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Tracking the Road to Recovery - Suboxone Tapering

I'm starting this thread to begin tracking my road to recovery using suboxone. I'm entering some of the most crucial stages and will be "jumping" soon. There are so many horror stories, I'm hoping I'll have one that's more encouraging to tell. Currently I am taking .25mgs per day (.125 twice daily). *Notice decimal in front of 25*

Recent progress info: I had been on .25 for around 3 weeks - long enough to gain stability, but I did have a small set back. I ran out of my 2mg strips and thought I could cut my 8mg strip down enough to use until I saw the Dr. again. (I had one of these left from a prior prescription). This was two weeks during which I had finals, my wedding and honey moon. I should have taken more time to either call in a request or analyze the amount I was taking or both. Before I realized it, I had been taking the wrong dose for two weeks - the pieces were so small - it was impossible to cut an 8mg strip down to .125 pieces. I had been instead taking .25 twice daily - .5 daily - double the amount I had tapered to. I guess b/c I had already stabilized on .25 and had so much going on I didn't even feel a difference. ANYWAY, yesterday I got my 2mg strips refilled and jumped back down to .25 mg per day (.125 twice daily).  Previously I had tapered even slower - from 1/2 a strip (.5 mgs) to 1/3 to 1/4 to 1/6 to 1/8 (.25 mgs) taking many months to do so. That was definately easier, but at this point I just want to get back to where I was. I was proud of myself and when I realized I had screwed up I was feeling depressed, SO, I'm motivated to get back quicker this time.

OK, SO FIRST 24 HOURS BACK DOWN TO .25 mgs (.125 twice daily): Last night I hurt. I took a diclofenac (an NSAID like advil) and slept fairly well throughout the night. This morning I hurt. I took another NSAID. I also feel very antsy but besides that I'm doing ok and the NSAID is working good enough. No stomach problems. Also, when I say hurt, right now I just mean "ache".  Strangely, mostly shoulders/upper body.
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I'm glad your coping well enough, best of luck for tomorrow! I hope it not a bad as you fear, try and roll with it, surrender to it! It's a week or two versus the rest of your live, it makes so much sense to get this over and done with. By the way, so many of my friends are taking 24mgs of subs daily, I think one friend is on 32mgs, I used to try and tell them but they weren't interested. I started at 8mgs too, it's not a massive dose, like you said it depends on the size of your habit and what you will feel comfortable taking. Subs saved my life and sanity so they were the correct way forward for me. I still wish I had just suffered a Heroin detox but not to worry. I've just found out through my friend Heathers note I'm 5 month clean today, so I can tell you live gets so cool when your clean especially after a long run on opiates, I feel great now! You will to my friend, I wait and pray for a smooth detox, let me know how tomorrow goes for you! You got this! Blessing, ;)
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Where are you? I know you are or will be highly dissapointed, but I'd kinda like to hear your advice (in the gentlest way possible).....
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To digger and ariley:
Your support is so very much appreciated!!!
It shouldn't be too hard to act angry with my supplier and cut the ties considering he owes me $100 that I doubt he'll ever be able to repay - he "does" too much to actually be profitable, and that's his only job!
We were friends once, during a brief time when he wasn't dealing, but I know I'm not his "best friend". His best friend is my money. I'm not stupid. ANYWAY...
Symptom & 'Taper' update from my relapse: I can still feel the w/ds thru the suboxone - because I'm only taking enough to tolerate the w/ds, not eliminate them. It's day 3 off hydrocodone and I have 1/4 mg of suboxone left which I plan to take today. We'll see what happens tommorrow...pray. I am. I'm scared. Current symptoms: dialated pupils, achy, & foggy - over all feeling crappy but tolerable. No diarreaha but nauseous. I AM sleeping at night! - taking 2 of my 'restless leg' meds - gabapentin. (My Dr. had said it was fine to up my dosage of these because he prescribed the lowest dose - therefore I'm taking 200mgs total per night.) So glad I decided to give these a try even though at first I thought, "yeah rt."

