7291916 tn?1399641067

having a baby on subutex. ..anyone else done this?

Im 23 weeks pregnant and am prescribed subutex. Has anyone had a baby while on subutex? How long was your baby in nicu? Can I breastfeed her while shes in the nicu? Do you get to stay at the hospital with your baby while shes in nicu? I feel luke a failure of a mother already. Im a ftm too just turned 25. Im having a baby girl and I just feel horrible that I am doing this to her. :'(
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Hey Heather, a little bit of my story ;
I was pregnant and prescribed Subutex for Heroin abuse.
32mg daily. When i delivered my little one, he had no withdrawals and i had to stay in hospital for 1 week with him being closely monitored.
He didnt need to go into the nicu.
I was told by the hospital, breastmilk is still best for babies even though i was still taking Subutex. So i breastfed with no problems with bubby.
What the hospital did suggest, was lots of skin on skin contact, hold bubby very tight and wrap him up in his blanket tight.
I also was told to keep my blinds closed, so no sunlight would come in, because this will set withdrawals off for the baby.
I did all this and he was fine.
1 week later, i took him home.
I live in Perth, Western Australia, and we are only prescribed Subutex not Methadone
for our pregnancys.
The reason is because our doctors believe the least withdrawals for a baby will be with Subutex. Methadone while pregnancy will almost always have your baby go into withdrawals when delivered and they will give babies Fenabarb and be in the intensive care ward.
This hardly happens in babies on Subutex so this is why our hospital reccommends Subutex. Now it still can happen, but the figures are low.
We have one of the top Neonatal care Hospitals in the world, strictly designed for premature babies, babies with complications and mothers who use in pregnancy.
Other countries use Methadone instead of Subutex believing methadone is safer.
Everyone has a diff opinion or experience and thats fine.
Just giving you my success story on Subs while pregnant.
I felt like the worst mother also, but at least i wasnt feeding him heroin anymore.
You will be a fantastic mother, your doing everything you can to better you.
Take care xx
28 Responses
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7291916 tn?1399641067
Jleets its fine to ask questions.  That's what the forum is for. But just know that I didn't intentionally do this to myself or lil one. Everything happens for a reason. And maybe by me getting pregnant will help push me to get off of subs. Its not like I enjoy being on it. It ***** actually. But I know I can get off of it with the help of my doctors. I really cant wait to be clean of subs! Its a long road.
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Judgemental?  Everyone has a right to an opinion and to ask questions.  I was not judging.  I was not attacking.  I was not name calling.  I was ASKING.  That is why there were question marks at the end of my sentences.  I was asking so that I could understand why she is doing what she is doing and now I know because Emily explained the situation.  

Amanda sorry if you felt as if I was only critisizing you.  Good luck to you and your baby.
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Thankyou so much Connie xx

I apologise Emily, i understand people need to state their opinion.

Yes, Heather is doing so well and cant wait to see pics of her bubby !!!

I will be sure to be careful how i express myself next time.

Beautiful comments guys, i think Heather you realise now, just how important you are to us xxx
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4522800 tn?1470325834
Hi..I just read through this post and just Loved all the Love you got back and forth..I see YOU as a very wise Lady and I know that everything will be fine. Just keep doing what you are doing then after the baby you can then start a taper plan with the Dr. I am sure you do not want to have w/ds while you are holding your precious Baby. I have seen many on here scared like you are, but it all turned out for the best..Some have check back in the past to let us know that they have a very healthy baby and now drug free. Just take it nice and slow and just focus on You & the Baby..The Taper can come later..With this New JOY you are going to have around, I am sure you are going to want to be drug free. We just Love our New MH Babies. I am sending out some Cyber Prayers for You & Baby..Please make sure you stay with us and report back about the Baby on this site.
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7291916 tn?1399641067
I really do appreciate all of the support on here. Thank u everyone. I can take criticism because yes I'm a grown woman. I wasn't expecting to get pregnant and it wasn't planned. I'm grateful to be pregnant but I'd never plan on getting pregnant knowing I was on meds that can harm my baby. Thank u again tho. I really do need it! This is a hard time to have to experience.  I've had a rough life as is and I don't want my lil baby girl to go down the same road I have. I want the best for her!
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7291916 tn?1399641067
Thank you amanda! U are such a wonderful woman! Whoever that person is doesn't know how it feels to be in this situation therefore that's why I asked if anyone who actually went through this could give me some advice. My doctors and medical team im working with are telling me all the things I need to do in order to have a healthy baby. And now with amanda's information I can make sure to do my very best to co fort my lil baby girl.  I wish I could just come over to amanda's house and give her a huge hug!
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707563 tn?1626361905
Hi everyone -

Let's remember that we are a support forum, and that means that even if someone asks or says something we don't like, we do have to remain respectful.

