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is there any more support out there????

Well here is day 9 and really it is day 15 without narcotics but i took 10 tramadol over the coarse of last weekend so i think it messed w me a little not sure how many days to count here. anyway i have been posting the whole time and got really only a couple responses for support here they posted 1 time and dont come back i have been working through w a friend desperate which i am thankful for we have been sticking it out together but could use some more people here. I see all these other ones that have TONS of support and others not so much. I feel like its me psoting to myself aside from desterate posting too. i have been having a terribale time w restless legs wondering how long this lasted for others it seems to let up a bit but i have been really forcing myself to stay really busy even tho sometimes i feel like i cant even pick my feet up. I start the morning feeling pretty good then feel drained after a couple hrs. Not gonna psot everythign from my bcakround u can go read my other post but i will ad that i was clean for over 2 years so i have done this before and it was the best years of my life once clean i keep looking forward to the holdiays of being clean and feeling good and taking my 10 month old trick or treating for his fisrst halloween i LOVE the fall so i am hoping that helps and i start to feel better soon. Any thoughts, comments, or jsut support will help i like to here about others journies through this too. Cnat wait to regain my life and live a abundant life that Jesus died to give us i used to be really active in the church but the past year on htese pills have robbed me of so much congrats to all that r doing this i get so happy when i see another one taking their life back from these evil pills blessings
50 Responses
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1801781 tn?1461629469
No, I hate exercise!  LOL.  I am going to my first yoga class tomorrow.  My daughter teaches and she has shamed me into going!!!

I really surprised myself with the weight loss.  My doctor dx, me with diabetes 2 and since my mother died of a stroke due to D2...at age 66, it scared me to death and I really made an effort to lose it.  I am proud to say, I no longer take the meds for it or even check my blood sugar more than once a month or so.  My annual blood work comes back good.  

Now, to say off the pills..another story and one I hope to say I can write successful to that.
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1831920 tn?1320857757
80 lbs is alot of weight to lose.  Did you work out at all?
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1801781 tn?1461629469
My best friend just started with Weight Watchers Online and has lost 15 lbs. in 6 weeks.  She really likes it.  If you have a phone that can accept it..it has an APP that gives her info about the different restaurants and how many points each menu item has.  We even went to a casino for 2 days and she managed to lose a pound while we were gone.  Might think about that.  I lost 80 lbs. by going on a low carb (not NO carb) and high protein diet for 6 months and did well.  I broke over a few times, but not bad.  I love meat and was eating way too many carbs..so that one made sense for me.  
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1831920 tn?1320857757
Hi - thanks for the info on the depression.  I do have some L-Tyrosine but have not taken it yet.  I am taking Celexa 40mg, an antidepressant and want to find out if I should take the L-Tyrosine with the Celexa.  I am waiting for an appointment with my psychiatrist.  The depression is really difficult.

I want to lose 3 - 5 pounds a week (at least initially to get me motivated).  I weigh 155 pounds and I am 5 4".  The most I have ever weighed.  I need to see results or I get really discouraged.  Any suggestions?  I eat a lot of fruit, fruit smoothies, turkey breast sandwiches, oatmeal (lowfat), coffee, water and no soda.  Thanks for your help!

How are you feeling?  Day 5?
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1831920 tn?1320857757
Let us know what your new thread is when you post it just in case we can't find you.  What have you been up to?  I did accomplish one major project.  I made cake pops for Halloween in the shape of pumpkins.  Chocolate cake, orange candy coating with green tic tacs for the stems.  They turned out pretty good for my first time making cake pops.  i guess that means I could make more than grilled cheese if I really wanted to.

How is the RLS?  Can you find a new doctor?
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thanks littlebit i am going to start a new thread w a new quest this one geting kind of long so be sure to find me please
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1831920 tn?1320857757
Don't quit posting.  I get sick for days at a time and can't get out of bed.  I have been clean since Oct. 7.  I quit counting the days.  Your dinner from the other night sounded great -roast, potatoes and carrots!  Yum!  I am still stuck in the grilled cheese phase and haven't graduated to anything else since.  Gotta to go pick up my son at school but will post a longer message when I get back.  Hope you are having a blessed day!
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1801781 tn?1461629469
Don't quit.  We lost a day when the site was down and it was also down this morning for a few hours.  

