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Can you become addicted to Vicodin in one week? My doctor put me on it for pain. Because I am sensitive to medications I only take 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 at night. I take Tylenol inbetween. I had what I might call withdrawl even though I didn't stop taking it. Suffer from depression and would really like to put a stop to the medication if that is what caused it.  My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest, chest pain, body shaking and scared. It lasted about 10 minutes and I felt like I might die. Or , was this a panic attack?
Thanks for your help
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don't mean to minimize what you're experiencing, but what you describe sounds closer to some kind of panic attack than to any conventional narcotic withdrawal symptoms. You'll need to take a lot more Vicodin on a daily basis for, gosh, AT LEAST a week before you would likely experence any kind of true withdrawal symptoms. I think your discomfort is coming from something else. Are you using any other drugs that could be causing you withdrawal or side-effects, alergic reactions, etc? What you describe just doesn't sound like withdrawal. YOu haven't used enough of the Vicodin contantly enough or long enough to develop a dependency, either psychologically or physiologically.
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Why would you even posting on the addiction forums after using Vicodin for so short a time?  There must be some underlying issues here other than Vicodin abuse/withdrawal problems.  Perhaps you could elaborate?  J.B.
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JB and Patrick are absolutely right,  they have been through alot with their addiction and know what they are talking about. 1/2 vic in the morning and at night for one week would not cause a withdrawal.  It sounds like you have had some experience with withdrawal in the past?  alot of people that do not have an addiction problem would not even think about withdraw after taking such a small amount.   I have seen "normal" people quit taking vicodin at a much higher dose and never look back, they had said they just didn't feel good and never associated anything with withdrawal. You say you are sensitive to medication?  has any other med you have taken produced the same kind of effect?  are you on anything else and have you ever had a panic attack before?  sorry for all the questions but like JB mentioned above, could you elaborate some more re: this subject    cindi
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NO,NO and heres another one,its also called NO!,quite simple really ,~STOP". putting psychologically disturbing Psychoactive CHEMICALS(the ignorant call them drugs,the complete MORONS call the Medications)into your body,ONLY USE--exercise,fresh air, good food, love?(uh whats that?.............fill in rest yourself)),friends,sex;if you can get it!? (most MEN(Bastards) cannot when "THEY" want!),unless you happen to be servicing a  ***** on "HEAT')check out female physiology,amazing stuff man).Life is a sweet cruel torture learn to relish its UPS and DOWNS.other-wise,even young old men know!!!!! "only the trully `BRAVE` kill themselves".
Population YEAR 2001(PLanet EARTH;Clustret 2,4-orion,galactic frodert 56 sectortiat:345.0000012/0002001) now  6 000 000 000 HUMANS and rising rapidly,do you feel essential for the betterment of HUMANITY?,if not make way for those thay do.
you have got to be CRUEL to be KIND(in the LONG RUN).
FM44 if you understand why you hide your identity behind this "TAG"(handle)you know more than you need to SURVIVE,no pleasures guaranteed.JUST SURVIVAL.
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Hey Spook, what is your deal? This person obviously has concerns about his using. I know that EVERYONE on this board thinks that you are insiteful and cute. Personally I find your comments to be disturbing! What the HELL are you talking about? From what I understand you have this entire board believing that you are the ****! Hey, more power to you! There are alot of people out there (including me) who needs help. What is with the comment "only the truly brave kill themselves". Dude, I don't care what ANYONE says, You are whacked! I guess you like it that way. Do you get off on these weird comments that you make? Earths population? I mean, come on! Obviously your mind is very twisted! I just hope that just because you use big words that everyone doesn't take you seriously! I am not deflecting any anger towards you. I am just concerned that the wrong person is going to listen to you and do something foolish. MANY people on this board are EXTREMLY helpful. I came to this board about a year ago and have been recieving help ever since. You on the other hand can just go on "entertaining" people all you want. I know that I will not listen to ANY of your views! It's a shame that people BELIEVE everything they read. Don't even bother responding to me as I will NEVER read anything you have to say....

I am entitled to my own opionion. Don't take what I have to say about "spook" as a reflection on you. Chances are if you are reading this then you have helped me very much. For that I am forever greatful! Many people come here for help. I am one of them. Remember we we don't need a false resume to impress one another. WE ARE ALL EQUAL!!!
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Wrong again CHAD(from Philly) /you will read with much interest,many more ~"THINGS"~ I write(do not try to fight it,it is bigger than both of us) mainly `entertainment` as you say! especially my reply to Debra.
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Are you on any Antidepressants?Yes/No,if so name it/them.

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Chad (from Philly)this may clarify an anniliate your complete naivity of the destruction of our planet and how others are aware and react to it,or maybe "OXYCODONE" and "GIRLFRIENDS" is all your conscience wants to take on, in life, right now?.
What did I REALLY mean by "only the brave kill themselves"do you know?,am I starting to believe an OXYCODONE JUNKY?(sorry that hurt) and doubt my sanity or belief in `real` Humans and their compassion? **** NO!!!!!!!! you get real baby and FAST.Trig is a beautiful-HUMAN.
READ a real persons views on this predicament.
Not that you are not real,actual I think your unreal,cool dude.