Whether or not jleets71 was intending to sound judgmental, he does have the right to ask questions. Since others know already that withdrawal can hurt Heatherc24's baby, all that was necessary was to explain why subutex was the better option at this point, for both mama and baby, and why Heather was actually doing the best thing right now.

I'm sure Heather appreciates the awesome support, but lets keep it to support for her, and leave out any insults (veiled or otherwise) of anyone else.



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3197167 tn?1348968606
LISTEN to AMANDA......she's speaking from EXPERIENCE here!
Re-Read what Amanda has said to you on this thread (print it out and read it over and over).....in fact, private message her with your questions and your doubts.

Another woman who has LIVED it and encourages you to get your dr involved is the only counsel you should listen to.  She has a VERY tender heart because she has lived through what you are living through.
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Heather, i ask you to totally ignore that comment and thankyou to those who stepped in to help you.
Please do not listen to unhelpful advice.
We have all had arguements with others who have not been through the same experience, nor do they have the right to comment as such about something they obviously know nothing about, especially when they are putting you down at such a fragile time in your life.
You are doing what your soposed to and what doctors recommend when pregnant.
You will be the greatest mum to this little blessing. Dont you forget that.
Do not let this comment upset you. I know how guilty you already feel.
Yout doing so well and we are so proud pf you xxx
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Jleets: There is a reason doctors recommend putting addicted pregnant women on Subutex or Methadone--withdrawing while pregnant can be very dangerous, fatal even, for the fetus. It can cause early labor, placenta abruptia, even miscarriage or stillbirth. No one is suggesting that having a baby born with withdrawals is ideal, but at least in that scenario, the doctors can monitor the baby and provide treatment to keep the baby as comfortable as possible.
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Jleets if you are a medical and neonatal specialists please identify yourself as such. Otherwise please rememember to keep judgemental remarks to youself. I have no medical training at all but logically it seems that Heather's baby at this point will be affected in some way, though hopefully minimally. That said, would it not be better for the baby if she went though the process at the neonatal stage when she is older and more fully developed? When Heather can hold her and comfort her and the medical team can provide appropriate care? Again, I'm not a doctor - just asking a question.  Good luck and God Bless Heather and baby.
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I'm sorry.  I may be the exception here but I just don't understand the thinking behind not doing whatever the hell you need to do to kick the sub for your babies health?  Have you tried to?  I mean why put the baby through any unnecessary pain or agony at any level because of your addiction?
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7291916 tn?1399641067
Thank you amanda!  I can't believe how worried I've become. I'm trying to relax cuz I know that she needs me too. How are you and your baby's doing?
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Hey Heather, dont worry, it will all come natural to you once she is born.
So glad you have a suportive partner.
You just keep positivr thoughts xo
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7291916 tn?1399641067
Oh wow! That's a lot of information to take in! But I'm so grateful to have met you. I don't feel so alone in this situation.  Thanks for being here for me. I need it more than u know.  My boyfriend is so worried about her. But hes happy I found someone that has went through this same thing. I love him. Hes been here for me. I'm happy hes here and my support system. We decided to just have us in the delivery room. I want it to be a special intimate time for just us to share before all the family members show up! Lol
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Oh Connie, thankyou : )
You are such a lovely friend xx
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3197167 tn?1348968606
Amanda......you're such an AMAZING Mum.....your counsel is fabulous :):)
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So everything i said on w/d for bubby is about it, just a couple more, tremors, poor feeding, jitterness, tremors, nappy rash, hypersensitivity, vomiting.
With the hypersensitivity, thats why you have to keep your room dark.
Im confident, in my own opinion, if you do things correctly, you will definantly reduce withdrawals for her.
I cant stress enough about the dark room.
And holding her tight, wrapped up tight.
She may not want to lay in her hospital crib, everytime you put her down she may cry, so hold and snuggle her as much as you can.
Stroke her forehead.
If she wont feed, rub your finger on her cheek next to her lip while trying to feed her.
Sing to her, rock her in your arms.
Let her know your always next to her.
Dont let the doctors or nurses turn the light on, tell them if they have to, you want the light dim and when their finished, turn it back off.
Your going to be a wonderful mother, dont let anyone tell you different.
Please keep talking to me if you need to.
God Bless you both xoxo
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Hello again Heather, i hope you and that little girl of your's are doing well : )
If she does start to withdrawal, i know its not a nice sight to see, but she will be in the best care.
I really dont see why the hospital wouldnt let you stay with bubby, usually they encourage it : )
Yes, they will also tell you its crucial to have skin on skin contact as much as you can with bubby, this has been proven very beneficial for babies.
So glad about the breast pump, thats fantastic, yes they do cost an absolute fortune.
Your are very right, god will not give us more than we can handle, prey to him everyday that your little girl will be strong and not sick, have faith things will be ok.