**Note (mostly just for those who might read this who are thinking of starting subs): I wish I had started on a smaller dose than originally recommended by my Dr. - more like 4-2mgs per day compared to the 8mgs way back when I began this, but I didn't know. I can't believe they give people 16+mgs to start. I'm sure it's to transition a person mentally as well as physically and of course some people may be on much higher doses of opiates - I was on 100 mgs + of hydro per day and could have started at much less than 8 as mentioned. IF a person REALLY wants to quit, starting on a lower dose (the lowest possible to be 'comfortable') makes a lot more since (to me) b/c the taper will be easier and shorter. I'll will say, it won't be easy to determine this dose. If the dr. prescribes more, and you want to try less, it's hard to choose the "less" when in acute w/ds, AND it does take at least an hour (for me anyway) to start taking effect. Also, it has a half life, so the next dose will help even more. My dr. told me to take half of the 8mg strip, wait an hr, and if it didn't work, to take the other half, and then another full 8mgs, 8 hours later. I'm VERY glad I was able to choose the lower of the two options he gave me, I just wish he had suggested even less - knowing what I know now - I could have EASILY started on 4mgs instead of 8, and could have TOLERABLY started at 2...
If I could do it over (the easy way), I would have taken a larger 'first dose' but then less from there on out. Like in my case, the half a strip (4mgs) for the first dose, but then 2mgs for the next dose, and the ones following (2mgs twice daily). If I could do it over the best 'tolerable' way (which I think would be ideal for my mind set now if I had the time and meds), I would do the above, except cut all those numbers in half and taper.
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5347058 tn?1381188426
I just wanted to offer my unconditional support. I know how hard the hydros are to kick. I was on a high dose and did my detox in a freaking semi truck! Talk about hell. I did it though, and you can do this. We want to see you be another success story on here. Why not be proactive with the dealer situation and tell him to take a hike before you feel like total crap? It will be a lot easier now then when you are in the midst of acute withdrawals and feeling weak and desperate. Just something to think about. I don't want you to keep having to go through this over and over again. Please stay with us and keep posting. Here for you and sending you wishes for strength, clarity, and much healing.
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I will always be behind you cheering you on my friend, my main goal is to see you happy, clean and enjoying your thanksgiving with something to be truly thankful for! You can do this you know, it does take a big fight and true grit but it's doable with enough want in your heart! I truly believe the biggest pieces of advice anyone can give is, surrender yourself completely to the process and don't give yourself an out!

I wasn't trying to say you had loads of subs, I just personally think the fact your taking them will play on your mind and confuse your thinking on time frames, length of detox and such! In my opinion your detox shouldn't be horrendous and you will surprise yourself, I hope so! I truly would love to see you out of this misery you've found yourself in, you deserve more in life than being cornered by evil pills! Go grab your life back my friend, it's yours to grab! I wish you all the luck in the world, truly! (If your source phones, tell him straight and slam the phone down, get angry, it will give you a renewed strength) I sit in hope, blessing my friend.
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Honestly, when I'm in serious, acute w/ds I probably am hoping he calls BUT I'm praying he doesn't. (and that's why I dont think I can handle the "acute" part of w/ds without help. I've NEVER been able to before and I've tried more times than I can count.) Acute w/ds as you probably know will make you think about and want & willing to do things (meaning drugs) that you wouldn't have before (like IVing again for example). That's why I got on subs to beging with. ANYWAY, I'm praying I make it through the worst before he does, and if I do, then I DON'T want anything!!!! I DON'T want to go through anymore withdrawls after this!  I see my dr. in a little over a month and I BADLY WANT to be clean!!! I want to be clean (and done with w/ds) when I see my family for thanksgiving - which is right around the corner!! I DON'T want to have anything to hide from ANYONE!
ALSO, if I were to take something now it would only make me feel worse because I have already taken the suboxone. I think we've talked before, and I think you jumped from a much higher dose...
For every one telling me to get rid of the sub's', please remember, I only have ONE mg!! I don't actually have subS, I have 1/8th of a suboxone strip! THIS plan would only be 1.5 mgs of suboxone over 3 days - 1/2 a mg per day.
