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using cocaine

i use cocaine when i am at me lowest point; can anyone suggest a way forward....   plrase help me...
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I'm a complete addict too. To the point where I'm doing it every day. I'm now spending time reading about the likelihood of having a heart attack, usually when I'm high as a kite and can feel my heart pumping.

When I'm lying in bed and all I can hear is my heart and I'm even worried my wife might hear it (she doesn't know about the addiction). I've got to stop, I've just deleted all my contacts (although I've did this 2 weeks ago and relapsed). I never thought coke could take a hold of me like this, up until the start of this year I could take it or leave it.

I have a young daughter and want to see her grow up and hopefully see my grandchildren. By risking my health I'm being terribly selfish, no one suspects of my addiction and everyone thinks I'm a great dad. I suppose part of the rush is doing it secretively and getting away with it.

I hope everyone can recover and I sincerely hope I can beat this by Xmas xxx love to all
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Please start a new thread by the post a question tab at the top of the screen.
I have been off the coke for 15 years. For me it took two 30 day treatments pretty much back to back. I had to come clean and tell all for it to "stick".
Trust me I know the feeling, I had kids and a career. But, what what good is all that if you are dead?  It took a year and a move away from the area to get over it. The dealers know a sucker and work you. Worked for me. Now I am fighting to get off Percs for pain issues. I have a date set and going cold turkey. Find God now because he will be the one to save you my friend. Good luck!
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Doing brilliantly. been really good and stayed away fromthe influences.  Thanks to all.
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498385 tn?1362449404
Just for today brother,just for today and you are never bad you are sick with a disease of addiction ,and any day clean is a success,never forget that you are a child of this earth and you have a right to be here even when YOU dont think so .breath in and out and remember to pray like you have never prayed before, to who ever ,what ever it doesnt matter i used to say ``who ever you are help lift this obsession from me `` also when i would get a day clean i would thank it as well and in the morn again and it seemed to work ..and then i would call somebody in recovery and set up times to meet them so i wouldnt be alone in my head there is a saying  who was the last person you used with ...YOU so dont be alone hugs for today j34......
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Sorry....  I have been very bad here by worrying a lot of my friends. I have managed to get a hold of what I am doing wrong and am trying once again to stop this. Problem is that its just too fkn easy to get. I ma seriously back in the dfriving set now so lets see what happens. Thanks to gizzy32 and j34
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498385 tn?1362449404
You know part of the solution is reaching out but ,that is pyhsically. sitting in my head for yrs knowing  i had a problem didnt do me any good  and never for one minute thinking there was a way out!!
Today i am clean 2 half yrs minus 8 hrs,,,, ME a back alley ,crack smoking ,pill popping ,meth addict drunk ...who would of thunk..I had to go to a drug and alcohol counceller and they put me in a place where i could get help,wish i could say i stayed but i did not well not for long ,then i went out again and came back and went to another place ...then again and agian the part is the I KEPT on trying ,I started a 12 step program and cleanned out all the garbage I was carring around, guilt,shame, hatred,restentment and ppl held me when I thought I couldnt do it!!!! they walked with me and loved me untill i couild love myself, A rocky road but it is  worth it .today i am employable, I have my son back in my life who i abondoned on a door step 14 yrs ago ,I am honest ,I love myself, I am trustworthy, I have moments of peace so deep ,I wish I could spread it around the world ,,,,,now i dont know about you but I wonder if this is what you would want instead of .lonliness,paranoia.panic,hatred,control,hopelessnes...Humm what are YOU going do today for YOUR recovery... choose life I PROMISE you that the hard parts are hard but damn the GOOD PARTS ARE GOOD, blessings and hugs j34

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P.S. If your coming down right now or have been using most of the day, you know how bad those thoughts can get, we are not in our right mind at that time. Try to get some rest, if that's possible. Hang in there ok. We are here for you.
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DUDE, calm down and stop snorting. Your high right now. Don't say nobody understands cause I do. I have done more coke than imanginable and should be dead, but it is possible to stop if you really want to and I don't think you do yet.