Gosh, there are so many w/d signs, im trying to remember, she must take milk regulary, open her bowels daily, have the correct temperature, not be yellow (jaundise), not have shakes, no high or low fever, her breathing must be nice and steady, i will get some more info for you.
No, it wasnt hard detoxing because i had clonidine and valium for 8 days, which was great, i didnt overdo the meds, only at night when i went to sleep. But the taper itself, once i got to 4mg was extremely tough.
I was fatigued, no energy, i had w/d's twice for about an hour.
But all in all, it was ok.
I guess they could wean you if you wanted to while breastfeeding. Just be mindful, your going to have not much sleep when shes born for a few months, so make sure you time a taper correctly so you dont put too much pressure on yourself and give yourself complete exhaustion. It could be a good idea to taper in hospital so they can help if you need the nurses to.
I'll get back to yiu shortly xx
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7291916 tn?1399641067
Was it hard getting off of the subutex? I've tried it before and omg was it hard. I had horrible withdrawals.  This was about a year ago.  I take one 8mg tablet a day. Do they start to wean u down if u are breastfeeding?  
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7291916 tn?1399641067
I'm so happy that u responded to my post. I've learned alot of things by your post. I'm going to do anything and everything I can to make sure she is comfortable.  I love her so much.  I can't wait to meet her!!! I hope she is strong enough to get through all of this. I know I'm going to feel guilty if she starts withdrawing. I hope my hospital let's me stay with her while she's in the hospital.  I don't want to come home without her. Will they let me have skin to skin contact with her everyday? I found out my insurance company covers a electronic breast pump and delivers it right to my home. How neat?!I'm pretty excited about this because they are pretty pricey. lol  thanks for praying too! I pray she'll be okay. I've heard horrible stories about babies staying for months... because of withdrawal. I know that God can give u what u can handle.  Are there any other signs of withdraw that the baby can have?
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Hey Heather, yes but i have 6 children and breastfed them all. But only for a few months each because i dont hold milk very well anyway. Even my babies not on subs, i had issues with my milk supply.
Thats why i would recommend a breastfeeding supplement, it helps to stop that from happening : )
I stopped subutex 5 1/2 months ago, my boys 2 now, hes the one on my profile pic.
I was given my dose by the nurses in hospital, they were so fantastic and considerate with my situation.
I never felt judged once.
They do so many tests, they come in with a few pages and mark off how she is doing.
For example, if she cries like a cat, they can call that a withdrawal. Obviously they call it a cats cry.
If she throws her arms and body around when u pick her up they class that as withdrawal.
But bare in mind, they have to pick a number of issues before she is classed as withdrawaling.
Babies often throw their arms when u pick them up if their not tightly wrapped.
So its crucial, you dont open the blinds to let natural light in from outside and have your light on dim or these will both set withdrawals off for her.
Keep her wrapped tightly in her blanket and keep her on your chest as much as you can, so she can feel your heartbeat.
She will want to be held constantly for a week or two so she is comforted and knows your always near, this will stop her getting stressed.
She may wake up a lot and not want to feed, just suck, so a pacifier is very good, and it also settles and comforts her.
Try give her skin on skin contact whenever possible and when she is laying on you, make a shh sh sh sh sh noise, this should make her think she is still in the womb.
Hold her tight when she is on you, so she cant throw her body and arms around.
Hopefully if you do all this, she has less chance of withdrawal.
I was recommended to do all this by the hospital and bubby was fine.
Just remember, this is only my story, yours could be different, but i prey its the same.
Your going to be a wonderful mother, i cqn tell how much you already love her.
Try not to get too anxious and worried as your stomach muscles tighten when this happens, and your little girl feels the nervousness in you. It can make her upset even in the womb.
Whatever happens, will happen. Remember, no body deserves this little girl like you do, happy and healthy thoughts for you both.
    : )  xxx

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7291916 tn?1399641067
Really? It just dried up? Its so strange how the body works and is affected by subutex. Are u still on subutex or suboxone?  Im afraid ill never get off the stuff. I think I can handle a week in the hospital with her. But I don't want it any longer than that. I really want her to be home with me.what kind of tests do they do for wds? I hope shes okay. And does okay after she is born. I'm scared. So scared. I'm going to try to breastfeed as long as I can. Lol but not too long. I love this lil girl so much already. Ill be 26 weeks Friday.  It seems like its going by so fast. Almost there. I'm so happy that ur lil one did good off of subutex. It gives me hope that she'll be fine.
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Hey Heather, thats a great sign if she is really active. It means she is happy.
Yes, they watched and observed for 7 days.
No meds !!
They did the w/d test every 2 hours for 7 days.
They were satisfied after 3 days that he was fine, but had to do it for 7 days for proticol.
I breastfed for 3 months and lost my milk so had to stop, this generally happens in mothers who breastfeed while on Subutex.
The sub can dry up your milk supply, so lots and lots of water, and a breastfeeding supplement.
You do it for as long as you like, its your baby.
Get some more info from google so you can weigh up your options to make you comfortable.
Take care : )
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