I started stretching my legs lately and that has helped some.  I stand straight and bend over like I am trying to touch my toes.  I am too old to do that well and never get far, but it stretches my legs enough to help.  I do it about 3 minutes or so.  I walk around and then do it again.  Wish I had discovered this last month!  LOL

It is trial and error to what works.
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ugh littlebit i would not wish that rls on ANYONE.... it seems to be getting better i start getting it around 7:30 but i seem to be able to fall asleep still i wake up every hour or two and takes a while to fall back asleep i need 11 hrd of UNINTERRUPTED sleep.... the rls comes back in the AM around 4 or5  and i have to get out of bed but starting the day that early makes me EXHAUSTED i have to break this cycle somewhere... i stayed really busy yesterday we had some friends over from our old church for dinner made roast, potatoes, and carrots really good meal and nice time visitng but after churcha dn then the meal i was sooooo tired. i am thinking bout going to the YMCA today w my son maybe swimming... i would like to go on the treadmill for a bit too. I REALLY appreciate ur support here as everyone else either never bothered to post or stopped posting it is kinda upsetting i have been trying not to let it get me down but it is kinda sad when u go to all these other forums and see SEVERAL people faithfully posting to help them through several times a day i dont get how they decide who is important enough to help and who isnt??? anyway i have considered stopping posting several times as it jsut doesnt seem worth it but for now i am contnuing i hope u r doign will and agian thanks
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1801781 tn?1461629469
Medhelp was offline all day yesterday!  Finally came back at midnight my time.  RLS will stop.  Mine has not, but I have had it for years before the pills.  3 weeks is huge!  You are right that first laugh is wonderful!!!  Keep laughing.
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yeah littlebit unfortuanatly it is one drug that will help it but i cant take them so i will have to deal w whatever happens. OK i tried to get on here yesterday it was down when i did but we had a very BUSY day yesterday. My husband told me i had the day off he was cleanign and taking care of baby he told me to go do whatever i want even if it is sleep in a park lol. I went and got my haircut got my eyebrowns done, went to the chiropractor, grocery store and to lunch w my sister. I felt really good then after supper we carved a pumpkin for the baby's first halloween. It was a really blessed day i am so glad i was able to stay busy feeling good for the most part and being clean all at the same time. Last night i laughed so hard w my husband i had tears rolling down my face i looked at him and said this is the laugh everyone talks about ur first REAL laugh:) i am soooo happy i cant believe i have made it 3 weeks i did have a dream last night and woke up w not a mental but a physical craving i had pains in my stomach and had that really bad feeling in me about wanting pills it was not a mind thing but a physical thing it kinda scared me that was the 2nd dream i have had now that i took pills i felt really defeated cuz i thought i relapsed but it was just a dream actually a nightmare... the RLS have clamed down a bit u slept on and off last night but they start right back up at about 4 am i am hoping since it has supsided it will go away soon... i hope everyone is hanging in there know that is DOES get better just keep pushing the days go by a lot faster too i already have 21 days:) i am sooo happy and i thank my God for this all... blessings to u all i hope to hear some replies
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1801781 tn?1461629469
I found out the hard way that my pills kept the RLS at bay. I slept well, too but woke up drugged and tired.  3 weeks is awesome!  
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ann no not really better w the RLS it really hits me at night last night it didnt start till almost 8 but kept me up ALL night i actually laid in bed and cried to the point where it woke my husband up:( he talked to me and was really a big help but was still up the rest of the night i dont know what i will do if i dont get some sleep soon i sure hope it stops. I am in between family dt's now it is a long story but due to some past bills from a LONG time ago they wont see me even tho i have ins all the dr's under this "same group" which is amost ALL our dr's have a note in the puter not to schedule me i do have requip left and that isnt even helpind getting really frusterted no i didnt have it while using i slept like a baby in fact a lot of dr's prescribe narcotics for RLS so i am pretty much screwed there. So sorry u r feeling so depressed. I lost over 60 lbs a few years ago and slowely gained it back due to pregnancies then my use of pills. It is a hard thing. I cut out POP do NOT drink ANY sugary drinks u will lose a BUNCH just by doing that. Watch ur carbs bread, potatoes, candy, ships etc that is another biggy... and do some excercising i am forcing myself to excersice even tho i dont feel like it and look in the mirror EVERYDAY and tell urself u r beautfiul even if u dont feel it. the devil will allow u to snuggle in the position about feeling HORRIABLE about urself and then keep u down dont let it happen jsut get up and say ur not doing that and then start doign things. I forget how many days u have clean??? i dont remember everyones days since there r so many how r u feeling for energy wise??hey wishful great job on day 3 it seems impossiable i know i actually quit counting my days and had to look at a claendar today lol it is 19 days for me YAY in 2 days it will be 3 weeks gone already the days start to go by faster so def keep ur head up:) i still dont feel the best so dont expect only a few days and u willl be better i did that and i think it has messed me up because i just kept htinking i only have to get through 1 week. jsut telling u so u dont get let down coarse it may be quicker for u.. YES my son is a HUGE motivator we tried for a LONG time for a baby and lost 2 in early 2nd trimester so he was BIG TIME wanted. He is SOOOO precious i feel horriable he is almost 1 and i have been using his whole life NOT COOL... I too want that life of normal i had it before and LOVED the clean life. U have enough motivation w urself that u can keep going i am praying for u along w every other person on here. keep it going doing great... blessings to u all.... desperate where r u i hope things r ok been thinkgin of u
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Hey newlife, keep your head up and just remember, it will only get better.  You seem to have your motivation being given to you from your child, just hold on to that and whenever the going gets tough, just remember that motivation.  I personally do not have children, my motivation simply comes from wanting to lead a 'normal' life again, not having to rely on a pill to make my day better.  

