723959 tn?1314744225

I Need Your Help!!!!!!

Okay I am addicted to hydrocodone takeing about 6 to 8 pills a day, I need to quit!!!!!!! I have tryed several times to quit and have failed. I am working a job right now and cannot take No time off!! I have seen on here that many people have quit with that suboxene stuff, how does it work, I heard it takes the w/ds away which will be great. I have Great insurance and can go to any doctor with no copay. Please help me with this, me and my husband are trying to build a house and i am blowing all my money on pills. He has tryed to help me quit and its just to hard on my whole family. And he told me to come on here and ask yall about sub. I know it is exspensive but my insurance will cover it. so plz help. Thankyou

20 Responses
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I am on day 2 of C/T from hydro 240 mg a day. I am using Valium to help with sleep but thats about it. I have used a few tylynol for the aches and pains and it does help. I feel like awful but minute by minute (especially with encouragement from the forum) it seems to get better. You can do this. Just keep posting...gd147
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  Tapper down with the med and then jump!!!  You will not die,  I promise you won't  
You are stronger than you think too!!!

  Just make sure you have the immodium and otc pain meds,  a heating pad, muscle rub .  Take hot baths at night when you get home.  If you have a muscle relaxer, then they will help at bedtime.  This is doable,  not comfortable, but many others have detoxed from much harder stuff and you can do this.   Motrin800,  arthritus strength pain med, something that you can keep taking to help with muscle pain.  
  We really do care,  we will be here for you if you decide to do this.  I hope that you can go to a dr. and get help with it if you can.

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401095 tn?1351391770
great advice...talking with ur dr is a must...cos he can help..cutting off supply is so important..

and just think if u werent doing pills u may not have to work as much cos u would have lots more money on hand..if u r buying  6-8 a day then u r forking out some dough for sure

I am not sure about how to make urself WANT to quit...I think u do tho or u would not be on an addiction forum..think about it for a sec..people who do not want help do not post here cos it is a way of reaching out..and this u r doing for sure..and it is a very huge step forward cos many never do what u r doing right now...so u really do want this i am willing to bet...u r afraid and everyone here was, or is afraid...u may not be giving urself enuf credit...u have been thinkin bout this for a while and u have thought enuf about this to reach out to strangers...that is a pretty heavy thing to do for someone who is convinced they can not pull thru this..just thinkin and we r all different but if it were me//and it was a while back//i would kinda think i may be getting sick and tired of being sick and tired....lots of support here so keep posting
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Since you said you can't taper, then c/t is your only option other than sub. Just look into it and get advice from others here before going that route. I would suggest coming up with a plan, set a quit date and as avis said find some type of recovery care. There are options with no cost, N/A would be a good start. Although you will feel terrible for a few days of w/d's, is that not worth it to be free? These drugs just add to our emotional problems and make us feel worse. What is the longest you have stayed off them kalie?  There is so much more to quitting than w/d's. Keep posting and reading, you have a lot of support already. As GTMI would say, "when your desire to get clean is stronger then your desire to use, than you will get clean. Good luck, you can do this.
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Yes you can if you change your attitude.. Our brain is a powerful tool and put to use it is amazing.. with a defeatist attitude you are going to fail.. simple.. but with a strong attitude. I can quit I have made up my mind come hell or high water.. you will quit.. tell you Dr. you do not want them anymore.. I had to do the same.. I also had to tell a surgeon I'm a drug addict recently.. not enjoyable. but a must.. You need to get it together and stop giving all your money to the dealer.. do you really think 6 to 8 pills a day is worth everything you have.. what about what it is costing your husband.. stand up to your addiction and take you life back.. lesa
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723959 tn?1314744225
you are right, yes I do want to quit, but my mind tells me I can't, if I try i will fail. Will i ever get to that point?
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199177 tn?1490498534
a lot of sub doctors don't take ins but you will have to check and yes the wd off of sub can be really bad .If you are going to try sub then I would only do short term .Here is my question what are you going to do to stay clean getting off the pills is the easy part staying off is so much harder .What recovery care program will you be using ?
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401095 tn?1351391770
sounds like u have a dilemna....when u r done with ur dilemna, u will know and perhaps u can then move forward...perhaps it is not ur time to quit but u r not screwed...unless u want to be that way...anything we r, is controlled in our mind..and we always have control over our mind...even if u do sub for a couple of weeks, u still have the mental part to deal with later on...if u do the sub long term u will have to be capable of tapering off them successsfully and wds will probably be a part of it if u use sub long term...u r right...u r trapped//by ur own mind...and when u let urself out of the trap u have put urself in..u will succeed in quitting...and not until then..u have to KNOW u can and think positively..I CANT does not work....
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723959 tn?1314744225
Thankyou so much, the last two post have helped me a lot. And about my job, quitting right now cannot affect it. I missed work last week because i was so sick and now I don't have 1 dollar to my name. So I have to work, also I work with my for my husbands aunt and also she is my landlord, so she knows when i am sick, and I live on a farm which takes so Much energy and We go down town everyday except Sunday to sell plants and fresh produce Tues, Fri, and Sat i work from 3am to 8pm and the other days i work ten hours and get 15mins only for a break....No joke. thats why i cannot afford to get sick. We have to bust our butts in the summer because for 3 months in the winter we are not working
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917008 tn?1251223979
That was odd ... anyway, with the depression thing and all, if you can get insurance or can afford it, maybe suboxone is the short-term answer. It doesn't sound like a four-day weekend is going to do it for you, and you need this job. You can't be a wreck when you go in, have to leave early, etc.