Yes it's serious and I fear for you. We have asked you what your willing to do to quit and get help and you have done nutting about it. Coke cravings are crazy and once you start, you can't stop. You need help man. We can support you and cheer for you, but the bottom line is you have to do the work. PLEASE get some help for your coke habit, chose life, and you will see all the positive changes to come. Send me a message if you want to talk man, I am on here for a bit again and hate to see you suffering like this. CHOSE LIFE!!!
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I cant do it guys....

I am in Jamaica.... the stuffs really hot here...

Why am I doing this...  I cant stopp... even when i want to.

NOBODY understands what i am going through,,,,,  I chech here from time to time and there is not enough support... not enogh peple care..

This is serious,,,  i am thinking aboyt ending thos pain

I cant go on likethis  ,,, it s now 1 am and I have another 5 hours to bed awake unlless i do a downeer.....  

this could be my last
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902989 tn?1262960576
Hello Mr JS
I'm a recovering cocaine addict, The one thing that I heard a thousand times, was Its one day at a time, after I payed my dues relapsing over and over I finely got in my brain,soul,body that I can stay clean one day at a time and I remember that its allot easier staying clean than getting clean. Have a great vacation, one day at a time. Peace/Love    
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It was super hard, like I said before....we couldn't even afford to do it, but I quit my job because drugs were handed to me. That is how bad I wanted to quit. I am now having to start over...I turned off the cable and got rid of all luxuries. Yeah, so I'm almost at poverty level now....but I'm clean. I don't regret quitting my job a bit.
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271792 tn?1334979657
Good for you that you are going away and putting down the drugs. Do you have any plans after that or are you thinking that vacation is enough? I hope it works for you but just remember that your best thinking got you here. I have to suggest that you now start relying on people who have a recovery program to share their experience with you and help you to get on the right track.

Either way, good luck.
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2 week vacation... and NOTHING adverse... it will be painfull but I will succeed.  Thank you all
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Just my opinion but disagreeing with which drug is harder to come off of or which creates the larger cravings is like arguing about which causes more pain,,a blown disc or a broken ankle. Everyone is differant in pain tolerance,craving, etc. A person stubbing their toe may bring that person more pain then you or I blowing a disc. Same thing with cravings,,a person struggling with obesity may crave chocolate cake more then I do another pill,snort,drink,whatever. Just my opinion though but like all addicts I absolutly am never wrong,LMAO ,,let me say that again LMAO. Its great to see good convos like this,,gl to all
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addict to addict john ya gotta want it there aint no sugar coating pretty flowers if ya want it tell yer "friends" to lay low ya needta clean up 4 you yer not feelin it no more if they dont understand they arent your friends i can tell you that from experience.the coke i cant say much about was only casual in the 70's and 80's but the pills knocked my dink in the dirt vacation 2 weeks would be good if ya can and start fresh You can do it I guarantee it im livin proof after you suffer for a few days from withdrawl  you just keep thinkin about the feeling happening over and over then you might clue in and i for 1 hope you do.friends are easy to find and jobs can come and go you only get 1 life do your best you'll be ok in a couple weeks you'll see make a plan and stand your ground.I pray for your strength
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271792 tn?1334979657
If you go on vacation you are taking YOU with YOU. And I don't know about you but I could find drugs on a deserted island. That is a short term fix to a long term problem.

John, to be honest, you seem more concerned about your image then you do about getting clean. Sorry if that sounded rude it surely is not meant to be. I want to see you make it but all I am hearing is you complaining about what you CAN'T do. What is it you are willing to do?

It is hard and it is simple. You have to stay away from the drugs and you have to stay away from the people who do drugs. Are you willing to do that to get your life back? Because there is no magic cure here and you are asking us to give you something we can't.

