exactly why I started this post. It is not possible to get high on Suboxone. Incase you didnt hear that, You cant get high on Suboxone. Not to get technical, suboxone is a compound med, besides pain reliever, and a couple other ingrediants, it has a blocker in it to keep you from getting high.
And any information is good information is not a good idea, look I'm not talking about personal experiences here, I'm talking about blatant bad info, like sub last 72 hrs, not even spelling it right, now I'm no english major but from the first time I looked it up I read enough to at least know how to spell it, and disspell all the myths about it also.
Incase no one heard me Suboxone is serious stuff. So take it serious. And use it to get to the WHY your useing and abusing.
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