I've never done sub, and I've read the horroe stories here, but none of them match the stories about Methadone. Don't forget about individual reactions ... so, if you can't get suboxone right away, try to cut at least one pill out of your daily regimen ... if you have a supply, don't be flushing them down the toilet -- it's great drama, but then you're helpless for longer than four days.

Talk to the sub Dr., letting her/him know that you want a short-term w/d. Your husband could hold them for you, and ensure that you don't overdo it. Make the switch on a weekend to see how it goes, and if it's okay, stick with subs for the minimum amount of time. You really have to deal with the depression thing, and that probably means taking one (or more) weird pharmaceuticals in combination with therapy. You have to have someone to talk to ... NA or something like that might be okay -- check it out.

I'm stuck in my own little hell right now, and the depression is what got me here. I'm going to have to make it a four-day thing, but I'm trying, with not-great results, to bring the intake down before I stop. I try not to think about the moods (they're really bad already -- I'm sick of the stuff, and it isn't helping me at all), just that I'm lucky to have a job. Losing that would be losing just about everything.

Hope this helps, and I hope some more of the regulars jump in here.
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435658 tn?1257805781
I dont know much about Sub but i felt like u that there was no way i could quit, once u set ur mind to it u can do it! I was taking 8 to 10 pills a day i did go to my doctor and he started me on a taper program where he would lower the ml every week i did that for awhile but it was like dragging it on and on..When u get the flu u take off work dont u and have to lay around? Well this is the same its like u have terriable flu some can work though it and others cant, whats one week out of ur life of w/ds to be clean and live the kind of life u want. You can do this i know u can and the ppl on here will help they saved my life just post alot while ur getting off of them and there is always ppl to walk u though it. Good luck and i will say prayers for u. U can do this when u r ready
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917008 tn?1251223979
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642313 tn?1244071722
Kalie, I took the Sub route but did not educate myself before doing so and i did not have a good doctor.  The Subs really do work but the important thing is to get off of Sub as soon as you can.  I ended up taking subs for for more than a year.  It made it much worse for me when I finally quit the subs too.  Go see a doctor well trained in this sort of stuff and tell him or her what your objectives are.  If you can mange to use the sub to come down off the hydros then quickly taper your sub use down to crumbs all over a 2-3 month period and you respect this very powerful drug and you do this all under a good doctor's stringent care, then you will be okay but as someone has already posted, there is no such thing as a free ride, there's a price we all have had to pay in getting over our DOC.  You can trade in the discomfort you will feel over withdrawing from Hydros now for the discomfort you will eventually feel coming off of Subs,...but at the end of the day there will be a few days or maybe even weeks of discomfort in store for you either way.  But when its over, you will be so much better for having made the journey.
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723959 tn?1314744225
I just feel lost then, because i am to weak minded to quit myself or just take a few, if i have them i cannot control myself. My thing is I need energy. Thats why i started in the first place I think. Since my depression and anxiety kicked in when i was about 18 i have just been fighting for energy to keep going. If I lay around at all I go into Horrible depression, like this past week I was sooo sick with a URI infection, i thought i was going to die. I broke down so bad, so bad to the point where my back tooth just fell out,  when i go into depression its like my body shuts down. I guess i am just screwed.
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401095 tn?1351391770
well....cant say anyone here can give u a pain free escape form the pills....and if u think about it that is why we got stuck on them in the first place...cos we didnt want to FEEL....jumping from a 60 mg hydro habit to a sub habit just doesnt sound feasible to me...but if u got a couple of pills to help u thru it may work..thing is if u go to a sub dr they r gonna pour subs all over u as a rule...and u will not get off in time to avoid wd from the sub...it is too easy to keep using sub when u have a dr telling u it is in ur best interest..and maybe it is..i dont know...i was at 100 mgs of hydro a day and i did it..now i did take a 4 day weekend but really think i coulda made it to work if i had to..but i did not...one thing i know for sure is that no job is worth not quitting ur addiction...giz made a good point...what were/or are our excuses for using/or continuing to use....think hard on why u want to jump to a narcotic that is so so so very much stronger than what u r on and then call urself moving forward...cos u wont be if u stay on the sub..u will be taking a huge step backwads....plus the cost of getting on the stuff is not worth it for the few pills u would need for a week or 2 to avoid wds...if in fact u do avoid wd..i also have great insurance but most sub drs do not accept insurance..plus often the pills r not coered either cos addiction is not really sumpin most insurance companies sympathize with...plus it is on ur pharmacy record for life if a pain dr ever checks...just dont think u r that far i..or r u?

