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pain pill abuser, I'm going cold turkey

Im coming off 200mg a day. Ive been taking tramadol for about 6years. The lowest dosage Ive had in one day was 50 mgs,but Ive decided Im done taking this crap.
HAve anyone went cold turkey off tramadol and how many days into it does it take withdrawls to stop?
14 Responses
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1641357 tn?1470495393
YAY!  Sounds like you are super strong and determined to do this!  That's so awesome!!  I'm glad that you are doing okay!  What kind of symptoms are you having and stuff?  I hope the WD isn't too bad!!!  Keep it up and as always, SMILE! :)
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Thanks Davi I'm SOO looking for that 20-30 day window where I'm wd free.  My heart rate just excellerated thinking of it. And your right I am angry, angry that for SOO many years I've had enough time to let this medicine suduce me, and now the withdrawls trying TO KICK MY ***. HA! I'm too strong of a gal for that. My momma didn't raise, no fool.  Now its time to act according,  and feel good in my own skin. Not the skin of some man-made pill

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1283286 tn?1312911966
This is a place to be honest Tramagirl..If stomach problems continue to harrass you, get some immodium. It can be your best friend right now..And try to eat something..I went after soups I left on the stove stealing a spoon here and there and some premade sandwiches. A bit here and there. You have to keep some solids moving thru your system not only to reduce the diarrehea effects of the wd's but to also keep calories and vitamins in your system. Which, on the subject of vitamins, please look at the right hand column for suggestions. I was into a strong muti vitamin and did a B-12 supplement as B-12 is suppose to help with the imbalance in the brain these drugs cause...

One thing I hear in your voice is your anger over all this. Use it to your advantage. These drugs stole your sense of wellbeing. Thats strength in diquise that many don't know how to use to their advantage..You've got it though.. And now you have found the right place to answer some questions but also find many new friends fighting the same battle with tons of advice to get thru the days that really pull a person down at times..

All I can say is hang on and don't second guess when those bad thoughts come at you..I'm not going to lie about this. You have 2 pretty rough weeks coming then things will slowly change. Just stand strong and get days behind you. No matter what..My heart really goes out to you because I know whats about to that place for you with a child involved...

Do you best to keep your frustration at times within the realm it came from. Not vent outside yourself toward others..I know you know what I'm saying..I have a gut feeling on this..Find distractions too.

Busy stuff is good but if insomnia really wears on you, find some spaced out movies..Sci-fi stuff. Things that will get the present day reality out of your mind and stare at them during spells of no sleep if caught up in a ceiling staring mode when attempting to sleep. The sleep issue will wear on you the next couple of weeks..Shower work wonders too for quick temp relief..It washes some of the headaches away for at least a short spell when things get real depressing..Thats normal and will pass but can really wear you down energy wise... Into your 3rd and 4th week you will actually feel your old self kicking in and notice improvement in a way that you know its really happening...You've got great inner strength..You can do this..Keep close to the forum and fight like heck to get these early days behind you. The clock may seem to be slow at present but the next thing you know? It will be behind you..Keep your focus there..Loo past the present and keep that strength of yours on the good feelings which will return by mid June...The 20 to 30 day window is when it really does change for the better...
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Thanks for responding yes its crazy cause I've kept my dosage low.  When I had a 4 day script it last 6 days.  Even though I never excessively took these pills,  when I ran out I immediately got a new script or refill. Thank God I've come to my damn senses. I'm embarassed of the situation I've put myself in. How dare I think a pill will be my saviour?  Feel a void, then become the VOID. IM 31years old in physical health.  Now if I keep my mind frame on REALITY,  AND MY GOD I AM....I WILL GET BETTER.  THANK Y'ALL SOO MUCH. THIS IS MY FIRST TIME EVER BEING HONEST WITH THIS ADDICTION
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Thanks for responding yes its crazy cause I've kept my dosage low.  When I had a 4 day script it last 6 days.  Even though I never excessively took these pills,  when I ran out I immediately got a new script or refill. Thank God I've come to my damn senses. I'm embarassed of the situation I've put myself in. How dare I think a pill will be my saviour?  Feel a void, then become the VOID. IM 31years old in physical health.  Now if I keep my mind frame on REALITY,  AND MY GOD I AM....I WILL GET BETTER.  THANK Y'ALL SOO MUCH. THIS IS MY FIRST TIME EVER BEING HONEST WITH THIS ADDICTION
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Hi, I started tapering off tramadol 13 days ago. I only had 3 pills left when my Doc refused to refill my prescription, so I halved and quartered - made them last as long as I could. I also went into the cold sweats, panic attacks, severe stabbing abdominal pain and vomiting. I absolutely could not sleep at all while experiencing restless legs along with the rest of my symptoms. I had a nurse friend who took pity on me and gave me Xanax for the panic attacks and to help me sleep. It was a godsend. I don't know what I would have done without it. I had to make it through two graduations-my senior son and college daughter, just days after I started the rapid wean process. Its never a good time to go through this, but thank God you are doing this. Tramadol is a slow kill pill. It is highly addictive in a short period of time on low doses-contrary to what the Dr's will tell you. Withdrawal can be brutal but you can do it-many on this forum have done it and know exactly what you are going through. We are here for you-you can do it too!!!! If you can make it through the first 3 days it will get better. Hang in there!
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It may not be too bad for you. Six years is long but you kept the amount pretty low. It's great that you're moving around;it helps the time go by.