When those hydrocodone w/ds kicked in they were WAY worse than the sub w/ds I had! (of course there was a huge dosage difference). Another consideration: subs should have been completely out of my system before yesterday, so I'll only have to jump off 1.5mgs of subs TOTAL - 1/2 a mg a day (which I've heard should be equal to about 15mgs of hydrocodone -compared to the 80mgs I've been taking per day) - which, if true, would make me think this should be equivalent to a quick hydro taper, and then jumping at about 15 mgs of hydro which should cause little w/ds. That's an "as prescribed" daily amount. This of course is only what I'm hoping for, and not ideal compared to the 'point'125mgs of subs I jumped from before - but that was after almost 2 years of being on them.
The idea is that after 3 days, the worst of the opiate withdrawls will be over (I hear they peak at about 72 hours), and I will only have to deal with the tiny amount of suboxone withdrawls (which will start friday, and I will be off work Sat. & Sun.) - Right now I'm NEEDING to believe they will be tolerable. The hydro withdrawls were NOT! - NOT at the level I was taking. I almost left work - just quit if I had too, until that little piece of sub kicked in. I know when I was an iv oxy addict I would have thought this sounded ridiculous. I use to scoff at hydros, but they to are a hard habit to kick - more so than I ever thought prior to my own personal experience. I probably thought of them the way I now think of tramadol so I try to be more careful with my assumptions. (I read all kinds of crazy wds from trams on here!)
I've already taken my 1/4 mg of sub this morning. I'm hurting, and feel like I have the flu (feverish and achy) but no bowel problems. It's TOLERABLE. In otherwords, I can work! I also slept lst night (to my surprise) - I took 2 of my restless leg meds (gabapentin/neurontin) and slept all night.
This is 39 hours in...I have enough of the restless leg meds to last at LEAST a week (maybe 2) even at 2 per night (THANK GOD I used them sparingly all throughout my taper!!!!!)
Please keep praying, keep posting, keep encouraging, and offering wisdom, advice, and personal experiences...
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I think you are secretly hoping that your friend scores and phones, your trying to stretch the little amount of subs out in the hope this gives him time. That's the impression I got anyway! I do hope I'm wrong and your really ready for this, you can't go on for ever my friend! In my opinion you are better off dropping the subs, (flush them), jump now and get it over with! The subs will just confuse your detox and your thinking, I would pick a hydro detox every time now, subs take so long to leave you! Just my opinion! Stay away from your source, tell him to #### off!
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Hello, I too am detoxing right now and I also have to work. I'm 37 hrs clean and I'm not gonna lie I wish I was hit by a bus. We have to be strong together. I think the little pieces of subs u have will jus increase ur wd time. Remember the last time u took anything n start counting the hours ur clean. My goal is to make it to 100 hrs. Good luck n u r not alone.
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6601982 tn?1383751336
I am also tapering down at the moment. I am stable and not hurting at all on 3mg. I am proud of you for staying in control even when you realized your mistake. Don't give up, cause the recovery stories Ive heard on this site is worth all the pain from the taper and the detox that follows. Stay strong.
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5347058 tn?1381188426
Hi there! I am so sorry to hear about this. I know you had worked very hard to taper down. Unfortunately there is nothing I can recommend that will alleviate your withdrawal symptoms other than the Thomas Recipe, staying hydrated, eating a healthy balanced diet, and exercising as much as you can. There is no way around the detox. We just have to buckle down and go through it. The big thing that you need to do is cut your sources. If you don't, I guarantee you will be going through this again. It may take a week or two for you to break down, but it will happen. Also, I know you don't want to hear this either, but some sort of after care is a must. Everyone is different and different things work for different people. It is so important to make a conscious effort to do something towards your recovery daily. It doesn't work if we just go through detox and pretend that we are cured. Get you some Imodium for the diarrhea. Also, ginger root or ginger ale for nausea. Post any other symptoms you are having and we can recommend stuff that might help a little. Please stick around and keep posting. We all have been where you are and we want to be here for you and see you succeed. Take care of yourself and please try to keep your head up.
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P.S. I already know about the Thomas Recipe, and I can't wait until the weekend to be "sick" because like I said, I'm already "out", I just want to know if anyone thinks this very very brief small amount of suboxone I have left will help me make it thru the worst part....and how long do you think it will take (even though I know everyone is different) to be better physically?