Comment By: trig on Sunday, March 18, 2001

thanks spook and JB for your comments. I guess i lead a kind of a double life because I hold down my job and am well respected for what I do. At the same time, at the end of the day I come home or go to the pub and get as drunk as a skunk and have done for years. Various doctors have told me to take it easy on the grog over the years, but I haven't changed my ways. I love drinking as I love smoking, and it seems to me that either the drink or the smokes will get me in the end earlier than I might otherwise shuffle off this mortal coil, but it seem to worry me. Does it change as you get older?

Part of the reason why I don't worry about whether I cark it or not is that I think there are just too many people. We are buggering up the environment at a hell of a rate- what will it be like for your kids and grandkids with heaps of pollution, loss of land through sea rises, a vast divide between our fellows in Africa or China in terms of wealth and education - these things seem to me disastrous and something I do not want to be part of. Does this seem intelligible or not? I am sorry if they are not, but they are sincerely held views.


My reply to her gave HER great comfort,I shall not include it as you seem to need to learn the hard way.
You probably think Michael Jackson is a "Wacko" too JUST because you do NOT understand him.I do not think(actually ,I know) you do not even understand yourself.So why should anybody bother.
All I KNOW is you will go back to drugs and I am correct in everthing I say,keep posting,you may provide some "Entertainment yourself".

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Only a true straight-edge fag, wouldn't actually help someone who needed genuine help.  Try giving some helpful advice.  Mine is for you to get a life.
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Ok ,I got a life now,anything else I can do for you(Genius)?maybe a bit of anger management counciling.Free of course.
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Dude,  I agree with Chad from philly.  You are wacked.  What are you doing on here anyways?  These people are on here because they have a problem in their life, they probably did a search on google.com for addiction, found this website and posted their comments.  You act like the smartest person in the world, you know what my assumption about you is? You read this board, do searches and then copy and paste from whatever you read.  Nuerophysiopharmacologist or not, I'm a reallifenonphilosophysingaddictwholikestotalktopeopleandgivethem realhelpologist.  People know the world is being destroyed, but for the amount of people who are doing it, there are just as many saving it. Your hypocrisy runs high my friend.  You think that computer you're typing on is helping the environment?  The drugs you supposedly study, help the economy?  No they are destroying earth as well. If you can't help these people, just read what they have to say.  What drugs are you on?  Haven't heard much about you.  All you do is tell people they're wrong, the world is ending and then get mad at everybody else because they don't understand you.  See the thing is with me, I do understand everyword you type, but you should be on a Greenpeace message board instead of an addiction board.  Think about it man.

Chad B
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Ok......When I first started reading Spooks posts...I was very concerned. I also, questioned his reasons for posting here. If you have read any of my posts addressed to Spook in days past, then you know that I am a Biblebelievingguidedspririthelpingothersologist....(how's that Chad???) And it wasn't untill I got into it w/ Spook over his beliefs and mine.....that I truly got back into my spirituality again.  My point is: he does help some here.  Maybe not all.
He had his share of problems in life and we all do.  Hey..that's why we are here.  
Anyway....I am definately for freedom of speech...and Don't want anyone bashing my opinions either...so I'll just leave it at that.
And Spook, My friend...Your showing your ego.  LOL...Just playing the Devil's advocate....I mean Angel...lol
Just thought I'd play referee here....Hey Brighty.....that's you, sister!

Peace Yall!
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Ok Guys, I guess it's time for the ladies to step in,  I like to think of myself as having a certain degree of intelligence being that i did graduate from nursing school, but when spook first started posting I really didn't understand a drop of what he was saying, but now that I have come to "know him, I know he Is real, he does have emotions,feelings and yes  YIKES!!! EVEN Compassion.  I know I have said this before, part of recovery is openmindedness.  We do not always have to agree but we can learn alot of things from the most unexpected places/people.  Annie said she has found her spirituality. I have lost alot of things over the past 3 months, and these people that post here, Spook included have helped me through the hardest part of life that I have ever had to endure.  Even people saying things that I did not like or agree with, I did find the willingness to listen and if I choose to, throw it out or keep it in my head for future use.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, freedom of speech Yada, yada, yada, so I am exercising my freedom as you did...We, Annie, myself and Brighty  (you ladies don't mind if I speak for you do ya?) feel like we are "family" here, I know guys don't think like that but I guess we may feel it is our duty as females to help keep the peace (some may say it is being nosy, I say it is "being helpful".  Spook is really an Ok guy, if you keep an openmind and maybe think of him as entertaining if you want, but he is really a "fun" encyclopedia especially for a lostherspiritualitybackslidinggalfromohio like me...Ok Annie, how did yall like that one  LOL   Love ya annie    Cindi
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lmao......you crack me up chick, and you may speak for me anytime!!!!!lol

Love Ya!

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Do you feel all the tension in here.  It's getting pretty heated all the way down these threads.  It's not even summertime yet.