@Ann, I too am in the same boat with the depression.  I'm only on day 3 of a hydrodocone detox after using for over a year, and let me tell you it is NO fun.  The best thing I can say for the depression, is pick up some L-Tyrosine.  I did this and it really does help.  That, mixed with a little bit of faith and courage, and you will be able to get through this, just like I will.  If at any point you would like pointers with how to get back into shape, I am a certified personal trainer and would be more then happy to give you a few work out ideas that will get you feeling better.

Wishing everyone all the best and will continue to check in on here, it's the support I'm receiving from here that's really helping push me forward, so thank you all and keep pushing, it will only get better.
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1831920 tn?1320857757
RLS any better today?  I sure wish that would go away for you.  Did you have that at all when you were using?  Can you check with your doctor about taking some Clonidine and see if that takes away the symptoms?  That would be so good if it did.

What was for dinner tonight?  I just had a strawberry and banana smoothie.  I am trying so hard to lose weight.  I am actually very depressed about my weight and don't know what to do about it.  Rarely do you see a smile on my face.  I just don't know what to do.  Besides praying, any suggestions?   I hate myself right now.  The depression is hard to overcome.  I am so, so, so sad.  Never have I weighed this much.  :(   Thanks for listening.
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well i seem to be sleeping abit at night getting up lots to go potty the RLS seems to calm down so i can fall asleeep but comes back at 4 in the morn so bad i have to get up UGH that makes for a LONG day no wonder i cant lay down past 8 pm my eyes start burning at 6 i hope tis ends soon and i hope i have a good day today blessings to all hope everyone is doing well
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Yes his name is from the Bible we love it my husband is really into the old testimant so he knows all the stories i saw josiah online actually and asked him he fell in love w it and told me all about josiah from the bible!!!

Ok so it is 7 pm and the restless legs has started oh ever so faithful restless legs how i want to scream UGH it seems not near as bad and i only get it in one leg but wondering why in the heck wont it go away it has been over 2 weeks since my last vic/perc it is driving me crazy and i am startign to fear it will not go away. I know this is a real thing u can have it without detoxing oh my if i have it forever i will DIE... i am soooo fearful of this i wait for it to come that is prob why it keeps comign i wont allow my mind to jsut forget about it idk what to do but i am gonna stay clean.... i wish it would jsut stop
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1831920 tn?1320857757
Is the name Josiah from the bible?  That is a really original name.