God, so bad I want to take all the little pieces of subs I have left right now to feel better. I know ideally I wouldn't be starting out on less than a mg....but I don't think I have any other options here.....
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Looks like it's been almost 2 months since I posted. I got down to the POINT 125 mgs per day, ONCE per day. I was ready to jump. I got scared, and got some hydrocodone "just incase" the horror stories were true. I shouldn't have been so scared at .125mgs per day. I shouldn't have made excuses like the fact that my husband can't handle it when I'm sick b/c he considers it my fault and still wants to go out and do things when I feel like crap. I got anxiety and depression just thinking about the jump. Getting the hydrocodone was the worst mistake. I took one or two within 12 hours or so of my last dose. It felt good, too good.....I'm so ashamed.....I've been on a 2-3 week binge now, and feel like I'm exactly where I started over a year ago!!!! What a depressing, hopeless feeling...I can't tell my dr. He might quit seeing me as a patient altogether, and I really do need my other meds - paxil and wellbutrin. I have about 4 tiny pieces of suboxone left. I don't even know what mg because they were left over from an 8 mg strip and they're super duper TINY. I'm sure they're less than a mg. So....after taking my last 3 hydrocodone last night around 7, I started going thru major w/ds today about 9:30am. Like I said before, I have NO sick time or vacation time left at work. I took 2 of the small pieces of suboxone I had and felt much better within an hour - at least the feeling of death and diarrhea stopped; by 2:30 I was hurting again and knew I couldn't leave so I took another sliver. - leaving me with the 4 I have now. I guess I'm going to try to take 2 of the pieces tomorrow and 2 of the pieces the next day. I remind you, these pieces are probably around 1/2 a mg or so. (That's just my guestimate). I'm hoping that these few pieces will help me survive the first and worst 72 hours and that I can manage after that. Any suggestions. I know the most common answer will be "after-care", but I mean besides that...and I also know that every person is different and this may or may not work. I still have medication left over for the restless legs which should help at night. I just don't know what to expect over the next few weeks. If I do this "plan" I have, which I think is my only option - no more subs and my "supplier" is out of tabs so.....unless he screws me up, gets a script, and begs me to buy some b/c he's my "best friend" and needs the money and "saved them just for me" blah blah blah, then this is my only option, and if I make it through the first 3 days (even with a little sub help) won't the worst be over with???? I realize ONCE AGAIN, that taking a couple pain killers is not an option for me. I like them way way way too much. I can't stop once I start, I mean I CAN, but it is very freak'n hard. When I took those hydrocodone after being off them for a year and tapering off the subs for months, I felt soooooo good. All of a sudden I wasn't depressed, had no pain, felt GREAT! No wonder they're so addicting. So I know this is just hydrocodone that I'm talking about, and I've done much worse, but I was already back up to like 70-90mgs a day. My tolerance goes up very very quick considering my background. I guess I'm just lucky I don't know where to get oxy's or methadone or heroin where I live now, and that I only know of one supplier and most of his sales come from crack (which I hate) and the hydrocodone he'd prefer to keep for himself unless he gets a big quantity. I did almost get sucked into the uppers coming off subs b/c I was so tired all the time, but I quickly remembered how much I hated them. I can't handle them emotionally, and I discovered redbull was still a friend and better option - I can only drink one of those a day without being jittery so you can imagine how much I REALLY don't need any kind of "speed". Even if it helps with fatigue it's not worth the emotional rollercoaster it sends me on. The opiates make me depressed too when I'm not on them, but when I am on them they actually do feel worth it - oh, to have no pain.... I've always been sensitive to pain and that's probably why I became an opiate addict by the time I was 14 yrs old. On the other hand, there isn't an endless supply, and due to increasing tolerance it always takes more and more and more. I know I can't live like that forever. If there was an endless supply and it didn't lead to "never being satisfied, always wanting more" then I'm sure no one would EVER come off pain killers. Why would we? Is my thinking wrong? Or just normal? I do so bad want to be normal AGAIN. It's been years now, but if you've kept up with my story, you know that btw. the ages of 22-28 I was "normal" so I know its a possibility. Even though I hurt on a daily basis, but at my age I don't think taking pain killers forever is an option...maybe if I was like 80 that would seem more legitimate, but I want to have babies, and be able to live as normal a life as possible. Even if I have to wear salon pas patches forever, I can at least go out, work, and have fun without HAVING to be on something right???? Please don't be too hard on me. I'm feeling very depressed right now.....