What's going on>>>?????
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pardon me spook, but what the hell are you taking about? Are you experimenting with something? Your post is really odd and out of character. You seem to have access to some exotic substances. If you're on something, let us in on the joke. Your post is bizarre, man! What are you thinkng? For one thing, regardless of what it's supposed to mean, it comes across as a little hostile, if I can even make that much sense of it. Speak English. Let us in on whatever you're on about ... a mind like yours is, as they say, a terrible thing to waste, and you're wasted, buddy. No offense meant -- just a word from a fellow traveller ...

I know, you'll probably reply that you're stone cold sober and it's me that's f-up. Whatever. But your post is flat strange, spook, that's all there is to it. Level out, man!
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It is important for everyone to realize that Tony Soprano is not really the head of a crime family out of Newark. It is really Uncle Junior who runs the show. You see Tony Is kind of the boss but not really. What about Michael imperioli? Everyone knows that he plays Christopher on the show, but does he. Let's all think about him for a minute. He does drugs right....but he isn't gay............speaking of gayity......what about the hit showtime series Queer As Folk? Are those guys really hot or am I turning gay? Do I use because I might be gay? Is my relationship with Debra just a cover up? I don't know........Then again when I look at Adrieana (christopher's girlfrien) I get all worked up! Her real name is Drea de Matteo. I she Itialian? Why did she stop being a hostess? Owwwwww **** all of these thoughts running through my head make me want to get high. By the way......


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You're a sick one you are !!!
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I just want to thank everybody for your replies and contributions I have learnt much from your emotional reactions.And will try to be more reasonable and compassionate in future posts( ie FM44,etc),its all part our self development/research project and rebuilding of Ego study,in fact I even nearly got angry at some responses myself(even though in this capacity ,I am not spook),they seemed to be aimed at doing nothing more than hurting me.If you can see it in your heart to forgive me(spook and the researcher/s),I would feel a little better.
Their is not mean`t to be a social mask here,I have always found people to either love or hate me,I am not normal(in fact I do not even exist),this we know.
If one wants to learn how to open up a person and see what is really there, sometimes the tools we use seem unethical,but we need to understand the Psychophathology behind the genesis off "Addiction"and therefore must STUDY addicts.
I have made myself(spook)and an addict on many drugs to find out what it is all about and a possible cure,my mistake is to think my cure applies to everybody.Unfortunately we all have pain and for each it is unique and thus different,how does one get under the lid of the subconscious to explore the underlying Neurosis?/depression,etc,antagonistic emotive methods seem to work but I will use them with appropriate discretion in future as many are not yet ready to face their REAL selves.

   yours sincerely
          Luke.G.EDWARD  (creator of spook)
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Cindy and Annie,please do not feel like I have used you,I think you would like the Luke as well,I feel bad because you protected spooks delicate Ego and both of you are such special kind intelligent "WOMAN",I know you may be confused now,but the person typing now FEELS for both of you very much.What difference does it make if you do not know which  of the two it is.You two make life worth living,In my Humble opinion rare birds indeed.
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You sound like a real sour puss,maybe a stroke or 2 will make you bring up those fur balls.
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I am experimenting with your brain Patrick.
You do not know my Character.
Exotic women yes,exotic drugs no.
It means something different to everybody.
No hostility intended.
Bizzare,why thankyou for the compliment.
I speak Ausralian,sorry if you do not understand.
I was sobre at time of post.
Occassionaly I get very,very wasted.(LSD and ibogaine,is that exotic enough)
I think you need to travel a little further,then you may understand me.do not bring any personal baggage.no "body" required!
No offence taken.
I do not think you are ****** up,i think I am an absolute fruitcake.Sweet and nutty,very tasty indeed.
level,level?nah a little roller coaster ride never hurt anybody.
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*Quote:-"See the thing is with me, I do understand *{"everyword"} you type, but you should be on a Greenpeace message board instead of an addiction board. Think about it man."END QUOTE.

I have thought about it and I am `considering` it(remember,it is my choice,not yours), as Addiction cures? seem to be 90% of the time a waste of effort(recidivism),I think the environment needs more help,than you,thanks for the advice.Although as an honorary member of the Australian Institute of Physics,I may pursue my real passion and explore other energy sources for this planet instead,I have only one light on in my house at the moment to save the planet a bit.I ride a bike and do not use a car,How is your Hypocrasy going?.or are you talking about drugs again?.
Just curious,you say you understand every`word`,but are you intelligent enough to understand them the the context of the sentences they construct as concepts?.
Please explain the Pylogenetic basis as to the origan and anatomical location of the VTA within the Mesenchalon and how it came to evolve before the Neocortex.
Seems you are so smart you may even solve the which came first,chicken or egg Question.
Or am I being condescending and presumptious?.
No offence intended,it is essential.  

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You do not need to add an apology to the end of your comments. Spook does not mind adding his own brand of commentary to his posts and neither should you. You were being honest about your observations. I don't think most of us really understand everything Spook interjects. I'm sure FM44 is disturbed to get such an unusual reply. The fact is really that NOBODY took him/her very seriously. My observation of course. How old are you? My son still lives in Philly and is very close with an Adrianna... but she's not his girlfriend. Are the Gambino's still in charge there ? :-)) Have a great day. Blessings to you and Debra !! Love, Brighty
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