off my soapbox cos i am not anti-sub at all and have used it when i was outta pills...has its place in the sheme of things...just dont agree with digging deep holes that u cant climb out of..just because u dont want to miss a day or 2 of work
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kalie.  If you have a weekend, like Fri. eve thru Sun. night,  then you can start your w/d then.   Just get up friday morning and don't take anything ( you will make it okay thru that day) then get the immodiun, otc pain meds, heating pad, and if you can , get Clonidine, it is a  blood pressure med that will help "keep you in your skin" during w/d, also a few tranzene.  A dr. will have to prescribe you those,and some will if you tell them what your are trying to do.  day 3 and 4 will prob. be the worst, some do well after day 3 but day 4 was the end of most of my w/d probs.  You can do this,  your husband can help with the kids ect. and on day four you can still just go to work and take the immodiun and otc pain meds, they help more than you think.   Just say you don't well too well and no one needs to know anything.  The immodium has something in it that will also help with the receptors in the stomach too, but only take if you have the bowels issues that are common with withdrawl.    If you think you can not do this then you may need to go see a sub. dr. and alot on here have used sub. but please know that someday you will need to get off the sub. too as it also is addicting.    Please read all the posts you can and get info from them.  Ask questions, and I hope the best for you.  As for me, I used lortab for five yrs before detox in Feb.  Please read the "POST FOR BEGINNERS AND AFTERCARE' post that I put in on may 27th(or 28th)

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917815 tn?1377498254
how strong were the pills, 5mg or 10mg?
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723959 tn?1314744225
I already take 0.5mgs of klonipin every morning and lexapro 10mgs every other day, for anxiety and depression. Also the doctor gave me clonidine once and it did not faze me
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723959 tn?1314744225
Gizzy you are real smart, and there are more of you that are very intellagent! I am for real this time. and adimtting that I cannot stop without something strong for the w'ds.  plzzzzz.....advice
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917815 tn?1377498254
I dont know much about Sub, but I have heard the WDs from Sub are horrible, a lot worse than Hydro. Can you get some Ativan/Valium? Follow the Thomas Recipe...That'll be a lot better for you.

I was taking 10-12 pills per day and i'm on day 4 of quitting, C/T...doing ok overall...

Some might have had success with Sub, so I dont know, theycan fill you in.

I can tell you what I did and what worked for me if you want, send me a message or PM me, or i can just share it on here...not sure if you just want info on Sub, so i will wait to hear back from you.

Congrats on deciding to quit by the way!
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