You need to treat yourself for making it this far and go out to dinner or order dinner in.  God bless.  Ann
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ann NO we dont live in warm we live in Iowa lol it is already FREEZING here... i persoanlly LOVE the fall weather and we do still go for walks we jsut bundle up good he LOVES it. No i forgot about a dr appt then we ran errands until my hubby had to go to work and Josiah didnt get a nap so he was CRANKY lol... we will shoot for tommorrow. We have been going for walks when hubby gets home tongith he works 2nd shift so i may take baby by myself we will see it is pretty cold today... i dont knwo if the vitamin is helping i seemed to be ok last night i had it here and there but not as bad as its been maybe its going away  i sure hope and yeah no way can i take benadryl it gives me crazy restless legs. I am glad u slept last night how r u feeling otherwise?WELCOME KLB congrats on u getting clean... isnt it stupid how we think we have control after so long LOL what a joke....oh well u did it now ur here jsut like me so now what is imprtnatn is u r reclaiming ur life this is a good place to be to get some support keep posting it will help. I dont think personally the tramadol helped it made the w/d a little better but i think in the long run it made it worse once i stopped that i felt really bad it akmsot jsut delayed the symptoms i think. Well i am praying for u keep ur head up prayer will help u. Dont feel bad about asking God for help even tho u did this HE knows we are weak BUT he is strong. That is why Jesus died for us because out stupid sinful nature when we r broke and humbly come to God that is what he loves... blessings to u keep posting and keep going forward dont look back the sober life is the best as u already knwo this
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Hi, I only read the first 5 or so posts but wanted to write you...I too was clean (for 4 years) and thought I could take just one hydrocodone a friend gave me for a hangover...stupid stupid stupid....it's 3 months later and I'm taking 4-6 10mg daily. Blah! I'm on day one of a very fast taper but I wanted to let you know that DICLOFENAC helps! I don't know if you can get this prescribed but it helps my RLS ALOT!  It not narcotic or an opiate or a muscle relaxer. All it is, is a non-sterodial anti-inflamatory like ibprofren except prescribed and stronger. Try it if you can. I'm going to go against everyone's advice and take a few tramadol to help too. I came off of oxycontin, methadone, and daladid before so I should be able to do this, just scared to death of the withdrawals. Plus, had to go to rehab for all that...got too much going for me to confess a relapse...really want the will power to do it on my own.....as for God...He's my strength. I too was once very involved in church and still want to be....just hate asking him for help when I did this to myself.
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1831920 tn?1320857757
Hi there - I took two Benadryl last night and slept from 10 pm - 7 am without waking up once.  Had many dreams so it was a restful sleep.  I woke up feeling so much better.  I didn't have that overwhelming exhaustion that I usually feel.  I read on one post that Benadryl is not good for RLS so you may not want to try it.  Did the zinc mag calcium help?

I bet your son is so adorable.  Did he get to go swimming at the YMCA?  Do you live somewhere with a warm climate that you can take him for walks well into November?

DESPERATE - that is amazing how quickly you recovered.  I haven't been able to do any major cooking in two weeks.  I made a grilled cheese sandwicih which doesn't really count.
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oh my gosh hesperate i am smiling form ear to ear reading ur post WOW GREAT JOB... that is awsome u got out i am glad u r feelign better u sound better than me lol i LOVE when babies r born it was the BEST time of my life when i had my son 10 months ago what a blessing u r cooking for them i am sure they appreciate it it is hard when u have a baby my boy was in the NICU for a week for low blood sugars because i was diabetic w him so it was really challenging... keep geting out it does help i hear u on the not thinking it could be like this after a week. I keep waking up feeling great but just after a couple hrs i get drained and the rest of the day is not so exciting. i jsut told my husband if i could just have a FULL day of feeling great and not falling after a few hrs of being awake i would be extrememly happy. We went to do a few errands this morning and i was feeling EXHAUSTED by the time we got home. on wed my husband works 2nd shift i dont really like it but oh well... we had him here for the day at least hoping tonight goes a little smoother i long to feel myself 100 again. It must be the vitamins u r taking too i am only taking cal mag zinc and a mulitviatmin and a b12 i didnt get all the rest i am thinking it is not neccessary to start now after i have all these days behind me but sure wishing i would have gotten them from the beginning.  thanks debbie for the encouragemnt havent went back to my inbox to get back to u yet but i will today... and YES God is always faithful i would be lost without him in my life me and my husnaband have been spending much more time in the Word together and it feels great i can feel the presence if God with us:) again thanks guys for ur support keep going desperate SOOOOO happy to hear u r feelign better
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by the way,,,i slept 11 hours straight last night and went for huge walk in the morning too b4 my hubby took me out for a treat to the movies and dinner,,ohhh life is good when ur sober and clean from those evil pillssssss.
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hi newlife, how are u? im doing well,sorry 4 not posting today but my hubby took me out and today was my first day out since i went c/t and it felt great,i have alot more energy than yesterday and these vits and amino acids seem to be doing what the protocol said they would and they are amazing,i have virtually no more symptoms whatso ever,literally.im mentally happy and not anxious and very calm and all feelings seemed to have come back,im smiling,im laughing again and im enjoying the lil normal things in life like a dinner with my hubby and kids and going for coffee with my friends,,,,i wasted so many years on these evil pills,and im so suprised at the speed of my recovery especially considering the doses i was on,100mg of tramadol a day, 800mg of codeine a day(i think its vicodin in america)and alot of morphine,and to go from that to cold turkey and be totally back to normal in 7 days is absolutely amazing to me and im so happy that i made the decision and i hope i never ever go back,i made dinner today for my family and my friends family,she just had baby twin girls last night,so cute,so im cooking dinner for her 5 kids and hubby for next week or so,and if u told me i wud be able to do that one week ago i wud have laughed at the thought,and look at me nowwww,im so happy again like i always used to be,please everyone join the fight against all these pills and lets get clean for life....its GREAT.
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