Ask anyone here how they got clean and I will bet they will tell you that they did it by not using the drugs. I really hope you can do that.
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1444453 tn?1287103137
Yes, vacation is a great idea if you can swing it.  Otherwise, have you mentioned to your "friends" that you would like to stop using??  If they don't understand that then they really are not your friends afterall - don't you agree?

You are not fkcd - YOU have the power to make the choice of whether or not to use.  Try to stay strong and maybe try to find an NA meeting out there - if you surround yourself with positivity, than things will become clearer as to what you really want to do with your future.  Cause there ain't no future in blow - it ALL ends up going up your nose and that's the truth - I lost everything I had to crack few years back.  You never think it will happen to you, but that is the only thing I could tell you that is certain - if you stay on that sh**.

Good luck and stay strong.  It may not be easy to change your surroundings, than stay above it all and just stay strong.  Nobody can blame you for wanting to stay clean - what is wrong with that?  They are the ones that are wrong, not you - remember that.

Luv Chico
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1320573 tn?1284658781
maybe you should go on a vacation. do you have vacation time from work? like a week... go somewhere nice... and get away from the stuff and clear your head. you wont be around the people that use, and provoke your addiction. ive never done coke so im definitely not speaking from experience, my drug of choice has always been oxy. if the physical withdrawls arent too horrible, and its the mental thing that is getting you to relapse, maybe some good time away from everything would help you a lot.
im no expert by any means though.
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lost it today.. same old story.. went to lunch and ended up chipping in for gear. g*d help me I cannot get away from the people who are feeding me...........  i work with the for chr*st sake, how can avoid them?????  there jujst treating me as if I am one of them and I DONT WANT TO BE.!

I am in HELL. If I leave my friends to get away from coke then .... I am the weak one.   I cant just leave my job,,, it aint that easy these days...

I am totally fkud,,,,  no matter what i do,,  if i tell my friend to fk off then I am isloated, if I try not to do charlie then I am a weakking...  I cant win here,,

forget about the doc, the company regularly have access to medical reports.. because I am high profile they wnt to know about what my problems are,,,,

guys,,,, please please please advise my on what i do next....

i dont want this cr*p but if I dont do it I will be seen as out of the circle.....

i really dont know what to do...

I am pleading for some sort of way out of this,,,

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1444453 tn?1287103137
How goes the battle today JS?  Just try to stay focused on WHY you need to stop this crap and things will come together.  Remember - with crack and/or cocaine alot of the tempations and triggers have to do with association - that means getting new friends who dont' use, throwing away phone numbers, addresses of dealers or friends who would supply and sometimes even moving out of the area - if at all possible.

Get rid of clothing you would wear cause it was comfortable when high, any paraphenalia and ANYTHING that reminds you of using.  THis goes for us opiate users too ya know - association - a BIG DEAL.
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Guys....  I know where all of you are coming from. You have been where I am. I need all the help I can get and cant turn on anyone right now. Shadow meant well but I can get that type of advice anywhere, I need ENCOURAGEMENT from people who know what its like to get off this cra*. Not lectures. A kick in the rear sometimes, maybe.

Thank to ALL for your help.

Now on to day 3
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1444453 tn?1287103137
Yeah, it made me angry - but I'm not letting it take my focus off my recovery.  Just thought I might offer a bit of personal advivce to JS as to how difficult it REALLY is to get off cocaine and/or crack.  Still, I Don't want to hear anyone spewing statistics here on this forum - if we wanted to hear that crap I think we'd go to a clinic instead.

Deep breaths and I'm fine - just had to get it out ya know!! :)
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Dude, I know shawdow's comment was ridiculous and it bothered me too along with many others, so just ignore it and focus on you. In fact just laugh cause it shows how clueless they are. Focus on you and winning this battle. Take the good with the bad and leave the rest out. Best of luck chico, one day at a time:)
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