If you have a refill for this you need to cancel it,okay??  The urge to pick it up will be strong.

If this is prescribed you really should tell the doctor that you no longer need it...

Good luck!!
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Thanks for your response,  and yea I feel like I have the flu.  Today I'm sneezing, runny nose and had to potty a bit. I'm fatigue but REFUSE TO LIE AROUND,  I have a 8 year old hyper princess and God knows I don't need her to suffer cause of my stupidity. I've been keeping busy cleaning and writing, playing with my. child. .
Thanks to all the responses I'm receiving..
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Hey! Im an addict of lortab and have been on them about 11 years..I've known for years but chose to deny it..I've almost lost my boyfriend twice, but he can relate because he too is recovering. ..he is 7 days cold turkey, I am 7 days on a taper, and every day I am able to go later on my dose! I can be a sense of support if u would like, because I need it too! I am proud u r taking this step...I keep telling myself it's all for the best! I will be here for u if u would like!
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Okay...many people taper this med. Tramahater stopped abruptly and I rememeber that very well!!!   She 's still doing well and has over one year clean!! ImDONENoMore has experience as well and she's kicking around here somewhere!!  She'll help you with particulars...

So far what you're feeling is normal.  Just know that you're going to feel sick for maybe two weeks but getting better after one week!  Insomnia and lack of energy hang around but you just have to push through that!!

Drink as much as you can...it's really important. Hot soaks with epsom salts are great and make you feel a lot better. I just noticed that Walgreens has some scented epsom salt: $.99 for 12 ounces. It 's a good deal so get some of that. Eat bananas,drink juice and gatorade,and protein rich foods.

Stay in touch!
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Thanks for your kind words,  well my last pill was 5am Friday morning,  and before then was 8pm Thursday night. So last night and today was my day 1 without. Last night while trying to sleep I had severe cold sweat showers, a few tremors and weird violent dreams:(
My body didn't ache though, I felt cold and alone. Which I wanted to FEEL THIS WAY, THATS WHY I REFUSE TO TAPER...I NEED TO UNDERSTAND THE DEPTH OF MY ADDICTION. I have been in denial til two days ago. I realize all I think about is filling my prescription, or manipulating doctors for more.  I know my wds are going to be hell, I just NEED SOME FRIENDS TO HELP ME FOR ONCE, NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT MY ADDICTION. SO THAT'S WHY I'M HERE.
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1283286 tn?1312911966
Something else..I think tramadol is one of those drugs that really needs to be tapered if possible. Unlike the standard opiate pain pills,,,the tramadol has an anti depressant in it which can cause some adverse reactions if going cold turkey from a high dose. There are many that have cold turkeyed, but I'm thinking its recommended to taper tramadol if my memory is serving me correctly..
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1283286 tn?1312911966
Need to send a message to Tramahater and get some feedback from her..She went thru what you are about to undertake and give you all the in's and out's of this...Write her though..You want to know what to expect. My experience is from a high dose of Oxycontins. And from what I understand, tramadol wd's are a bit more involved than the H*ll oxy's put a person thru.

.Knowledge of knowing what to expect helps immensily when those confusing mental anguish moments hit...Dav
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1641357 tn?1470495393
Glad to hear that you have stopped.  It's kind of slow here on the weekends, but I'm sure that some will post soon.  I don't know too much about Tramadol.  When was your last dose, and was it the 200 mg?  You can do this :)  Good luck!
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