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4810126 tn?1503942735
That's a sure sign, then, if you've got the runs, it's probably time to bite that bullet. Enough suffering, eh? Let's do it! Did you get yourself some Imodium. (That, hydration & Hot salt baths will be your best friends through this!)
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Thank you. You may be right. Definately got to do it on a wk. end. Mostly, today, I just HURT. I've also been having "bowl trouble" for the FIRST time since I started tapering! It's weird... constant diarreaha.
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4810126 tn?1503942735
It is so wonderful to 'see' you!! (I was wondering how you were doing, my friend.) Wow! .125..?! Maybe, if you're feeling like this, it's time to make the jump. (In answer to your questions, it's not going to end until you make the jump & kick it.) You've done great so far but it sounds like it might be time. I mean, otherwise, you're just extending the misery. How do you feel about this? Perhaps you could drop it mid day on say..Thur. Then you'd just have to make it through Friday & you'd have the weekend. What kind of symptoms are you experiencing? We're here.
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UGH! I'm taking .125 sometimes once, sometimes twice a day. Today I'm hurting!!!!! I want to go home. I don't want to be at work. I want to go home and lay in bed and curl up in a blanket. I'm freezing. I have no sick time left or I would. Will this ever end?
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Well, I don't think I can cut the strips down anymore than I already have without having to use tweezer to take them (lol) SO.... I plan to start extending the hours between doses until I reach only one .125 a day....then....well that's the goal for now. I've made it a few days until 6pm instead of 3pm, but it's still kinda back and forth. I got finals next week and then I'm out of school for about 4 weeks so thats when I plan to REALLY start focusing on the timing. I also got a treadmill at home so hope to start using it after next wk. too. I'm just happy I'm feeling "normal" at only .25mgs a day finally. That's only an 1/8 of a 2mg strip per day!!! YAY!
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4810126 tn?1503942735
Slowly wins the race & softly, softly catchee monkey! (or however that goes.) When are you planning to go down again? (or are you playing it by ear?)
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Yep, .25 PER day! I figured my pain threshold was lowered. Thanks for the encouragment! Can't wait to have days with NO assistance! ...then again, I can. Slowly and surely the turtle wins the race :-)
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4810126 tn?1503942735
Hi there! (me again..) I'm so glad to hear that the RLS is gone along with the most of the body aches. The intensified pain in your shoulder might very well be due to 'hyperalgesia' &/or rebound pain. (the opiate actually lowers your pain threshold after a while. Also, you'll feel pain [as well as everything else!] more intensely during withdrawal.) That's great news about SLEEP (ahhh..sleep, that great elusive healer!) It sounds like you're doing all the right things & the taper is going well. So, you're on .25 right now? Hang in there & keep up the great work!
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Feeling stable is the best way I know to put it. The RLS has subsided, and my body doesn't ache all day (except my stupid shoulder which hurt even when I was sober - and that pain is intensified), but other than that I feel almost normal. HOWEVER, about 2-3 o'clock I start feeling fluish. If I can stay busy I can make it past 3 o'clock when I take my second dose. I AM sleeping - often aided with some wine and a heating pad that goes around your neck/shoulders, but at least I'm sleeping. I still hurt at night, but can lay still long enough to fall asleep. It's weird, the RLS seemed to work it's way up to my back, but is getting better day by day. I haven't had any real stomach issues. I'm hoping August will be my month to break free! :-)
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4810126 tn?1503942735
Hey there! It's great to see you checking in. Congratulations on your Big 2 weeks. How's it going? Are you sleeping? Let us know how you're feeling.
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TWO WEEKS ON POINT 25 MG: Beggining to feel stable. Ready to start trying to increase hours between doses!
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1:30pm here comes the wave...... :-(
I gotta be tough.......
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